The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 1179: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 83 Attack on Luoyang

Fusu himself must break into Luoyang. As long as he is still there, it is impossible to fail. His own self-esteem cannot fail this matter at all. He can only turn it into an indispensable victory to welcome him.

Fusu was thinking about the possibility of this matter in his heart, but he did not stop. He slowly took off the heavy armor on his body, and lay on the bed bit by bit, but he was still thinking about this matter in his heart, just like this. , Fusu fell into a deep sleep while thinking about this matter.

That night, Fusu didn't have a good sleep at all, because he kept thinking about this matter and kept waking up. He had no choice but to sleep well until the next morning. Unable to stop the physical fatigue, I slowly fell asleep.

After a while, it was already bright, but Fusu was still extremely tired. Yesterday's insomnia made him miserable, and his fatigue was not relieved at all. He had no choice but to ignore the noise outside and started again. Go to sleep.

The sky gradually became brighter, but Fusu was still sleeping and showed no sign of wanting to get up. However, the soldiers outside did not dare to disturb him while he was sleeping like this, so they had to let Fusu wake up on his own.

Slowly, the sun came to the middle of the sky, and the time came to noon. It was not until this time that Fusu had the intention to open his eyes.

I saw Fusu's eyes trembling there. He slowly opened his eyes, but did not move. He was still lying on the bed in a trance, as if he was still sleeping and hadn't woken up.

After a while, he slowly came back to his senses. He rubbed his eyes with his hands, slouched and yawned. Then he slowly straightened up on the bed and looked outside the tent. go.

Fusu's eyes slowly moved to the outside of the tent. Only then did he realize that it was already dark outside, and he didn't know what time it was. It was only then that he immediately got up from the bed, quickly put on his armor, and walked quickly outside the tent. go.

It was only then that Fusu realized that the time had already reached noon. He couldn't help but be a little stunned. He didn't know that he slept for such a long time. He was a little surprised. He didn't know that he could sleep so well. I slept until noon.

The soldiers outside the camp didn't notice Fusu waking up at all. They were all still busy making their own lunch. Suddenly, the sky above the camp was filled with smoke. From a distance, it looked like a long gray dragon. .

Fusu slowly walked to the stove, found a shady place and sat down, looking at the food in the stove, and slowly fell into a trance.

Fusu thought in his heart:

"These five people gathered here this time. They must be full of confidence in attacking Luoyang. That's why they dared to assemble the coalition forces not far from Luoyang. It seems that they will attack Luoyang in a short time. A general offensive has been launched.”

Fusu thought of this and had some thoughts of his own. By that time, if he didn't get any benefits, then he would be a fool. He would definitely get enough benefits from this war.

Fusu was thinking in his heart, but the food in the camp stove was already ready. The aroma of the food reached Fusu's nose involuntarily, and Fusu sniffed involuntarily.

Only then did I realize that the food was ready, but I was still thinking about things, and I couldn't help but shake my head in a self-deprecating way.

But he shook his head, but the movements of his hands did not stop. He filled his rice bowl with food and started eating on the spot.

After eating, he patted his round belly and walked swaying towards the military camp.

Slowly walking to the military camp, he found that the soldiers had finished their lunch and were resting under the shade of the trees one by one. Fusu didn't want them to be so lazy, so he called them all up to start training.

The soldiers who were called out were all very reluctant, but they did not rebel against Fusu's order. They all started their training in the open space of the military camp.

Fusu thought for a moment, and then he found a shady place and stood there to practice his sword skills.

The breeze blows, bringing a bit of coolness, making this hot afternoon less hot. Fusu is still standing there practicing his sword skills, but he is sighing in his heart at the coolness of the weather, and the sword skills in his hand are suddenly More and more fierce.

During this process, a man was seen walking from the coalition army, walking straight towards Fusu.

But Fusu was still practicing his swordsmanship there and didn't even notice the man's arrival. The man didn't bother Fusu either. He found that he didn't notice him and didn't step forward. He just took two steps to the side. , began to appreciate Fusu's swordsmanship.

Fusu was still immersed in his mysterious swordsmanship. He didn't even notice that someone came to him, and he was still practicing there with gusto.

After a while, the man became a little impatient. Although he admired Fusu's swordsmanship very much, he was not the only one with good martial arts skills in the world, so he slowly walked up to Fusu. , directly interrupted Fusu and said to him:

"You are Fusu, right? I came to you today just to impart the orders of the adults. He ordered you to prepare in advance. In three days, we will attack Luoyang. I hope you won't make any mistakes by then. That's nonsense. Our hind legs, when that time comes, even if you have ten heads, it won’t be enough to chop them off.”

After the man finished saying this, he ignored Fusu's dazed look and turned around and walked towards the outside of the camp.

It was only then that Fusu slowly recovered from the swordsmanship. After thinking about what the man said, he realized that he looked down on Fusu's army and deliberately said these words to belittle them. .

But Fusu didn't care, because he himself knew that his army didn't have much strength at all and couldn't fight against these veteran generals, but in three days, everything would no longer be so ordinary, as long as it arrived At that time, it will surely impress them.

Fusu slowly inserted the sword into his scabbard, wiped the sweat from his head, and then slowly came to his tent and looked at the map hanging on the wall. Attacking Luoyang, thinking about something.

No one dared to disturb him for a while, so just let Fusu continue thinking like this. ..

Chapter 84 The frightened Dong Zhuo

Fusu had been thinking and didn't notice any change in the weather. The sky outside was getting darker and darker, and the temperature was getting lower and lower, making people want to shiver unconsciously.

The temperature is getting lower and lower, and the weather is getting worse and worse. It was a bright and sunny day just now, and it turned into a cloudy day with dense clouds in the blink of an eye, giving no one any time to react.

The rolling dark clouds blocked the sunlight in the sky, making it impossible for the sunlight to reach the ground. People's moods were also like the weather, becoming depressed bit by bit. Everyone knew that there would be an unprecedented heavy rainstorm. .

But Fusu was still thinking there and didn't care about the weather outside at all. Even if he knew about it, he wouldn't think much about it. After all, he had experienced enough of this kind of thing.

But those ordinary soldiers were different. They all remembered that the heavy rain when they were on the road was so heavy that it made them miserable.

Slowly, the raindrops fell bit by bit, and in a blink of an eye it turned into a heavy downpour, which made people not want to go out at all. Some of the training soldiers hid in the camp, and some simply stood under the shade of the trees for shelter. No one complained about the rain.

Because they also know that this kind of weather cannot be controlled by human beings. After all, it is not them who have the final say whether it rains or not. If they have the final say, then are they still ordinary people? There is no need to fight anymore, just a word Order, let the weather rain and snow, then they can win, why fight.

The downpour fell on the ground little by little, stirring up a little splash of water. The crackling sound hitting the tent was particularly loud. Only at this moment did Fusu slowly come to his senses and heard the sound outside. With a loud voice, he walked towards the outside of the camp little by little.

It was only at this time that Fusu realized that it was raining heavily outside, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart:

"This rain is coming at the right time. How can I rush on my way then? It always likes to be against me. I don't know what God is thinking."

Fusu sighed in his heart, and then looked outside seriously. He found that even in this situation, the soldiers only took a short rest and continued to train there. He quickly sent an order to let all those soldiers return. The camp is on rest and today’s training is cancelled.

The soldiers who were training outside in the heavy rain were very happy when they heard Fusu's order, because they all knew that there was no need to train anymore in this case, and they hurriedly ran towards their own tents.

Fusu also felt a little regretful in his heart. He felt that he had ignored the weather outside because he was thinking about things, which made those soldiers keep training in this weather and felt very sorry. But so what?

Fusu is a general. He only needs to lead his soldiers to fight and win without losing their lives.

So that he can return home safely and intact. Only such a general is a good general. If he really apologizes, it will only make those soldiers feel that his general is unrealistic. This made Fusu's approach inferior.

It's still raining continuously outside, and it looks like it won't stop for a while.

Over in Luoyang, the mood of the people there was just like the heavy rain, so depressing that people could hardly breathe, especially Dong Zhuo, who was the most famous in Luoyang City.

Originally, Dong Zhuo, as a tyrant, stayed there all day without making any progress. Even if there was another war outside, he felt that nothing would happen if he sent his adopted son there. With this idea, Dong Zhuo just had fun there every day. , the sound of gongs and dancing can be heard in the palace every day.

But today, Dong Zhuo could not sit still, because he found that the adopted son he sent to guard Hulao Pass, the brave Lu Bu, failed in the war, and handed over Hulao Pass to others. , After all, Hulao Pass is an important pass in the defense of Luoyang. If it fell into the hands of others like this, how could Dong Zhuo enjoy his life with peace of mind.

Ever since Dong Zhuo heard the news about the change of ownership of Hulao Pass, he has been worried about poverty all day long. He is no longer in the mood for fun. He looks sad every day. Even ordinary people can see the anxiety in his heart. But what can he do, and Dong Zhuo can't do anything. Even if the whole of Luoyang belongs to him now, it can't solve the situation of others driving straight into Luoyang.

Especially in the past few days, Dong Zhuo has been looking sad all the time. He has stopped dancing and drinking. His mood has become worse and worse. Even Dong Zhuo's close friends dare not say anything more. Don't worry about annoying him.

Under this situation, Dong Zhuo has been thinking about a question, that is, whether to move the capital away from Luoyang and away from this place of right and wrong. Even if others come to find him, they will not be able to realize that he has left Luoyang. This fact.

But Dong Zhuo couldn't bear it. He didn't want to give up this life of enjoying himself all day long. If he couldn't think about it every day after moving to Luoyang and had to work, then it would be better for him to die.

But if he knew that he would not move away from Luoyang and wait until his enemies invaded Luoyang, then Dong Zhuo himself would fall into the hands of those people and there would be no good fruits to be gained.

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