The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 1062: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

According to rumors, Jing Ke, a native of the Wei Kingdom, once traveled through Yuci and discussed swordsmanship with Ge Nie.

Ge Nie got angry and stared at Jing Ke, who then left.

Someone suggested calling Jing Ke back, but Gai Nie said: "I was discussing swordsmanship with him just now, and there was something wrong with him, so I glared at him. You might as well try to find him. I think in this case he is It’s time to leave here, I don’t dare to stay anymore.”

They sent people to the host where Jing Ke was staying and found that Jing Ke had already driven away from Yuci. When the messenger came back to report, Genie said: "Of course he wants to leave. I just glared at him and made him afraid!"


There is obviously a big difference between the Gai Nie in history and the Gai Nie in Qin Dynasty Mingyue.

Gai Nie, the bright moon of the Qin Dynasty, was cold and wise, like an iceberg, and almost never smiled.

The same is true for Wei Zhuang.

I don’t know if it’s the tradition of the Linggu sect or what, but both Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang have cold faces and serious expressions.

And the historical Ge Nie was not cold at all.


Gai Nie gently closed his eyes, and everything fell silent.

Li Bai's expression on the opposite side couldn't help but change. He knew in his heart that Gai Nie was about to make a big move.

Li Bai felt a powerful energy in Gai Nie's body. He could feel that this energy could pose a threat to him.

Gai Nie's momentum is restraining.


Seeing this, Li Bai no longer restrained himself. The Taibai Sword was placed in front of him, and golden light suddenly appeared.

Under Li Bai's feet, broken stones flew up one after another and floated in the air. The Taibai Sword continued to rotate, rubbing the air and making a buzzing sound.

Under the ground, something terrifying seems to be gestating.

It makes people feel heart palpitations.

"Back off, everyone back off," Fusu issued an order to the guards.

Hearing Fusu's voice, everyone quickly retreated.

Everyone in the Mo family was not stupid either. They also felt great terror and retreated quickly.

At this moment, Gai Nie opened his eyes, and a strong opportunity broke out at this moment.

"Hundred Steps Flying Sword", all Gai Nie's momentum gathered on the flying sword and attacked Li Bai.

At this moment, Li Bai's ultimate move was ready.

"Ten thousand swords across the sky", the Taibai Sword in front of Li Bai instantly changed from horizontal to upright.

The tip of the sword is facing upwards, and the center part is standing horizontally.

"Bang bang bang", countless sword energy and sword blades continued to emerge from beneath the ground, densely packed, as if the sword energy formed an ocean.

Ten thousand swords return to the clan, and the sword energy is vertical and horizontal.

Ge Nie took Yuan Hong, followed Yuan Hong, and rushed in directly.

Be fearless and move forward indomitably.

"Bang", the sword energy kept breaking, but it did not stop and kept attacking Gai Nie! .. rm8

Chapter 1443 "Green Lotus Sword Song" Duan Murong

The scene was really so big that it made people feel shocked.

Thousands of sword energies, like crazy demons, are heading in one direction.

In this "rain of weapons and bullets", one man and one sword shuttled through it.

Everyone was staring intently at this great collision of the century, with one sword energy after another crisscrossing the air.

At this moment, Li Bai seemed to have finished accumulating strength, and the Taibai sword turned around, turning the sword head and heading towards Gai Nie in front of him.

The Taibai Sword turned into a comet, dragging a long tail. Behind the Taibai Sword, the whole body was enveloped in a strong Gengjin aura.

Gai Nie's expression became even more solemn. From the blade of Taibai Sword, one could clearly feel the strong energy and murderous intent.

"Bang", an even more powerful airflow suddenly burst out from the Yuan Hong Sword's blade.

"Boom", in the end, Yuanhong Sword and Taibai Sword still collided.

The tip of a needle is facing the awning, and the comet is hitting the earth.

The strong wind blew away the smoke in all directions.

In front of Fusu, an air film formed, blocking the sweeping smoke directly outside.

Fan Xiaobin and Liu Yifei followed Fusu, protected by Fusu's protective film.

Beside Zi Nu, the purple chain snake soft sword not only waved, it cut the air flow and blocked everything out.

The snow girl is even more beautiful, like a goddess descending to earth. The white silk gauze wraps the snow girl in it, and the strong wind is directly split.

As for those ordinary guards, they kept retreating under the strong wind.

They retreated involuntarily, completely driven.

The power of this wind is really too strong.

The already fragmented floor was completely reduced to nothingness after an attack here.

The surrounding pillars were blown directly off.

The entire hall was instantly empty.

Everyone closed their mouths and remained motionless, looking at the center of the field.

In the air, Li Bai's green lotus and Gai Nie's white dragon collapsed directly and dissipated into nothingness.

The smoke dissipated, and Li Taibai and Gai Nie were seen half-kneeling on the ground.

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