The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 1153: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

As Bai Qi spoke, he ordered his men to pick up two cans of good wine and make some dishes to go with the wine.

Bai Qi turned to Fusu and said:

"Today I have untied the knot in my heart, and I am very happy. The two of us can have a drink, eat some food, and discuss major world affairs here. What do you think?"

When Fusu heard Bai Qi ask him this, he knew that the knot in his heart was truly resolved. Otherwise, he would not be so happy, and would drag himself to drink with him, and said happily:

"Okay, okay, today, you and I will have a good drink to celebrate that you have solved the knot in your heart."

After saying that, Fusu walked to the table, took off the sword from his waist, put it aside, picked up the map on the table, hung it on the wall, and said to Bai Qi:

"General Bai, you don't have to worry about these things anymore. It's not worth it. Think about it. Guan Yu is so powerful, but he was defeated by you. Think about it."

When Bai Qi heard what Fusu said to him, he thought about it and felt that he was indeed a little naive. It was originally a small matter, but he turned it into a knot in his heart. For this matter, Tea I couldn't even think about food, and couldn't even concentrate. Today I untied my knot, and suddenly I felt much clearer in my heart, and I felt like I had a clear mind.

Thinking of this, Bai Qi picked up the wine on the table and said to Fusu:

"I can figure this out, thanks to your help, General Qin. Otherwise, I would have been struggling with this matter for a longer time. I give you a toast."

When Fusu saw this, he quickly raised his wine glass and said to Bai Qi:

"Then it's better to be respectful than to obey. Come, come, drink and drink."

The two of them picked up the cups, clinked them in the air, and drank them in one gulp. After drinking, the two of them wiped their mouths with their sleeves, picked up the chopsticks at hand, and started eating the dishes that went with the drinks.

As the two of them drank, the two cans of wine were gone, and Bai Qi shouted:

"Come here, bring me the remaining wine, and the Dukang wine that has been collected for eighteen years. General Qin and I will not return until we are drunk today."

After Bai Qi finished speaking, he quickly greeted Fusu to eat food and drink.

The two of them started drinking again. I don't know how long it took. The dishes were served several times and the wine was served several times. However, the two of them showed no intention of stopping and were still drinking.

Fusu finished the bowl of wine in his hand, then touched the wine jar, and found that the wine was gone again. He immediately shouted to Bai Qi:

"Why did you finish the drink again? General Bai, why do you drink this wine so infrequently? You only drank as much as you wanted and then it was gone."

When Bai Qi heard what Fusu said, he staggered toward the wine jar, raised it twice with his trembling hands, and found that the wine had indeed been finished by the two of them. He touched his head and laughed. Twice.

When Fusu saw Bai Qi like this, he knew that he had almost drunk and was so drunk that he quickly laughed at Bai Qi:

"Look at how you look like this. You've only had so much to drink that you can't do it anymore. With this amount of alcohol, you're still asking me to drink. How can you do it?"

When Bai Qi heard Fusu laughing at him, he immediately yelled at Fusu:

"Okay, why not? I'm not even drunk. Look at yourself, what you've become and you're still talking about me."

When Fusu heard him yelling at her like this, he felt very unhappy. He immediately stood up, pointed at Bai Qi and said:

"What's wrong with me? I'm still fine. I'm much stronger than you. Look, I don't sway at all when I stand up. You still have the nerve to laugh at me." ..

Chapter 47 Drinking

After Fusu said this, he pointed at Bai Qi and smiled. Just as he was about to say something, he suddenly felt that the world was spinning. Without paying attention, he sat down on the ground. Only then did he realize that he was also drunk. .

Fusu supported the pillar next to him, stood up slowly, and said to Bai Qi:

"Okay, okay, I won't laugh at you anymore. Isn't it okay if I'm drunk? Then that's it for today. You and I are almost drunk. If we keep drinking, something will happen. ".

After Fusu said this, he wanted to walk out of the camp.

But Bai Qi didn't want him to leave. He walked over unsteadily and grabbed Fusu directly. He didn't want him to leave and said loudly:

"Why are we going? I haven't drunk enough yet. Let's continue drinking. We won't come back until we get drunk today."

After Bai Qi finished speaking, he opened the tent and shouted outside:

"Come here, the wine is gone. I don't know how to serve it yet. Go and bring me all the wine. I want to thank General Qin very much today. Do you hear me?"

After Bai Qi finished yelling, he walked back into the camp, swaying so hard that he couldn't even walk properly, and smashed the empty wine jars.

When the soldiers outside heard what Bai Qi said, they quickly went to bring them the remaining wine. It was not enough for one person, so he also asked a helper to help him weigh the wine. The two of them held the wine jar and slowly He delivered the wine to Bai Qi's tent.

And he saw that his soldiers brought the wine over again, put their arms around Fusu's neck, and started touching the wine again.

Fusu saw Bai Qi still drinking with him, laughed loudly, and said to him:

"Well, I, the general, will sacrifice my life to accompany this gentleman today, and drink as much as I can with you."

After saying that, he ignored the drunk body and continued to drink with Bai Qi.

The two of them started drinking again, regardless of their own health, just for the sake of happiness.

The sky was dim and the earth was dark, the sun and the moon were dim, and even the sky outside was getting darker. However, Fusu and Bai Qi's interest did not diminish at all, and they were still drinking there with great interest. While drinking, they drank. They are still talking about world affairs, and I don’t know how their brains grow.

The sky was slowly getting dark, and there were more and more empty wine jars at their feet. There were at least a dozen jars of wine.

Suddenly, Bai seemed to have thought of something, and stammered to Fusu:

"Two days ago, didn't you ask Zhang Hefei to join the army? I have arranged for him to be the captain and lead a team of people. Now he is training every day. Are you satisfied? , General Qin”?

Bai Qi asked Fusu while continuing to drink, regardless of whether Fusu could hear what he said, and continued:

"It's the same with the one named Hefei Yu. I made him the leader, taking care of Hefei Fei, and training soldiers every day. It's really good."

When Fusu heard what Bai Qi said, his face was full of pride and he replied to Bai Qi:

"No, after all, they are the people recommended by me. Their quality can still be guaranteed, and there is nothing wrong with their loyalty. Otherwise, how could I dare to recommend them to you, General Bai?"

When Bai Qi saw Fusu complimenting him so much, he laughed twice, patted Fusu's shoulders twice, drank wine and said to Fusu:

"Stop praising yourself. Look at yourself. You're just like a peacock about to open its tail. How dare you say that it's not all up to me, otherwise they could join the army?"

When Fusu heard what Bai Qi said, he felt very angry and quickly stammered to Bai Qi:

"Why, it's all your, your, your benefit. I, Fu, Fusu, also have merit, okay? Otherwise, you, you can have such good seedlings, cultivate seedlings, ah"?

"Yes, General Qin, you are right. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to take in these two good young men. Letting them join the army is also a part of your contribution. I, Bai Qi, will keep it in mind. Don't worry." .

When Fusu heard Bai Qi say this to him, he laughed loudly, quickly raised the bowl in his hand, and said to Bai Qi:

"Keep on, keep on drinking, until you and I get drunk today we won't come back."

After saying that, the two started drinking again.

The two of them drank until there was no more wine, then they stopped, as if they still didn't understand what was going on. Fusu said to Bai Qi:

"There's no wine again. Tell me what's going on? You can't even drink to the fullest."

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