The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 1093: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

Seeing the aloof expression of the old fisherman, King Wen stepped forward to talk to him.

Jiang Ziya lost no time in telling King Wen about his life experience, and the two had a very good conversation.

What surprised King Wen of Zhou was that a poor old man who enjoyed fishing every day knew so clearly about world affairs and the country's martial arts and governance, and was so knowledgeable and had novel and original opinions. He also discovered that this poor old man fishing had profound knowledge of the Five Elements and the art of military use.

King Wen of Zhou, who was thirsty for talents, discovered from Jiang Ziya's wise and astute conversation that this person was the great sage he was looking for.

So King Wen of Zhou treated him with the most solemn etiquette and let him get into his carriage;

Not only did he not get on King Wen's carriage, he had to let King Wen personally carry him back to the city.

At that time, there was no other person in the world who could sit in King Zhou Wen's car. It was not enough to let him sit in the car and King Wen himself drove the car for him. This was already the most important courtesy in the world. Apart from Jiang Ziya, there was no other person in the world who could. to such courtesy.

This is difficult for King Wen of Zhou: Don't forget it, the country and the court are thirsty for talents. It is the time to use talents, and we cannot lose these rare talents.

Go ahead, it won’t look good. Since ancient times, how could any king carry his subjects on his back? For the sake of the prosperity of the country, there is no need to consider personal face. Thinking of this, King Wen of Zhou really carried Jiang Ziya on his back and walked towards the city.

After walking a short distance, King Wen of Zhou was so exhausted that he was sweating profusely and panting. Jiang Ziya, who was lying on King Wen's back, seemed to have no understanding of others. Seeing King Wen so tired, he kept saying " Say: "Just take a few more steps."

King Wen of Zhou took a rest, picked up Jiang Ziya and started walking again.

Then it stopped again.

Jiang Ziya saw this and said again, "Just take a few more steps."

Three times in a row, King Wen of Zhou could no longer walk, so he let Jiang Ziya down. King Wen of Zhou was so tired that he no longer cared about the monarch's face. He sat on the ground with sweat on his face.

Jiang Ziya looked at King Wen of Zhou who was so tired that he was sweating, and said to him with a smile: "You have carried me for a total of 808 steps. I will protect your kingdom for 808 years, one step for each step."

After saying that, he laughed again.

When King Wen heard what Jiang Ziya said, he immediately became energetic and didn't feel tired anymore. He climbed up and pulled Jiang Ziya to carry him on his back. At this time, Jiang Ziya said with a smile: "It won't work anymore. It's only eight hundred." Eight years later, we took the bus back to the city.”

Later, Jiang Ziya assisted King Wu, the son of King Wen, to destroy King Zhou of Shang. King Wu also respected him as a military advisor and teacher.

Later, when Ziya was about to die, he said to King Wen, "I promise to protect your kingdom for eight hundred and eight years." After I die, you can hang my coffin on the top of the city. If there is an invasion, the big end of the coffin will be thrown in whichever direction the troops come.

King Wu obeyed and hung his coffin on the top of the city. As soon as Ziya died, soldiers invaded. King Wen rushed the head of Ziya's coffin towards the enemy.

In an instant, countless crows flew out of the coffin and rushed toward the enemy. But seeing these crow soldiers, blocking out the sun, flying all over the sky, baring their teeth and claws, urinating and urinating, they immediately defeated the enemy and defeated them.

The last king of the Zhou Dynasty, King Zhou Nan, was a foolish king.

One day when he was drunk, he looked up and saw a coffin hanging on the top of the city, and asked whose coffin it belonged to.

The minister said it belonged to Jiang Ziya.

King Nan of Zhou was furious and said it was ridiculous. People had been dead for so many years, so what was the use of hanging here?

As soon as he finished speaking, a stream of blood flowed from Jiang Ziya's coffin, and the coffin immediately weathered and disappeared with the wind.

Later, the Zhou Dynasty also perished.

Of course these are folktales, many of which are fictional.

Some people say that when King Wen of Zhou began to carry Jiang Ziya, he was so strong and confident that he walked 301 steps westward in one breath.

Later, King Wen of Zhou got tired and carried Jiang Ziya on his back for another 507 steps to the east. Finally, he was exhausted and collapsed on the road.

Therefore, the "Zhou Kingdom" has a history of 301 years, while the "Eastern Zhou Dynasty" has a history of 507 years, and the Zhou Dynasty has a total history of 808 years.

It is also said that in the first 301 steps, King Wen took steady steps, so the "Zhou Kingdom" was rich and prosperous, and then the 507 steps stumbled, so the "Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period" appeared in history.

In the end, he fell down and fell to the ground, so the "Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period" appeared.

Of course, there is also a legend that King Wen of Zhou pulled a carriage and walked 808 steps.

There are different opinions! ..

Chapter 1478 The gods avoid the Jiuzhou Martial Ancestor——"Six Tao"

Jiang Ziya became a god, but he did not have his own place, nor did he become a saint physically like Li Jing, Nezha, Yang Jian, Wei Hu and other seven people.

There are different opinions on this.

According to the book "The Romance of the Gods", because Jiang Ziya was sincere and loyal, he studied on Qilin Cliff for forty years and became proficient in the Three Towers and Six Strategies, so he was sent down to the lower realm by the original Tianzun to help the King of Zhou attack the King of Shang Zhou. From then on, he became a very popular minister.

Unfortunately, Jiang Ziya had no chance to cultivate into a righteous state. When the Sanqing Dynasty was embedding the list of gods, 365 righteous gods had been established.

After Jiang Ziya finished conferring the god, he returned the whip to the original Heavenly Lord, but he thought that he had done something good in conferring the god, so he refused to accept it. He also allowed him to travel around the various gods. Everywhere he went, the god of the ministry temporarily abdicated, and from then on he There is a saying that "the Taigong is here, the gods abdicate".

There is also a theory that this theory evolved from the Romance of the Gods. Because Jiang Ziya’s wife occupied a broom star god position, Jiang Ziya had to give up the “Apocalypse Emperor” throne reserved for himself to Huang Feihu. From then on The gods are full, so Jiang Ziya can only travel around the gods.

As for the people, they do not buy these two explanations.

Another folk saying is widely circulated and well-founded. It's not that Jiang Ziya doesn't want to be a god, but he wants to be the greatest god - the Jade Emperor.

Therefore, when Jiang Ziya was conferring the title of god, he secretly reserved the position of the Jade Emperor and prepared to confer it to himself, but this kind of self-conferment was quite hard to explain.

When the gods discovered that the position of the Jade Emperor was still vacant, they asked Jiang Ziya, who would this position be awarded to?

Jiang Ziya, who found it difficult to say anything, could only evade and say, "Someone is here, someone is here." At this time, the servant who had been serving Jiang Ziya for a long time and was taking a nap vaguely heard it, and jumped to the throne of the Jade Emperor. It turned out that this servant's name was "Zhang Youren". ".

Faced with this sudden change, Jiang Ziya was extremely angry, but the end was done, so Jiang Ziya jumped onto the beam of the Conferred God Hall, pointed at Zhang Youren below and said, "I curse your women to be prostitutes for the rest of their lives."

Later, the Jade Emperor's relatives descended to earth and had children with mortals.

Jiang Ziya, squatting on the beam, has since become the beam god in the human house. To this day, when building a house in the countryside and raising beams, he must choose an auspicious day and set off firecrackers to invite Jiang Ziya to help the family eliminate disasters. Ward off evil spirits.

You can also see from the old house that in the middle of the beam is written "The Grand Duke is here, the gods abdicate, on a certain day of the year, a certain month, auspicious days of the zodiac, the beam is on"

There will also be a small strip of red cloth tied in front of the beam.

Jiang Ziya was a wise minister full of strategic ideas and an extraordinary political and military strategist. He has always been respected by rulers of all generations. This fact is widely praised in many historical materials and literary works before the Tang Dynasty, such as the Book of Songs.

After Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty came to the throne, foreign barbarians invaded, internal troubles were not eliminated, and the political situation was in turmoil. The country was facing a situation of chaos waiting to be cured and waste waiting to be revitalized. In order to achieve the goal of "pacifying the people and governing the country", he claimed that he was Jiang Ziya's son. Incarnation, he built the Taigong Temple in Fengxi. He used this move to tell people that he wanted to be like King Wen of Zhou who visited virtuous ministers and reused Jiang Ziya. Later, he indeed got a large number of talents to govern the world and the country, and finally realized " The rule of Zhenguan".

In order to seek domestic peace, Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty needed people like Jiang Ziya who were dedicated, dedicated, loyal and diligent in serving their masters. In the 19th year of Kaiyuan, he ordered all states in the world to build a Taigong temple. He also asked Zhang Liang to share it with him and offer sacrifices on the fifth day of the second lunar month in the Spring and Autumn Period.

Whenever troops are sent out or generals and civil and military officials respond to imperial edicts, they must first go to the Taigong Temple to pay homage.

In the 27th year of Kaiyuan, Jiang Ziya was posthumously named "King Wu Cheng" and became a "martial arts" saint of the Chinese nation.

In order to resist the invasion of foreign invaders in the fifth year of Xining, Shenzong of the Song Dynasty, he ordered all military generals to read Taigong's Art of War.

Sima Qian said in the Historical Records: "Zhou Ji Changchang Tuo Youli, conspired with Lu Shang to cultivate virtue and influence business affairs. They had many military powers and strange strategies. Therefore, the military power of later generations and the Yin power of Zhou were all based on the Taigong. .”

This established Jiang Ziya's status as the founder of the Tao strategy theory of the Kyushu nation.

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