The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 1085: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

Xu Fu, a native of Langya in Qi, was a famous alchemist in Qin.

In history, Xu Fu was rumored to be a close disciple of Mr. Lingguzi. He was erudite and proficient in medicine, astronomy, navigation and other knowledge. He was sympathetic to the people and willing to help others, so he had a high reputation among the people along the coast.

According to the Chronicle of King Qin in the Historical Records: In the twenty-eighth year of King Qin, "Xu Fu and others from Qi wrote a letter saying that there are three sacred mountains in the sea, named Penglai, Fangzhang, and Yingzhou, where immortals live. Please fast and pray for them with the boys and girls, so Xu Fu sent thousands of boys and girls into the sea to seek immortals.

King Qin agreed, but what was cheating was that what King Qin was waiting for was Xu Fu who returned empty-handed.

Later, in the thirty-seventh year of King Qin, Xu Fu asked to see King Qin again. Xu Fu claimed to have met Poseidon, but Poseidon refused to give him the elixir because the gift was too thin.

King Qin believed Xu Fu's lies and sent Xu Fu to sea for the second time. Xu Fu then led "three thousand boys and girls" and "hundred workers" and crossbowmen, carrying "grain seeds" and sailed across the sea to the east, becoming the first person to cross the east in recorded history.

Xu Fu's eastward journey to Fuso had a huge impact. Fuso suddenly jumped from a primitive society without writing and farming to the Yayoi period where bronze was used.

During the Taisho period, archaeologists from Fuso discovered a large number of bronze swords, bronze swords, and bronze hods on the coast of the southwest coast of Fuso. These metal artifacts are very similar to those unearthed in northern Kyushu and Nan'an Peninsula, and some are completely identical. Archaeologist Goto Moriichi and others believe that this is an artifact from the fourth or third century BC to around the first century BC. These weapons were probably brought by Xu Fu when he crossed east. ..

Chapter 1469 Descendants of Great Qin——Fusang

There is a clear record in the Shenwu Chronicles that the year when Fusang's first human son of gods, Shenwu, came to the throne was the year of Xinyou, more than four hundred years after Xu Fu was born, so it seems impossible that Xu Fu is Shenwu.

So many people don't agree.

However, during the Shenwu era, Fuso did not have a calendar at all. It was only during the Qinming era of the human god that it was taught by an eminent monk named Guanle. It was not until Xinyou, the ninth year of Empress Suigu, that Prince Shotoku, who was in charge at the time, implemented the calendar. across the country. In order to show that Fuso was an ancient country close to ours, Prince Shotoku set the 21st Shinyou before the ninth year of Suigu as the year when Jinmu ascended the throne.

In other words, more than a thousand years after the death of the divine son of Shenwu, his descendants of more than forty generations forced him to assign a birth year for him, which is not credible!

According to the records of Kojiki and Fuso Shoki, there were eight generations of emperors after Jinmu who only had names but no deeds. According to the research of Fuso scholar Mizuno Yu, these eight generations of emperors have no real persons at all, and their names are fictitious.

It's certainly possible.

That's because the existence of Shenwu was advanced by four hundred years, creating a long gap in the middle. In order to fill these four hundred years of historical gap, at least eight generations of monarchs were needed, so these eight titular human sons of God appeared. .

Xu Fu's eastward journey is actually recorded in the history of Kyushu.

Qiu Qiongshan Gangjian of the Qing Dynasty co-edited Zeng Yun: "Since the First Emperor brought peace to the six kingdoms, all his ambitions and desires in his life have been fulfilled, but those who are not sure to achieve their goals will live long."

Some alchemists followed suit and spun myths about immortals, claiming that there were immortal elixirs on the sea and that people who took the elixir could live forever. Xu Fu sailed into the sea under such circumstances.

King Qin went out for the second time. A large group of people engraved stones in Mount Tai, and then headed to the Bohai Sea. Arriving at the seaside, King Qin boarded Zhifu Island and took in the full view. Between the sea of ​​clouds and the sea of ​​clouds, people in the mountains and rivers disappeared and appeared, which was so spectacular that it especially fascinated King Qin.

This scene was originally a mirage, but in order to cater to King Qin's desire for immortality, the alchemists described it as a legendary fairyland on the sea. Xu Fu took the opportunity to write to King Qin, saying that there were three fairy mountains in the sea, Penglai, Fangzhang, and Yingzhou, where immortals lived and could obtain the elixir of immortality. King Qin was very happy, and then according to Xu Fu's request, he sent thousands of boys and girls to go to sea with him to obtain the elixir.

He himself lingered here, waiting for good news about Xu Fu. However, what was waiting was that Xu Fu returned empty-handed. Xu Fu claimed to have met Poseidon, but Poseidon refused to give him the elixir because the gift was too thin.

King Qin was convinced of this and sent 3,000 more boys and girls as well as craftsmen, technicians, and grain seeds to make Xu Fu go to sea again. King Qin refused to leave. He waited for three months and returned with no news from Xu Fu.

In the following years, King Qin sent Lu Sheng and others from Yan into the sea to search for the elixir, but found nothing.

In the thirty-seventh year of King Qin, King Qin went on patrol for the fifth time and came to Langya again. Nine years have passed since Xu Fu went into the sea to search for the elixir, and he has yet to return. Immediately someone was sent to summon Xu Fu. Xu Fu had been sailing for many years and spent a lot of money. He was worried about being severely punished and reported to King Qin: "There is indeed elixir in Penglai Immortal Mountain. When going to sea, it is often blocked by big dragon fish, so it cannot be reached. Please send archers." We went together and saw a big dragon fish shooting with a repeating crossbow."

King Qin ordered him to bring enough fishing gear when entering the sea, and he also prepared a repeating crossbow. The ship set off from Langya, sailed for dozens of miles, passed Rongcheng Mountain, and then went to Zhifu. Sure enough, it saw a giant dragon fish. It immediately fired a volley of crossbows. The giant dragon fish died from arrows and sank to the bottom of the sea. King Qin thought that there would be no danger from now on, and ordered Xu Fu to go into the sea to seek the elixir. This time, King Qin could no longer wait for news of Xu Gospel.

At that time, King Qin died of illness in the sand dunes, and Xu Fu "got Pingyuan Guangyi, but the king didn't come," and he left and never came back.

The Book of Feng Chan in the Historical Records said: "There are eight famous mountains in the world, three of which are in the barbarians and five in the Yanxia Kingdom." The famous mountains mentioned here as "three in the barbarians" are the so-called "Three Sacred Mountains". This is a place that the Warring States Warlocks all longed for, and they once argued with the emperor. Of course, this is also a good thing that the emperor wishes for.

According to statistics, there are more than fifty relics of Xu Fu in Fusang. Huang Zunxian, counselor of the Embassy in Japan in the Qing Dynasty, wrote a poem: "Men and women who have escaped from the Qin Dynasty have traveled three thousand miles, and there is a special world in Penglai overseas. The mirror seal will be passed down to the Lisui Palace forever, and if there is any doubt that the lineage will produce an immortal," he also wrote "Fusang passed down three important weapons of the country." "The sword, the mirror, and the seal are all made in Qin."

Among them, the sword is the Pheasant Sword.

The mirror is the eight-tatami mirror.

The seal is - Eight-foot Qiongmagatama.

It is now the three great artifacts of Fuso.

There is Xu Fu's tomb in Fusang New Palace, and there are also tombstones.

In Xingu City, there are also products such as "Xu Fu Tiantai Wu Yao", "Xu Fu Sushi" and "Xu Fu Liquor" that are produced and sold. In Hayatama Shrine, saddles, pedals and other items used by Xu Fu are displayed. There is also the "Xu Fu Shrine" in the Penglai Mountain of the New Palace, which is called the "Xu Fu Palace". Every year there are "Royal Ship Festival", "Lamp Festival", etc., which are all activities to commemorate Xu Fu.

It is said that Fusang also has the "Xu Fu Festival" held once every 500 years.

Who would believe that Fusang and Xu Fu have nothing to do with each other? ..

Chapter 1470 Myths and Legends Yunzhongjun——Amaterasu

There is also a myth and legend about this story.

During the reign of King Qin, many people who died unjustly in the Dayuan Kingdom of the Western Region were lying beside the wild road. Some birds brought a kind of grass in their mouths and covered the dead people's faces, and the dead people immediately came back to life. The government reported this matter to King Qin, who sent someone with the grass to Beicheng to ask Lingguzi for advice.

Lingguzi said that the grass was the immortal grass from Zuzhou. It grew in Qiongyu's field. Its leaves were like wild rice and grew in clumps. One plant of immortal grass could save thousands of people. After hearing this, the First Emperor believed that this kind of immortal grass Grass can certainly be found.

So he sent Xu Fu to take three thousand boys and girls each to go out to sea in a building boat to find Zuzhou. However, Xu Fu never returned after going to sea, and he did not know where he went.

Later, when Shen Xi attained Taoism and became an immortal, the ancestors of Taoism, Huangdi and Laozi, sent Xu Fu as an envoy to take Shen Xi to heaven.

At that time, Xu Fu rode a white tiger chariot, Sima Sheng, the prince who saved the world, rode a dragon chariot, and Bo Yanzhi, the minister, rode a white deer chariot. They all came to the human world to pick up Shen Xi. From then on, people knew that Xu Fu had achieved enlightenment and became an immortal.

During the Kaiyuan period of the Tang Dynasty, a scholar suffered from a strange disease in which half of his body became thin and black. He invited Zhang Shangrong, the imperial physician in the palace, to see what the disease was.

The patient gathered his whole family together to discuss how long he could live if he was so ill. He heard that there are immortals in the sea, so he might as well go and seek the immortal's prescription, maybe he can be cured of his illness.

The family couldn't keep him, so they had to send him a servant to bring food to the seaside in Dengzhou, Shandong Province. He happened to see an empty boat on the beach, so he asked him to get on the boat and put his things in the boat. Raise the sail and go with the wind.

The scholar drifted on the sea for more than ten days and landed on an isolated island. He saw hundreds of people on the island, who seemed to be worshiping someone. After the scholars came ashore, they saw a woman washing medicine on the shore, so they asked the woman who they were.

The woman pointed to the distance and said, "Look at the white-haired old man sitting in the middle of the big bed over there. That's Xu Jun. Everyone is worshiping him." The scholar asked again who Xu Jun was.

The woman said, "Have you never heard of Xu Fu who went to sea to seek immortality during the reign of King Qin?"

The scholars said they knew.

The woman said: "He is Xu Fu."

After a while, all the worshipers dispersed, and the scholars came forward to see Xu Fu, told him about his illness, and asked Xu Fu for treatment.

Xu Fu said: "You have a fatal disease, but if you meet me, you can live."

Xu Fu initially gave the scholars some delicious food, but the bowls containing the rice were very small, and the scholars thought the bowls were too little. Xu Fu said: "If you can finish the rice in the bowl, I will give you more. I don't care if you are full. I'm afraid you won't be able to finish the rice in this small bowl." The scholar ate with big mouthfuls. After only a few bites, it felt like I had eaten several large bowls of rice, and I felt full very quickly.

Xu Fu gave him another drink. The wine glass was also extremely small, and I got drunk after just a little drink.

The next day, Xu Fu gave the scholar a few more black pills to take. After taking them, several liters of black thin water came out, and the disease was cured.

The scholar asked Xu Fu to do something here.

Xu Fu said: "You are a person with an official position in the world. It is not suitable to stay here. I will let you go back by the east wind. Don't be afraid that the road is too far to get home." Xu Fu gave him a bag of yellow medicine. He also said: "This medicine can cure any disease. If you meet someone who is sick, you can use a spoon to measure and drink a little and the disease will be cured."

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