The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 1069: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

Yuan Tiangang was the most famous physiognomist in the Tang Dynasty and a master of physiognomy in Kyushu. He was a native of Chengdu, Sichuan.

Yuan Tiangang was an astronomer, astrologer, forecaster, Feng Shui master, Taoist priest, and fortune teller from the late Sui Dynasty and early Tang Dynasty.

He was good at learning from the wind, but he was not satisfied after repeated tests. In the Sui Dynasty, he was appointed as the Yanguan Order, and in the Tang Dynasty, he was appointed as the Huojing Order. It is said that he knew the "wind mirror", that is, he could judge good or bad luck based on the sound and direction of the wind. He is also proficient in facial physiognomy, Liuren and five elements. He is the author of "Liu Ren Ke", "Five Elements Xiangshu", "Three Worlds Xiangfa", and co-authored with Li Chunfeng "Tuibei Diagram", "Yuan Tiangang's Bone Weighing Song", etc. 518 Chinese website.

According to the general annals, there is a volume of "Xuanyao of Yi Jing", which has been lost for a long time. Yuan Tiangang is the second son of Yuan Shouyi, an elegant scholar of the Sui Dynasty. He was originally from Qinjia'ao Township, Jiangjin County, Sichuan Province. He later traveled to Luolin City, Chang'an and other places. Live the life of idle clouds and wild cranes.

Rumor has it that Yuan Tiangang met Du Yan, Wang Gui, and Wei Ting in Lorraine City, predicting that Du Yan would be famous for his literary prowess; Wang Gui would reach the fifth rank in less than ten years; and Wei Ting's face Like a tiger, he will serve as a military attaché.

He also predicted that all three of them would be demoted and punished after becoming officials, and they would all meet again at that time.

Sure enough, during the Wude period of Emperor Gaozu of the Tang Dynasty, Du Yan was selected as a bachelor of Tiance to serve as the imperial censor; Prince Li Jiancheng recommended Wang Gui to be the fifth-grade prince Zhongyun, and Wei Ting was appointed as the military attaché Zuowei.

Just when their official careers were going smoothly, the three of them did not expect to be demoted to Junzhou together because of the palace's seizure of power. As expected, they met Yuan Tiangang here again.

Yuan Tiangang met again and predicted that "the public ranks will eventually become more expensive", and in the end they will all reach the third rank. The future and outcome of the three people were later verified to be as expected.

By the early years of Emperor Taizong's reign, Yuan Tiangang had become world-famous for his fortune-telling predictions. Li Shimin, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, summoned Yuan Tiangang and praised him for his exquisite and profound skills.

Later, Yuan Tiangang asked him to read faces of Zhenguan officials Zhang Xingcheng, Ma Zhou and others in Jiucheng Palace. His predictions about future events were all accurate.

Legend has it that Emperor Taizong Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty ordered Yuan Tiangang and Li Chunfeng, two famous astrologers at the time, to compile the "Tuibei Tu", the first and most wonderful book of Chinese prophecies, in order to predict the fate of the Tang Dynasty. Li Chunfeng used Zhouyi Bagua to make calculations. Unexpectedly, he became addicted to calculations and got out of control. He actually calculated the fate of Jiuzhou for more than two thousand years after the Tang Dynasty. Until Yuan Tiangang pushed him on the back and said: "The secrets of heaven must not be leaked again." , it’s better to go back and rest.” Therefore, this prophetic book is named “Tuibei Tu”.

There are a total of sixty images in "Tuibei Tu". Each image is accompanied by a prophecy and a "Song of the Day" rhyme, which predicts the main events that occurred in the history of Kyushu from the Tang Dynasty to the future world of Datong.

"Old Book of Tang Dynasty·Fang Ji" records that Yuan Tiangang's most famous legendary fortune teller was to read the fortune of Empress Wu Zetian. When Wu Zetian was still in infancy, Yuan Tiangang was surprised when he saw Wu Zetian's mother Yang and said: "Mrs. Fa gave birth to a precious son!"

Wu Zetian's mother took her two sons, Wu Yuanqing and Wu Yuanshuang, to meet Yuan Tiangang. However, Yuan Tiangang saw that they could reach the third rank, but they were just masters who could protect the family, and they were not considered very noble.

The Yang family also summoned Wu Zetian's sister, and later granted the title of Mrs. Beiyueguo to Yuan Tiangang. Yuan Tiangang said, "This girl is noble but unlucky!" Finally, the nanny took out Wu Zetian, who was dressed in boy's clothes. Yuan Tiangang saw the infant. Wu Zetian was shocked and said that she "has dragon eyes and a phoenix neck, which is extremely valuable!"

But he said regretfully: "It's a pity that he is a man. If he were a woman, she would be the master of the world!"

The historical process was once again predicted by him in advance. Yuan Tiangang's mother was a talented woman from the Sui Dynasty who was born in Luowanba.

In folklore, there are even more magical stories about Yuan Tiangang. The most widely circulated legend is that Empress Wu Zetian once asked Li Chunfeng and Yuan Tiangang to explore and select the dragon cave in the cemetery for her.

First, Li Chunfeng ran for ninety-nine and eighty-one days, found the auspicious soil of Dragon Cave in Jiuwei Mountain, and buried a copper coin; then he asked Yuan to go out to search, and he found this place after seven and forty-nine days, and then he pulled out a copper coin from his head. Insert the silver hairpin. Wu Zetian asked someone to verify whether the auspicious soil of the dragon cave they chose was consistent. When they dug it up, they found that Yuan Tiangang's silver hairpin was inserted into the square hole of the copper coin.

Among the people, Yuan Tiangang is believed to be the star of wisdom in the Tiangang star that descended to earth. ..


Chapter 1451 The Legend of Yuan Tiangang

According to the information from Tiangongyuan, it is said that Yuan Tiangang was the son of Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty Yang Shu and was born in the early third year of the reign of Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty. Because Queen Dugu killed her mother, she was raised by the Yuan family. Later, she learned martial arts from Master Zhiren of Mount Emei. On the way down the mountain, she met Li Bo, the father of Li Chunfeng, and Sun Simiao, the king of medicine. She learned arithmetic, medicine, and physiognomy, and later became a famous figure in history. Astronomer and calendar master, Feng Shui physiognomy master.

When Emperor Yang of the Later Sui Dynasty retained him, he hated him for his unkindness. He was recommended to Tang Wang Li Yuan by Jinshi Liu Tingjing and became one of the founding military advisors of the Tang Dynasty.

In the early years of Zhenguan, he entered Shu from Chang'an on the order of Taizong to measure the king's energy. Later, he traveled around the world and became a famous Feng Shui master and astronomer.

Li Shimin, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, had two heavenly masters, Yuan Tiangang and Li Chunfeng. The two of them are famous all over the world for their ability to quarrel and calculate.

One day, the two of them went out to play together and saw a tree with two branches growing in the road, so they sat under the tree to rest. As soon as they sat down, they saw a person approaching from a distance. Yuan Tiangang said: "Let's do the calculations to see which side of the tree this person walked from, and see who can calculate it accurately." Li Chunfeng said: "Okay."

The two of them calculated with their fingers. One said they should go to the left and the other said to go to the right. But after the man came over, they neither went left nor right. Without saying a word, they climbed up the tree and got in between the two branches. past.

Yuan Tiangang and Li Chunfeng were very surprised and hurriedly asked the man: "Why don't you walk from the tree?"

The man chuckled and said, "This is called a road facing the sky. Don't walk on both sides!"

Later, they went out for fun and stayed in an inn run by an old lady. Just after eating, I heard the old lady saying: "It's going to rain. If anyone has anything left in the yard, hurry up and tidy it up."

The two of them calculated that it was not raining, so they said that there would be no rain on such a sunny day.

The old woman said, if I tell you what to do, you two won’t clean it up, so don’t complain when it gets wet.

Just as he was talking, a thunder flashed in the sky and heavy rain fell from the sky.

The two were shocked and hurriedly asked the old woman, "Auntie, how come you are so powerful!"

The old lady said that there was no need to worry about whether it was going to rain or not. If her left heel was itching, it would be windy; if her right heel was itching, it would be raining. She had never been on a business trip.

In fact, the old woman has rheumatism, which causes pain when it rains on cloudy days.

The two of them didn't believe it, "Is the heel so accurate?"

That's how accurate it is.

The two of them were so heartbroken that they no longer dared to be arrogant. They went home and studied with all their heart for three years before they came out to do things again.

It is said that on the southeastern outskirts of Langzhong Ancient City, there is a strange mountain range winding southward around the ancient city. Its mountain topography looks like a swimming dragon, hence the name "Panlong Mountain". There are obvious traces of manual digging at its "dragon neck". According to local people, it was "sawed" when Yuan Tiangang, the Feng Shui master of the Tang Dynasty, "severed the dragon's veins".

It is said that in the early years of Zhenguan in the Tang Dynasty, Emperor Taizong received a report that there was an emperor's spirit thousands of miles away in the southwest, and there was a fear that someone would usurp the throne.

Yuan Tiangang was then ordered to measure the king's energy and went to the southwest. When passing through Guangyuan, he was "intercepted" by the military governor of Lizhou Road, the warrior, and asked him to read fortunes for his family. Wu Zetian, who was only one year old, was carried out by a nanny disguised as a boy. Yuan Tiangang looked at it for a moment and exclaimed: "With dragon eyes and phoenix neck, if she were a woman, she would be the master of the world."

Later, Yuan Tiangang saw the Big and Small Panlong Mountains in Langzhong like two dragons coiling behind them. The Phoenix Mountain held its phoenix head high and spread its wings to the left and right, like a phoenix. So he ordered people to combine the Big and Small Panlong Mountains. The dragon's veins were broken by cutting off the whole part. At that time, the stone veins were dug out and "the water flowed like blood" on the short rock. This ensured that "the emperor would not appear within a hundred miles of Langzhong".

The former Guang'an County, the ancestral home of the highest-ranking administrative leader in modern times, is exactly a hundred miles away from Langzhong. To this day, there are still relics of "Jiaoshan Pass" in Langzhong.

After Yuan Tiangang broke the "dragon vein" of Panlong Mountain, he was attracted by the Feng Shui veins of Langzhong, so he decided to spend his remaining years in Langzhong. Later, Li Chunfeng visited his friends and followed him.

Although Yuan and Li were in close contact with each other, they kept each other's secrets in choosing the place for their future tombs. When they started construction, they discovered that the location of their privately chosen tombs was actually in the same Feng Shui place of "Kowloon Holds the Saint". land.

It is said that Li Chunfeng chose a tomb in Tiangong Township, Langzhong, and was impressed by its feng shui, so he buried a copper coin as a record. Later Yuan Tiangang also fell in love with this piece of land and left a golden needle as a record.

When the two later met, they brought up the subject of Feng Shui and both said they were "selected." However, when they unearthed the mark, they discovered that there was a gold needle stuck in the eye of the copper coin. So the two looked at each other and smiled, and together they built the "Tiangong Courtyard" in Langzhong that has been preserved to this day. Since then, the two of them have been living in seclusion in the beautiful Langzhong, cultivating themselves, writing books and biographies, and did not leave until they died. On Wulitai Mountain in Tiangong Township and halfway up Guanjia Mountain, the tombs of Yuan Tiangang and Li Chunfeng are still facing each other, quietly standing next to each other.


Of course, this is just a legend passed down through history. Because time has been too long, many things have disappeared, and many stories have changed.

But Yuan Tiangang and Li Chunfeng are indeed very powerful.

Even in myths and legends, Yuan Tiangang and Li Chunfeng are the daughters of the Seven Fairies, the grandsons of the Jade Emperor! .. rm8

Chapter 1452 The Son of the Seven Fairies Legend

According to folklore, during the Tang Dynasty, there was a member named Li Yuanwai in Wudang Mountain.

The family is very rich, they live in the front hall and back floor, and they have servants and maids at their disposal. They don't have to worry about food, drink, or clothing.

Li Yuanwai loved to look at paintings throughout his life. There are paintings hanging in the hall, guest rooms, and inner bedrooms.

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