The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 1104: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

Gai Nie, Gao Jianli, Tao Zhi and others are all here, and no one has escaped.

The same goes for the farmers, and all the masters were suppressed and forced into the sky prison.

Fusu finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

Shao Yu is dead, and the rebels from the Mo family and the peasant family are dead and injured.

Zhang Liang is dead, and Zhao Gaogeng has been dead for who knows how many years.

It can be said that there are no more internal worries and external worries.

Fusu looked at Gai Nie in front of him with a slight smile on his face.

"Gane, we meet again," Fusu said with a smile.

"Yes." Gai Nie nodded lightly, neither coldly nor indifferently.

Then, Fusu looked at Gao Jianli, Duan Murong, Master Ban and others.

"I don't understand, am I not doing a good job? Under my governance, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and the people are prosperous and healthy. Are you really willing to put the people in dire straits for your own interests?" Fusu couldn't help but ask .

"Is this the purpose of your Mohist family?" Fusu was very angry.

"We resisted the Qin Dynasty for the sake of the people of the world," Gao Jianli said coldly.

"If you want revenge, just say you want revenge. Don't use the people as an excuse. This will only make people despise you even more." Fusu snorted coldly.

"I don't want to say anything. Justice is in the heart of the people. But now, you will spend the rest of your life in a prison cell." Fusu didn't want to say too much.

For losers, Fusu doesn't want to waste too much time, there's no need! ..

Chapter 1501: Get rid of Liu Bang and complete the destiny change

After everyone was pressed down, Fusu waved his hand and asked Dian Wei to come over.

"Your Majesty," Dian Wei saw Fusu's actions and immediately walked up.

"Dian Wei, go to Tianlao to find a man named Liu Bang and kill him for me," Fusu ordered Dian Wei.

"Yes, Your Majesty", Dian Wei cupped his hands and walked out directly.

He didn't ask why because there was no need.

If it weren't for the system rewards, he might have spared the other party a life, but it was a pity that Liu Bang had to die.

What's more, if Shao Yu, Zhang Liang and others are all wet, what is Liu Bang still doing?

In fact, Fusu still had a little fear of Liu Bang in his heart.

The threat this person posed to him was greater than the threat Shao Yu posed to him.

Because Xiang Yu is a reckless man who does things "manly" and aboveboard.

But Liu Bang is different, there are some little gangsters.

Moreover, there is no bottom line when doing things outside of common sense.

Fusu was worried that Liu Bang would become the monarch he was in history.

Liu Bang, the great emperor of the Han Dynasty, was born in Zhongyangli, Fengpei City. He was the founding emperor of the Han Dynasty, one of the great pioneers of the Han nation and culture, and an outstanding statesman, outstanding strategist and conductor in Chinese history. He made outstanding contributions to the development of the Han nationality and the unification of China.

Liu Bang was born in a peasant family, he was open-minded and did not engage in production. During the Qin Dynasty, he served as the chief of the Sishui Pavilion in Peixian County. He died and hid in Mangdang Mountain after releasing prisoners. Shortly after Chen Sheng's uprising, Liu Bang gathered 3,000 of his disciples to respond to the uprising, captured Pei County and other places, and named him Peigong. Soon he defected to Xiang Liang and served as the governor of Dang County. He was named Wu'anhou and commanded the troops of Dang County.

In October 206 BC, Liu Bang's army entered Bashang, and Prince Qin Ying surrendered to Liu Bang. The Qin Dynasty fell. Liu Bang abolished Qin's harsh laws and made a three-chapter agreement with the elders in Guanzhong. After the Hongmen Banquet, he was named King of Han and ruled the Bashu and Hanzhong areas. In the early stages of the Chu-Han War, they suffered repeated defeats. However, he knew people well, paid attention to receiving advice, was able to give full play to the talents of his subordinates, and paid attention to uniting the forces opposing Xiang Yu from all over the country, and finally turned defeat into victory. After defeating Xiang Yu, he unified the world.

On February 28, 202 BC, Liu Bang ascended the throne as emperor on the flooded Yang of Dingtao and established his capital in Chang'an, which was known as the Western Han Dynasty in history.

After he ascended the throne, he eliminated Han Xin, Peng Yue, Yingbu, Zang Tu and other princes and kings with different surnames, and also split the earth to enfeoff nine princes and kings with the same surname.

On the other hand, they established laws and regulations and adopted a loose policy of recuperation to govern the world, allowing soldiers to demobilize and return home, exempting them from corvee service, focusing on agriculture and suppressing commerce, restoring the dilapidated social economy, and stabilizing the feudal ruling order. It not only appeased the people, but also contributed to the cultural foundation of grace and magnanimity in the Han Dynasty.

Adopt a fraternal policy towards the Xiongnu and open up the customs with the Xiongnu to ease relations between the two parties.

In 195 BC, Liu Bang was shot by a stray arrow because of his crusade against the Yingbu rebellion. He became seriously ill and died in the same year. He was named Taizu in the temple and was given the posthumous title of Emperor Gao.

Dian Wei came to the prison and was directly stopped by soldiers.

"The prison is very important and you are not allowed to break in casually." The soldier doesn't care who comes, as long as he doesn't have a token, get out of here.

Dian Wei took out the token given to him by Fusu and yelled, "I have important things to do, get out of my way."

"Yes." Seeing the token in Dian Wei's hand, the soldier said nothing and just moved away.

Dian Wei walked directly into the prison.

The Sky Prison is where felons are imprisoned. The people inside, except those who have committed the most heinous crimes, are the rebellious lunatics of the empire.

Wei Zhuang and Gai Nie were imprisoned together.

Although it is not a cage, it is indeed the opposite.

At this time, the two people were having a wonderful conversation.

Except for Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang.

There are also Wushuang, Black Qilin, Robber Zhi, Gao Jianli, Master Ban and other Mohists.

On the other side are the farmers.

In addition to the dead people, Dianqing, Liu Bang, Tian Ci, and farm elders were all imprisoned.

Although there are felons in the sky jail, life is not bad at all.

Except for the lack of freedom, three meals a day, life and other aspects are very good.

Dianqing came to Liu Bang's cell, asked someone to open the cell, and then took Liu Bang out.

At this time, Liu Bang was called Liu Ji, but he was actually a person.

At this time, Liu Bang couldn't help but have his internal energy imprisoned, and his sword was also confiscated.

Liu Ji is an important member of Shennong Hall, one of the six farm halls, and he is considered a brother to the Zhu family, the head of the hall. Born in Chu country, he always has a nonchalant smile on his lips. He is straightforward and generous, and is very popular with people, especially women.

He is fond of gambling and often visits Situ Wanli's Siyue Casino, but he has bad luck.

It seems that he has no ambition, but in fact he hides it deeply. He is loyal, broad-minded, cheerful, generous, unrestrained and unrestrained, good-looking, has a good rapport with women, and has a keen eye for knowing people.

No one knew that Liu Ji never came back after leaving.

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