The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 1076: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

However, compared with Lin Zhi and other women, Guo Biting is the least famous.

"I really don't know them. I've never heard of the Five Queens." Guo Biting shook his head.

"Among the five great queens, there should be Zhen Mi," Lin Zhi couldn't help but ask at this moment.

Fusu couldn't help being stunned, turned to look at Lin Zhi, and nodded, "Yes, there is indeed Lin Zhi, how did you know?"

"I once filmed a movie called Red Cliff, in which I played Xiao Qiao. At that time, I used to pay attention to other characters in the Three Kingdoms. I remember that Zhen Mi was one of the five queens," Lin Zhi told Fusu.

"You are right. Zhen Mi is indeed one of the five queens. In addition, I can also tell you some good news." Fusu said with a smile on his face.

"What good news?" Lin Zhi and Guo Biting were both stunned.

"The Xiao Qiao you played, and the Luo Shen Zhen Mi you mentioned, are both in my Afang Palace," Fusu said with a smile.

"Really." Lin Zhi's eyes lit up. She had never thought that she could cross time and space and meet Yu Xiaoqiao and Zhen Mi in this world.

Guo Biting was filled with unspeakable shock when she heard the three words "Afang Palace".

Afang Palace, one of the most famous buildings in ancient Kyushu, was built by King Qin.

Guo Biting couldn't help but think of the introduction in Afang Palace Fu.

After the completion of the six kings, the four seas are one, the Shushan Mountain is Wu, and Afang comes out. It has been pressed for more than three hundred miles, and the sky is separated from the sky by five steps to the first floor and ten steps to the pavilion. Panpan Yan, Yan Yan, honeycomb water vortex, I don't know if tens of millions of them fall in one day, in one palace, but the climate is uneven.

The concubines, concubines, princes and grandsons resigned from the palace downstairs, came to Qin in their chariots, sang in the morning and played music at night, and became the people of the Qin palace. The stars are shining brightly, and the makeup mirrors are opened; the green clouds are disturbing, and the servant girls are combing at dawn; the Wei River is swollen and greasy, and the fat and water are discarded; the smoke is slanting and the fog is horizontal, and peppers and orchids are burning. The thunder suddenly startled me, and the palace carriage passed by; I heard the winding of the wind from afar, but I didn't know where it was. Every muscle and every face is extremely beautiful, with a distant vision and a happy look. There are those who cannot be seen, thirty-six years. The collections of Yan and Zhao, the management of Han and Wei, and the elites of Qi and Chu, for several generations, plundered their people, leaning against each other like mountains. Once you can't have it, you will lose it. Dings, clangs, jade, gold nuggets, beads and gravels are thrown away in the winding winds, but the people of Qin regard them with no pity.

But if you take all the baht, it will be used like sand! There are more pillars supporting the building than there are farmers in Nanmu; there are more rafters erecting beams than there are workers on the machine; there are more phosphorus on nail heads than there are grains of millet in Yu; there are more jagged joints in tiles than there are silk threads all over the body; there are more straight rails and horizontal sills. , more than the city walls of the Nine Lands; the orchestral music is hoarse, more than the words of the city people.

The luxury of Afang Palace can be seen from this.

Thinking of Afang Palace Fu, Guo Biting suddenly felt uneasy.

There is excitement about meeting Afang Palace, but also worries about the future.

Because according to the description of Epang Palace, although the interior of Epang Palace is extremely luxurious, it is also filled with beauties.

Just as it says in there.

The concubines, concubines, princes and grandsons left the palace downstairs and came to Qin in their chariots. They sang in the morning and played music at night. They looked like the people of the Qin palace, and their expressions were extremely beautiful. They were distant and farsighted, and looked lucky. There are those who cannot be seen, thirty-six years.

The concubines, princes and grandsons of the Six Kingdoms. Say goodbye to the palaces of the Six Kingdoms, walk down the palaces of the Six Kingdoms, and ride in a chariot to the Kingdom of Qin. The Wei River has swollen with a layer of greasy water. This is the rouge water abandoned by the palace concubines. Every piece of skin, every face, is beautiful. Incredibly charming. The concubines stood for a long time, visiting from a distance, looking forward to the emperor's arrival. Some maids could not see the emperor for thirty-six years.

Guo Biting didn't want to be thrown into the cold palace as soon as she entered Afang Palace.

"How can I deceive you? When the time comes, you can visit in person. In addition to Xiao Qiao and Zhen Mi, there are also Da Qiao, Xiao Chan; Wang Zhaojun, Xi Shi and Yang Yuhuan, and even Wu Zetian is among them. From now on You will slowly get used to it."

On the other side, the Qin army went to chase the fugitives according to Fusu's order.

One way, Xiong Kuohai and Bai Yutang went to chase Qinglong; and the other way, the Gongshu family, Shi Qian, and Li Yuanfang went to capture Xuanwu.

Separate pursuit.

No one knew that a person appeared before the Mo family's organ city was destroyed. ..

Chapter 1460 The Moon God Appears and the Four Great Mechanism Beasts

When Gai Nie and Li Bai were fighting, Duan Murong asked the disciples of the Mo family to leave with Tianming and Yue'er in order to let Tianming and Yue'er escape alive.

She didn't want Yue'er and Tianming to end up like Shao Yu, dead.

She valued Yue'er more than his own life. He would rather die than let Yue'er get out alive.

Therefore, Tianming and Yue'er were secretly taken out of the passage by the disciples of the Mo family.

But what I didn't expect was that at the end of the passage, there was a stunning woman waiting, it was the Moon God.

Yue Shen learned about Yue'er's talent from Fusu's mouth, and her heart changed. She wanted to accept Yue'er as a disciple.

Looking at the little girl in front of him, Luna couldn't help but show a look of satisfaction on her face.

Although he may not be as talented as Ying Jingyao, he is still a rare top talent. More importantly, Yue'er's talent seems to be very close to his own divination.

Tianming looked at the Moon God in front of him, with a wary look on his face, and directly blocked Yue'er behind his back.

"Who are you?" Tianming held Fei Gong in his hand and looked wary.

In that posture, if they disagree, they will fight.

The corners of Luna's mouth couldn't help but curve in an arc, as if she felt very ridiculous.

"The son of Li Ji and Jing Ke?" Moon God looked at Tianming in front of him and murmured to himself, "My purpose is to take Yue'er away. You'd better not stand in front of me." Moon God said to Tianming. .

"Bad guy, you are a bad guy too." After hearing Luna's words, Tianming immediately became angry. He took the non-attack weapon in his hand and attacked Luna.

At this time, Tianming knew nothing and only had a non-attack weapon in his hand.

Seeing this, Moon God couldn't help but laugh. He stretched out his hand and directly controlled Tianming.

"No", Yue'er shouted.

Luna couldn't help but hesitate.

"If you want you to come with me, I will promise you not to kill him," Yue Shen said while looking at Yue'er.

"Yue'er, no, ah" Suddenly, Tianming screamed in pain.

"I promise you." Seeing Tianming's painful look, Yue'er said nothing and hurriedly agreed.

"Okay", Luna loosened her hand and let go of Tian Ming.

But no one knew that a curse mark suddenly appeared on Tianming's body.

Otherwise it's beating.

If Prince Dan were here, he would definitely find that this curse seal is none other than the "Six Souls Terror Curse".

The Moon God actually issued the seal of the Six Souls Fear Curse without making a move.

She obviously still didn't want to really spare Tian Ming.

Yue'er took three steps and looked back at Tianming, but still followed the moon god and left.

Because she knew very well that if she didn't follow, she would be killed in the morning.

"Yue'er", Tianming fell to the ground, stretched out his hand, trying to catch Yue'er, but the figures of each other gradually moved away.

On another cliff, a man put his hands behind his back and looked at the great river and mountains below.

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