The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 1139: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

"As expected of Guan Yu, he really has these two tricks."

After Fusu finished thinking, he rubbed his bruised chest and said to Guan Yu:

"It's amazing. As expected of Guan Yu. Come on, keep going. You have to be careful. I'm going to do my best next time."

After Guan Yu heard Fusu say this, he realized that Fusu had never used all his strength. There was some surprise on his face, but after a while, his expression became calm again, but the tight His body told Fusu that Guan Yu was not as relaxed in his heart as he showed on his face.

Fusu smiled in his heart, but did not show it on his face. He directly struck first and struck Guan Yu with his fists like a dragon. ..

Chapter 30 Fusu vs Guan Yu

When Guan Yu saw Fusu coming at him so aggressively, he couldn't help but cheer up. He quickly turned sideways and avoided Fusu's two punches.

Fusu found that his two punches were dodged, so he didn't panic at all. He turned his fists into sweeps and swept them towards Guan Yu's chest.

Guan Yu discovered that there was something hidden in Fusu's change of move. It was so powerful that his clothes swept through the air, causing a "crash, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish" sound.

When Guan Yu thought of this, he jumped back and jumped out of Fusu's sweeping range. Waiting for his anger to be released, he hurriedly took a step forward, wanting to use the move just now, wanting to use the Iron Mountain to support him. Fusu knocked out.

When Fusu saw Guan Yu using this move again, he couldn't help but feel a little funny and said to Guan Yu:

"Hahaha, Brother Yun, you can't use the same move on me twice, because it is no longer useful. If I suffered a loss the first time, I won't be fooled the second time, so you can save it. Save it."

When Guan Yu heard what Fusu said, he knew that his move was probably useless. He never thought that Fusu's words would only leave a shadow in his heart, but he didn't expect that there was a mystery hidden here. .

After Fusu finished saying this, he turned over like a kite, and when he was about to land, he swept his legs towards Guan Yu.

Guan Yu never expected that Fusu would use such a move, not only dodging his iron mountain support, but also sweeping him to the ground. He couldn't help but be shocked and yelled out involuntarily.

"There are such moves in this world, why didn't I know about it?"

Fusu seemed very happy when he heard that Guan Yu was at a loss. After all, he had defeated the famous military general Guan Yu. After thinking about it, he took the rest of Guan Yu's words and said to him:

"Haha, there are still many things you don't know. Haven't you heard your seniors say that, there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world."

After saying that, he smiled proudly.

Guan Yu didn't look angry when he saw Fusu doing this. He smiled and said to Fusu:

"I have been taught. The general is worthy of being a general. Not only can he march and fight, but he is also so good at martial arts. I admire and admire him."

"But, Yunchang, I haven't lost yet, so don't get too proud too early, otherwise I won't care if you cry."

When Fusu heard that Guan Yu had said such words, he immediately took over and said:

"Humph, you have to beat me before you talk. Everyone can tell big lies. It depends on you, Yunchang, if you have the ability."

After Fusu finished speaking, he patted his clothes that were wrinkled due to the battle, and waved to Guan Yu, indicating that he was ready and allowed him to attack at will.

Guan Yu was not angry when he saw Fusu like this, because he knew that Fusu had the qualifications. He took two steps forward and swept his whip leg towards Fusu's chest.

Fusu saw that Guan Yu was so ruthless when he made a move, and quickly calmed down, relying on his trust in his own body, he kicked Guan Yu with another whip.

When Guan Yu saw Fusu using the same move against him, he knew that he had absolute confidence. Instead of fighting with Fusu, he directly withdrew his right leg that was still in the air, kicked the ground, and with the help of this The reaction force was a faster whip kick towards Fusu.

When Fusu saw Guan Yu do this, he couldn't help but nodded at Guan Yu's cleverness. After all, being able to come up with this move in such a short time during the battle was truly a talent of a generation.

But Fusu was not to be outdone. He only used an iron bridge to avoid Guan Yu's whip kick.

Then there was another side somersault, and one foot landed on Guan Yu's chest.

Guan Yu seems to have forgotten that he doesn't play according to common sense. Fusu is also a guy who follows his own whim. Rules cannot restrict him at all. He always likes to use some amazing moves. If he is not careful, he will He fell into Fusu's move.

Ask Guan Yu directly. He took five steps back in succession before he relieved the force of Fusu's kick.

"Good feet, but I don't know if you will have the strength to try again later."

Guan Yu discovered the secret of this kick and couldn't help but roared and praised Fusu.

"Haha, you don't have to worry about whether I have the strength or not. I just don't know if you can handle my next move."

After Fusu finished speaking, regardless of whether Guan Yu reacted or not, he punched him again.

The two of them went back and forth and fired dozens of moves. The three people watching were a little surprised. They had never thought that Fusu could be so powerful. They all expressed admiration on their faces. But the three of them could only watch and couldn't do anything. They all felt a little bored, just like the people who didn't know the truth.

Gradually, the speed of the two fighting men slowed down. Guan Yu was out of breath, and the strength in his hands was not as heavy as before. On the other hand, Fusu was still so calm and composed. Even a layman could tell at a glance. , or Fusu is better and better.

When Fusu saw this, he calmly said to Guan Yu:

"How about it, Brother Yun is convinced, do you want to continue fighting?"

There was doubt in Fusu's tone, as if he was not sure what Guan Yu would say next.

When Guan Yu heard Fusu say this, his face showed anger for the first time, and he replied breathlessly:

"Fight, why not fight, I didn't fall down, this competition has not officially decided the winner yet."

After Guan Yu finished speaking, he no longer paid attention to his physical fatigue, took another breath, and continued towards Fusu.

When Fusu saw Guan Yu say this, he knew that he was at the end of his strength. He knew that even if he didn't fight him, Guan Yu would get tired and fall down after a while, but he didn't do that.

Because he knew that if he did this, Guan Yu would definitely hate him for the rest of his life, and it would be impossible for him to be a general with peace of mind and join his command.

Only by going all out can we win Guan Yu's respect, otherwise, everything will be in vain.

When Fusu thought of this, he stopped dealing with him and went straight to attack him with all his strength.

When Guan Yu saw Fusu doing this, he knew what he was thinking in his heart, and knew that he did it out of respect for himself. He felt a sense of gratitude in his heart, laughed three times, and said to Fusu:

"Well done, today you and I will fight for 300 rounds to see who can't hold on and collapses first." ..

Chapter 31 Unlocking the Seal

After Guan Yu said this, he was like Fu Su.

The two of them went back and forth, and before they knew it, dozens of moves were exchanged between the two sides.

At this time, the two people's physical strength was close to the limit, their speed was getting slower and slower, their strength was getting lighter and lighter, and even the steps under their feet became light.

Both of them were sweating profusely, their clothes were wet with sweat, and their hair was stuck to their bodies. They were motionless. The sweat on their faces was dripping down their faces.

Their bodies were swaying a little and they couldn't really stand up at all. Only then did Guan Yu and Fusu stop.

Because they knew that if this continued, there would be no way to tell the winner, so the two stopped with the same idea.

Fusu looked at Guan Yu and found that he was also looking at him, so he panted and said to him:

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