The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 1136: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

I will go through fire and water without hesitation. If you give me very good treatment, I will not have second thoughts. If I have second thoughts, I will be struck by thunder."

Xu Chu said, raised his right hand, pointed his index finger at the sky, and swore this poisonous oath.

When Fusu heard what Xu Chu said, he quickly advised:

"Heroes don't have to be like this. I'm not a stingy person. As long as you have this strength, I will definitely give you corresponding positions so that you can make contributions and revive the family's reputation. You don't have to swear this poisonous oath. As long as you have Just have this heart."

After Fusu said this, he turned around to see the reactions of the four of them, and found that the expressions on their faces were different.

Xu Chu's face was filled with happiness.

Dian Wei smiled a little.

Zhang Fei looked grateful.

Guan Yu, on the other hand, had an expressionless face, as if he hadn't heard what Fusu said.

Fusu was very satisfied with the reactions of the three of them, but Guan Yu's face was expressionless and a little confused. He didn't know why Guan Yu was like this, just like Guan Yu asked:

"Why, are Yunchang not satisfied with what I said? If not, just say it. We all have something to discuss."

After Fusu finished speaking, he looked at Guan Yu, looking forward to his next words.

Guan Yu did not disappoint Fusu's reaction to him. After hearing Fusu's words, Guan Yu calmly said to Fusu:

"Guan is different from the three of them. I am a family man. The three of them can have no worries in their hearts, but I can't. I still have a wife and children to take care of. It's not that I am dissatisfied with your promise, General." , it’s just that Guan really can’t get away. The conditions you offered to the four of us are good enough, but I have to take care of my family and can’t join the general’s command immediately. Everything else is easy to say. This is a problem that cannot be solved immediately. ".

When Fusu heard what Yu said, he immediately realized that it was not that he was dissatisfied with the conditions he promised, but that his own conditions were limited. People with families are indeed different from others. If this cannot be solved, then the subsequent conditions will also be Needless to say, no matter how good the conditions were, Guan Yu could not agree immediately.

Fusu thought about it, and suddenly an idea came to his mind. He was holding on to the idea of ​​treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor, and even if it didn't work, he would give it a try, and then he said again:

"Brother Yun, you can't agree immediately because of family problems, right? Why don't you teach your wife, children, elders and parents to let them live in my house? Firstly, it can solve their problems of food, clothing, housing and transportation, and secondly, there is no need for them. Don’t worry about their safety anymore, do you think that’s okay?”

After Fusu finished speaking, he looked at Guan Yu to see if he was satisfied with his idea.

After hearing this, Guan Yu was overjoyed and immediately looked at Fusu, as if he wanted to distinguish the authenticity. He looked at Fusu and said:

"The general is telling the truth. If you really do what you said, then I will have nothing to worry about. As long as you can do it, general, then Guan will join your command immediately. What? You can hold any position, and it’s all trivial to make great achievements.”

After Guan Yu finished speaking, he hurriedly looked at Fusu to see if he was sincere.

Fusu seemed very happy when he heard what Guan Yu said. After all, his Qin Mansion was so big that it would be okay to put a few people in. As long as he could subdue the fierce general Guan Yu, all the costs would be worth it. After all, Arranging Guan Yu's family affairs does not cost him anything, so he kills two birds with one stone.

After Fusu thought about it, he immediately agreed to Guan Yu's conditions.

"As long as Brother Yun joins my service, I will arrange everything in your family. Moreover, your son Guan Sheng is also here. You can have a good get-together with him in advance, how about"?

"Okay, since you have said so, general, if Guan doesn't agree, I will be a bit stingy. I just didn't expect that my son, Guan Sheng, is also here. It seems that you can gain his trust, which means that you are also a famous general. , otherwise, he will not easily join others."

Fusu didn't expect that he could get four people to join so easily, and Guan Sheng also played a vital role. He couldn't help laughing, and immediately called his servants to start his arrangements.

"You, immediately find four rooms, arrange for these four heroes to stay, eat and drink well, their requests are my requests, don't neglect them, otherwise, I will question you."

After Fusu finished speaking, he turned back to the four of them and said:

"I still have some things to do. You should follow my arrangements first and let this servant take you to your room. You can stay there first and rest for a few days. I will make other arrangements."

After Fusu finished speaking, he asked them to follow the servants there first, and then he turned around and went back to the house to rest. ..

Chapter 27 Attributes of Everyone

Fusu returned to his room, took off the heavy armor on his body, stood the sword hanging on his waist beside the bed, turned around and lay on the bed, and asked the system in his mind:

"System, send me the attributes and skills of Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and Xu Chu Dianwei. I want to check them."

In less than three seconds, Fusu already had a detailed introduction to the attributes and skills of the four of them in his own mind.

Name: Xu Chu, courtesy name Zhongkang, from Qiao State.

Force value: 90, command: 73, resourcefulness: 75, internal affairs: 69.

Weapon, Sky-Shaking Hammer. When Xu Chu holds the Sky-shaking Hammer, his own force value increases by one to three points.

Skill 1: Ambitions. Because Xu Chu has lofty ambitions in his heart, he will permanently increase his own force value by 1 point. The passive skill of this skill does not need to be actively released.

Skill two, no worries, because Xu Chu has no people or things that he cares about in his heart. When fighting the enemy, it can reduce the enemy's command by 1 to 3 points.

Name: Dian Wei, Chen Liuji.

Force value: 89, command: 79, resourcefulness: 80, internal affairs: 68.

Weapons, Huiyunjian, because Dianwei uses double swords, when Dianwei holds these two weapons, he will automatically increase his own force value by two points.

Skill 1, I am Dian Wei. When Dian Wei announces his name on the battlefield, the enemy troops will be intimidated by Dian Wei's name, and their command power will be randomly reduced by 1 to 3 points.

Skill two, Contempt. Because the enemy is despised by Dian Wei's appearance, Dian Wei can critically hit when attacking, immediately increasing his own force value by three points.

Name: Zhang Fei, courtesy name Yide, from Zhuojun, Hebei.

Force value: 91, command: 71, resourcefulness: 88, internal affairs: 69.

The weapon is the Zhangba Snake Spear. Whenever Zhang Fei holds the Zhangba Snake Spear, he will automatically increase his own force value by two points.

Skill one is bold and careful. Because Zhang Fei is bold and careful, the enemy cannot weaken all of Zhang Fei's attributes. This is a passive skill and does not need to be actively released.

Skill 2, Yan man Zhang Fei is here. Whenever Zhang Fei is fighting an enemy, he shouts this sentence to randomly weaken the enemy's force value by 2 to 4 points.

Name: Guan Yu, courtesy name Yunchang, from Jie County, Hedong County.

Force value: 93, command: 85, resourcefulness: 88, internal affairs: 83.

The weapon is the Qinglong Yanyue Sword. Whenever Guan Yu holds the Qinglong Yanyue Sword, he will automatically increase his own force value by one point.

Skill 1 is unparalleled in the world. Whenever fighting an enemy, it can automatically reduce the enemy's force value by three points.

The second skill is the dragging skill. When Guan Yu fights with enemy generals, he can increase his own force value by two points for the first time, one point for the second time, and one point for the third time.

When Fusu read the detailed attributes and skills in his mind, he was suddenly in a daze. It was not because they were too weak, but because their skills were all very powerful. None of them were useless skills. They were all magical skills.

The skills of the four of them can be used 100% when fighting the enemy on the battlefield. This is good news for me. In this way, I will no longer worry about their force value.

Their skills are all so strong. I wonder how worried the enemy will be when they fight.

The force value of the four of them is not low. Their weapons and skills all increase their own force value. When added up bit by bit, they all have about ninety-six or ninety-seven force value, except maybe Lu Bu. , no one can beat them.

At this time, Fusu remembered what the system had said before. It seemed that conquering local forces would also increase his own summoning points, but it was only based on the lowest point.

Fusu added up the lowest points of the four people and found that the summoning points had reached 289. In addition, the summoning points for conquering Zhang Jiao and the summoning points for killing the general on the battlefield totaled 539. Click the summon point.

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