The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 1106: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

At the same time, Fusu secretly executed Mao Dun, who was a bit of a threat.

And Hu Ji, under the threat of life, took the initiative to sacrifice herself! ..

Chapter 1503 Jiang Ziya comes out, Yang Laolinggong Yang Wudi

On this day, Fusu took Dianwei and Xu Chu to the Weishui River and asked a great sage to come out.

I believe everyone has guessed that the person Fusu wants to ask for is none other than "Jiang Ziya".

At this time, Jiang Ziya was an old fisherman by the Weishui River.

The first time Fusu came, Jiang Ziya disappeared.

The second time he came, Jiang Ziya was still missing.

Dian Wei and Xu Chu were so angry that they wanted to tie up Jiang Ziya.

So infuriating.

Don't you know who you are about to face?

After asking for a meeting for the third time, Jiang Ziya finally met.

And Fusu also triggered the plot of "Three Visits to the Thatched Cottage".

Visiting a thatched cottage three times does not necessarily mean it must be a thatched cottage.

Jiang Ziya was moved by Fusu.

Planning to go out.

But he asked Fusu to carry him out.

Fusu is so powerful.

And he had immortality, so he thought it would be easy.

But I didn't expect that this was not the case at all.

There seemed to be a magical effect on Jiang Ziya's back. The power became stronger and heavier, and in the end, it even exceeded his limit.

Finally, Fusu walked nine hundred steps.

It’s really not possible anymore.

Jiang Ziya stroked his beard and said with a smile.

"The fate of the Qin Dynasty lasted nine hundred years. After nine hundred years, the Qin Dynasty will collapse."

Fusu didn't believe it. As long as he didn't die, no one would dare to rebel.

However, fate has its way with people.

Fusu still summoned Jiang Ziya.

I don’t know if it was Jiang Ziya’s “Nine Hundred Years” National Destiny that stimulated Fusu.

Fusu decided to unify earlier.

Fusu walked into the system space and used the summoning privilege.

"System, I want to use the designated summoning privilege to summon the fierce general Yang Ye."

Fusu thought for a while and found someone he had always admired but had never summoned.

Yang Ye——Yang Linggong, a native of Taiyuan, Bingzhou. When he was young, he was a suave knight, good at riding and shooting, liked hunting, and always hunted more than others. He didn't read much, but he was loyal, brave, and very resourceful. After the founding of the Northern Han Dynasty, the young Yang Ye followed Liu Chong, the founder of the Northern Han Dynasty, and served as the commander of the defense. He was famous for his bravery far and wide.

Later, he made many military exploits and was promoted to the military governor of the Jianxiong Army. He was known as "Invincible" by the Chinese. Emperor Taizong of the Song Dynasty had always heard of Yang Ye's name. After the fall of the Northern Han Dynasty, he sent an envoy to summon Yang Ye and appointed him as the right leader, General Wei. He was moved to Daizhou to be the governor of the state, and was responsible for the deployment of troops and horses stationed at the three levels.

In the fifth year of the Taiping and the rejuvenation of the country, Yang Ye defeated the Liao army at Yanmen Pass and shocked Khitan. In the third year of Yongxi's reign, he followed the army in the Northern Expedition. Due to the intimidation of Wang Qian, the supervisor of the army, he resolutely asked to lead troops on the expedition. As a result, he was defeated in an ambush in Langya Village. When he was isolated and helpless, he was captured in Chenjia Valley. Yang Ye was filled with infinite grief and indignation. In order to express his loyalty, he went on a hunger strike for three days and died. Posthumously presented to the Taiwei and the Datong Army Jiedushi.

Yang Yechu was a general in the Northern Han Dynasty. He made many military exploits and served as an envoy to the Jianxiong Army. After returning to the Song Dynasty, he managed the army strictly, organized his troops, carefully studied the tactics according to the characteristics of border areas and Liao army operations, visited the teaching field in person, and strictly supervised the teachings. The following year, 100,000 Liao troops attacked Yanmen Pass. Yang Ye led his elite cavalry to the north of the pass and attacked the main force of the Song army from the north and south. He killed the Liao general Xiao Du Li and captured the capital commander Li Chongjie. They won a complete victory.

Yang Ye didn't know how to read, but he was loyal, brave and resourceful. Practice fighting and share the joys and sorrows with the soldiers.

It was hard and cold in the northern part of Daizhou, and everyone wore felt clothes. Only Yang Ye sat in the open air planning military affairs, without a fire next to him. The guards were almost frozen, but Yang Ye was very calm and showed no signs of being afraid of the cold. He handles political affairs simply and clearly, and is tolerant to his subordinates, so the soldiers are happy to serve him.

When Shuozhou was defeated, there were still more than a hundred of his subordinates. Yang Ye said to them: "You all have parents, wives and children. There is no benefit in dying here with me. Run back quickly and report to the emperor." "

Everyone was moved to tears and refused to leave. Wang Gui, the governor of Zizhou, killed dozens of enemies. He died after running out of bows and arrows. The rest of the people also died, and no one survived. Everyone who heard about it shed tears of pain.

Zhao Guangyi commented: Holding the sword to defend the country, hearing the drum and the rhinoceros and thinking about the general. Try your best to fight against the enemy, establish a loyalty to Myron, do not pursue worship, and show your righteousness and righteousness! Therefore, Yunzhou Observer made Yang Yecheng strong in gold and stone, and inspired the storm. He is a great talent in Longshang and a native of the Mao clan in Shanxi. Committing oneself to the military service, one can achieve great success in battle. Fang raised the master of Pihu to serve on the border. However, the commander-in-chief failed and the reinforcements did not advance. I am alone and trapped in the desert; I am so powerful that I will never come back until I die. I wonder why the ancients added this! It is to use special emblems to express loyalty. Soul and spirit, know my deep meaning.

Tuotuo also admired Yang Ye very much and praised Yang Ye: In the past, Xu Zi died in his division, and he was buried in the same place. It was written in the Spring and Autumn Period, so it praises ministers for their integrity and warns officials about their integrity. Ye, Hanru, and Guangshi were sent to defend the city. They fought hard and died in the enemy's territory. Although it is rare for a Confucian scholar to rely on his courage and refuse to take warning, his words of truth are willing to move away from thieves, but he underestimates the enemy, but he forgets his body and shows his integrity, which is commendable for his sincerity. He was originally a brave general from Taiyuan. He felt that Taizong favored him and wanted to repay him. A home that always wins, a thousand worries but one loss. However, he has always won the hearts of scholars. The soldiers could not bear to leave and died because of them, which shows their loyalty and righteousness. Si and Yanzhao defeated Shaoxun's attack. Yanzhao lived in Bianqiu for a long time, and was in charge of military training. He was famous for his strategic strategy. He heard about it among the enemies, and he was regarded as the best among his heirs. In times of crisis, Hui has the ability to trap the enemy, and on weekdays, he offers advice to Xi Rong. Overclocking the battle to clear the Huaihai Sea, their loyalty and bravery are worthy of praise.

Under Yang Ye's sect, the Yang sect's tiger generals and the Yang sect's female generals have all achieved great fame! ..

Chapter 1504 Xu Jingzong Beauty is a disaster—Meixi

After summoning Yang Ye, Fusu arranged for him to be the father of Yang Dalang brother.

Reunite their family.

Then, Fusu used the "civilian" summoning privilege.

This time, the character Fusu summoned was called Xu Jingzong.

Maybe many people don't know Xu Jingzong very well, but Xu Jingzong is definitely extraordinary.

During the Daye period of the Sui Dynasty, he was a scholar and later served as a secretary. After his father Xu Shanxin was killed, he defected to the Wagang Army and was appointed by Li Mi as the secretary. After Li Mi's defeat, he defected to the Tang Dynasty and left Lianzhou. King Qin Li Shimin asked about his talents and called him a bachelor of the Qin Dynasty. In the eighth year of Zhenguan, he served as a writer and supervisor of the history of the country. Soon he moved to Zhongshu Sheren.

In the 10th year of Zhenguan, he was demoted due to affairs and served as Sima of the Hongzhou Governor's Office. Later, he successively held the posts of Gui Shizhong, Huangmen Shilang of the Inspectorate, You Shuzi of the Inspectorate, and Secretary of the Ministry of Rites of the Inspectorate. Xu Jingzong was deeply appreciated by Taizong for drafting edicts appropriately. In Cen After Wen Wen's death, he was appointed as the Minister of Internal Affairs and Review of Zhongshu. In the 21st year of Zhenguan, Dr. Yin Qingguanglu was added. Gaozong Li Zhi came to the throne and his descendants Yu Zhining became the Minister of Rites.

In the fifth year of Yonghui's reign, he supported the establishment of Wu Zetian as the queen, and his official career was prosperous. He successively served as the minister of the Ministry of Rites and the guest of the prince. In the first year of Xianqing, he was promoted to the position of minister, and he still supervised the compilation of national history. The following year, he was promoted to Duke of Gaoyang County. In the same year, Li Yifu was appointed Zhongshu Ling.

In the second year of Longshuo's reign, he became the Right Prime Minister and was granted the title of Guanglu Doctor. The following year, he was appointed as the Prince's Young Master and was promoted to the third rank of Dongxitai. At this point, he is a very popular minister.

This guy firmly supports Wu Zetian's rise to power.

In 654 AD, Emperor Gaozong wanted to depose Queen Wang and install Wu Zhaoyi as his queen, but ministers such as Changsun Wuji and Chu Suiliang firmly opposed it.

In 655 AD, he was again appointed Minister of Rites.

In order to cater to Gaozong, Xu Jingzong repeatedly persuaded Changsun Wuji to promote this matter, but he was severely reprimanded. Wu Zetian was extremely grateful to Xu Jingzong and made him a confidant, moving him to be the Minister of Rites.

The matter of abolishing the queen's throne has been pending for a long time.

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