The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 1126: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

Two burly men stood at the entrance of the military camp. When they saw Fusu and Bai Qi approaching, they immediately took action to stop them.

"Stop, who is coming? Do you have the general's handwriting?"

Fusu looked at him and found that he was wearing iron armor, iron boots, a long sword on his waist, a hat with red tassel on his head, and a red cloak behind him, which looked very majestic.

"As expected of the soldiers led by Mr. Qin, they are just different from others."

Fusu couldn't help but think in his mind.

"Look, this is the general's token. I have something to do with General Qin. I'll report it as soon as possible. If I'm delayed, I'll ask you a question."

Bai Qi said to the soldier on guard with a serious face.

"Yes, general, please wait a moment and come back as soon as you can."

After saying that, he turned and left.

Bai Qi stretched out his right hand, pointed towards the east, and said:

"That's the military tent. Mr. Qin is there. Let's get there quickly."

After Bai Qi finished speaking, he walked towards the middle tent without waiting for Fusu.

Fusu took a look and hurriedly followed, walking side by side with Bai Qi.

Seeing Bai Qi nodding to the soldiers patrolling around him from time to time, he knew that his prestige in the army was not low, otherwise he would not be so loved.

Fusu turned his face and looked around, and found that the atmosphere in the army was solemn, like a steel beast. He thought with some surprise:

"From now on, I will stay here. It seems that I need to adapt to the environment well, but I don't want to know all the jokes I make by then."

Fusu was thinking as he followed Bai Qi to the middle tent, and found that the soldier standing guard at the door was beckoning the two of them to come in.

Fusu and Bai Qi hurriedly walked into the military tent.

Seeing Mr. Qin writing something on the table with a brush in his hand, he saw Fu Su and Bai Qi arriving, put down the pen in his hand, and looked at them.

"What do you two want from me?"

Mr. Qin said to Fusu and Bai Qi with some confusion.

"Old man, hasn't the Yellow Turban Rebellion broken out? I want to join the army, reimburse the court, and get rid of this scourge for the country."

When Fusu saw Mr. Qin asking him a question, he quickly answered respectfully.

"Okay, okay, you are so enthusiastic. You are worthy of being my descendant. I agree to your request."

Mr. Qin replied happily.

"The child has one more request, please ask the general to grant it."

"Tell me, what's the request?"

"My child hopes that the general will allow my child to lead a large army, and let my child only command and become the supreme commander of this army."

"Okay, I'm sure. I hope you won't let me down. If there is any mistake, you need to bear it alone. Don't come and ask me."

Mr. Qin looked at me seriously.

"However, I will also let Bai Qi follow you and learn to command the army from the beginning. I will try my best to make you make fewer mistakes, or make no mistakes at all. You can do it"?

"General Qin, please rest assured that the child will not disgrace our Qin family and bring shame to his ancestors."

Fusu immediately answered with his hands raised.

"Well, I will now appoint you as the commander-in-chief of the three armies, in charge of an army of 100,000 people, and Bai Qi will be your deputy general to assist you."

Mr. Qin waved his hand and looked at Fusu with his bright eyes.

"I will leave the suppression of the rebels to you alone this time. I will not come forward. I will sit in the rear and wait for your return. I will not provide you with any help. It depends on whether you have the courage."

"Thank you, General, Fusu will not disappoint you."

Fusu said happily to Mr. Qin.

Then Bai Qi turned around and walked towards the military camp with Fusu.

Bai Qi took Fusu back and forth in the military camp, letting Fusu take a look at the atmosphere in the military, and hoping that Fusu would adapt to the atmosphere in the military faster.

Fusu found that the army had always been dignified and orderly, without any slack, and a solemn atmosphere was created in the military camp. ..

Chapter 17 Taking office

Fusu followed Bai Qi as he walked around the military camp. Bai Qi stopped a messenger and said:

"Hurry up and play the drums and whistle, someone has something important to tell you."

Then he asked Fusu to follow him and walked to the playground in the military camp, waiting for the troops to gather.

Fusu followed Bai Qi to the high platform on the playground and looked at the assembled troops below.

Bai Qi signaled Fusu to take two steps forward and asked Fusu to say a few words to the army.

"Ahem, I am Fusu, a descendant of Mr. Qin. From today on, I will be your commander-in-chief. I will give orders to all the troops. I hope everyone will cooperate."

"I don't know what to say, but I can only do one thing. When I launch a charge, I will stand at the front. When I retreat, I will stand at the end. I will definitely lead the charge and bring victory to the court."

Fusu made a fist with his right hand and pointed it toward the sky, speaking excitedly.

"Oh, oh, oh, victory, victory, victory"!

Under the stage, the soldiers shouted.

They held the halberds in both hands and pounded the ground in time with the rhythm.

Fusu couldn't help but smile when he saw the soldiers were in such high spirits.

"Fortunately, nothing went wrong and no jokes were made, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to step down."

After thinking about it, Fusu ignored everyone, turned around and walked off the stage.

Walking back to Fusu's tent, Bai Qi thought about the scene just now and couldn't help but admire Fusu and said:

"Master, congratulations. I will call you General Qin from now on. I didn't expect you to have such a way of improving the atmosphere."

Bai Qi couldn't help but jokingly said to Fusu.

"It's a joke, it's a joke. I can't bear to be like this. What you did just now was just something you felt."

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