The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 1131: Summoning the Strong Generals in the War of All Realms

After Bai Qi finished speaking, he took the lead in charging.

Fusu noticed that Bai Qi was doing this, and couldn't help but followed Bai Qi and started to charge.

"Kill, kill, kill, kill them without leaving a single piece of them behind."

The soldiers behind Fusu found that their general was charging at the front, and they couldn't help being infected by Fusu, and they all started to charge.

Fusu and the others had begun to come into contact with the enemy, and they all began to fight hard to kill the enemy.

Fusu stabbed him left and right, and slowly charged into the middle army. He did not realize that he had already entered the middle of the rebel army.

Fusu killed the enemy until his sword was curled. His physical strength was so exhausted that he accidentally slipped his foot. He hurriedly stabilized his body, but Fusu could not dodge the enemy's knife.

At this moment, a man suddenly rushed out from beside him, blocked the knife for him, and killed the man.

Fusu took a look and found that it was Bai Qi who blocked the knife for him. He smiled at Bai Qi, turned around and continued to kill the enemy.

Bai Qi found that Fusu was fine, so he rushed towards the direction of Bai Qi's advance and covered Fusu's surroundings.

I don't know how long it took, but Fusu suddenly found that the enemy's flag had been chopped down by someone, and he hurriedly shouted:

"Your general has been beheaded by me. Put down your weapons quickly. If you don't kill even if you throw away your sword, surrender quickly."

When Bai Qi heard Fusu say this, he also began to repeat Fusu's words.

When the enemy soldiers found out what Fusu said, they thought that their general had really been killed, and they suddenly felt a little timid.

An enemy soldier couldn't stand the atmosphere and immediately dropped his sword.

The enemy army found that some of their own people had begun to surrender, and slowly put down their swords, one after another.

After a while, the enemy surrendered.

But Fusu found that in the other direction, there were dozens of people who had not put down their swords and shouted words such as vowing not to surrender.

Fusu greeted Bai Qi and walked there. He wanted to see who was so brave and vowed not to surrender.

When Fusu and Bai Qi walked there, they saw their soldiers surrounding the place and preparing to kill them.

Fusu hurriedly said to them:

"Stop it, don't kill them yet, in case they are still of great use."

After Fusu said this, he pushed aside the soldiers around him and walked towards the dozens of people.

Among those surrounded, a man walked out and said to Fusu:

"You are their general"?

"Yes, it's me."

"Why, are you still not convinced after losing?"

Fusu said this to them with a smile.

"You just refuse to admit defeat to me. Who are you?"

The man opposite said angrily.

When Fusu heard what the other party said, he smiled slightly and thought of an anime he had watched called Pokemon when he was still in modern times.

One of the most classic words said by the villain named Team Rocket.

When Fusu thought of this, he immediately pretended to be mysterious and took two steps forward.

Fusu took a step forward with his left foot and kept his right foot in place. He stretched out his left hand forward and pointed at the person, and pointed at the sky with his right hand. He leaned back with his waist and said to the person in this posture. :

"Since you asked sincerely."

After Fusu finished speaking, he changed his position again, withdrawing the fingers of his left hand and pointing them at himself.

"Then I will tell you with great mercy."

After speaking, he pointed his left hand towards the sky like his right hand.

"To prevent the world from being destroyed".

Then Fusuta pointed his hands to the ground.

"To protect world peace."

After Fusu said this, he withdrew his arms pointing to the ground and pointed his hands parallel to both sides.

"To implement love and true justice."

Then he withdrew his hands and pointed at his cheeks.

"A cute and charming decent character."

Fusu pointed his hands at Bai Qi again.

"Bai Qi".

Fusu raised his head again and looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle.


In a deep voice.

"We are the Qin family army that protects peace."

After Fusu finished speaking, he placed his raised head at an angle parallel to the opposite side.

"Happiness, a happy tomorrow is waiting for us."

"That's it".

After Fusu finished speaking, he turned to the other side in a somewhat shameless manner.

The person on the other side was confused and had no idea what Fusu was talking about or what the gestures he made meant.

To describe it in one sentence, he looked at Fusu with caring eyes.

Fusu didn't care what the other person would think when he saw him like this. He patted his clothes, turned to Bai Qi and said:

"How about my posture?"

Bai Qi looked at Fusu with this subtle expression, forced the corner of his mouth and smiled twice.

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