The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 1183: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

But Fusu didn't realize that the man was still a tough guy. When he saw Fusu threatening him like this, he wasn't afraid at all. He looked at Fusu with contempt and spat on the ground.

Fusu couldn't help but feel very angry when he saw that this man had become his prisoner and was still so arrogant. However, he couldn't do anything to that man. After all, he was still in Luoyang City. If a murder happened here.

Then he will be the first person to be suspected. After all, Fusu is not a native of Luoyang, and he only entered Luoyang City today. If a murder occurs at this time, there is no way for Fusu to be safe. left Luoyang City.

But it was impossible for Fusu to let him go. After all, he had been following him for such a long time, and he might not know something. If he let him go at this time, didn't he want him to report to Dong Zhuo?

He couldn't fight, he couldn't kill, he couldn't let go. Fusu didn't know what to do about this matter. If Fusu didn't want to come up with a good way, then he would have to give up on this trip to Luoyang. After all, we have just arrived in Luoyang.

Leaving like this on the first day, Fusu also had some regrets and reluctance in his heart, but this matter could not be forgotten. If there was no way to solve it, Fusu would have no choice but to leave the city overnight and return to his own place. among the army.

At this time, the soldiers patrolling Luoyang City at night came here bit by bit. They did not find Fusu and the man in the shadows over there. They were just patrolling the streets in accordance with this order. , but even so, they got closer to Fusu and the others little by little.

Fusu discovered the arrival of those soldiers at this time and was immediately dumbfounded. He thought those soldiers had discovered him and were about to surrender, but then he realized that those soldiers were just walking towards him and did not notice Fusu. Su, Fusu and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

But in this case, if Fusu still stands still, he will inevitably meet those patrolling soldiers. In this case, it is the most unwise to meet them, so he can only pull that person quickly. , walked directly to one side, turned to another street, and then looked at the soldiers bit by bit.

Fusu watched the soldiers patrol slowly and did not find him. Then he couldn't help but patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

But just then he realized that the person he had caught was gone. He quickly turned around and looked around. Only then did Fusu find that the person was on the street. ..

Chapter 91 Individual Combat

Fusu glanced at the distance between him and himself and found that the two were almost two meters apart. He looked like he was going to report to the patrolling soldiers.

But how could Fusu let the man fulfill his wish? He rushed out of the shadows, took a step forward and rushed directly towards the man, threw him to the ground, and dragged him bit by bit. After returning to the shadows, it was only then that Fusu carefully turned around and looked at the patrolling soldiers.

He found that the soldiers had not noticed him, so he safely dragged the man who was following him to the shadows, sat down opposite him, and said to him:

"I respect you as a man, but you won't take the hard way. What do you want? I have to ask you to kill me. Do you feel at ease only if you die?"

As Fusu spoke, he looked at the man. He found that the man's eyes couldn't help but dodge when he heard him say such words. When he saw this, he knew that there were still some opportunities to kill this man. The man pried his mouth open and told himself the secret in his heart. Only in this way could Fusu not appear so passive.

Fusu found that his offensive was effective, so he quickly said another sentence to the man while the iron was hot:

"Even if you are a real man and don't take any hard measures, have you ever thought about your family? The pain of having a child who wants to support you but not being loved by him? Have you ever thought about the pain of a white-haired person giving a black-haired person? Can you really bear it? Abandon them and leave this world alone?”

Fusu increased his tone and hurriedly spoke to the man. He found that when the man heard Fusu say this, another hole was ripped out of the defense in his heart, making his psychological defense less strong.

After Fusu finished saying this, he gave the man some time to think by himself, but Fusu himself walked to the side, leaving some space for the man alone so that he could be more thoughtful. Thinking about my opinion on this matter.

The man also knew this truth, but even if he knew that Fusu was trying to intimidate him, what could he do? After all, his life was now in his hands, and even his wife, children, mother, and father were in constant danger. Living in Luoyang City, as long as Fusu inquires carefully, he will be able to find out his relatives. If the time comes for revenge, he will not be able to bear the responsibility.

Thinking of this, the man slowly raised his head and opened his shining eyes, which revealed the light of wisdom. He slowly said to Fusu:

"I hope you won't be angry, sir. I'll tell you the truth. I'm just an ordinary citizen in Luoyang City. It's just because your actions are too sneaky, making people suspicious, so I followed you and took a look." I saw what you were going to do, sir, but I didn’t expect that because of my carelessness, I would be caught in your hands. I hope you have enough to let the little ones go."

When Fusu heard what he said, he never thought that he was just a commoner in Luoyang City. He was still very surprised. It turned out that an ordinary commoner had such observation ability. It seemed that Luoyang was also a Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. place.

Fusu noticed that after he said this, he looked at him with a pleading look. He couldn't help but feel some sympathy in his heart, feeling that he was very pitiful. Moreover, he didn't hinder Fusu in anything, as long as he let him go. No one knew that Fusu had ever been to Luoyang City, so this was a solution.

Fusu thought about it for a long time and felt that there was only one possible way. He quickly pulled him aside, untied him, and told him not to make any noise after he was rescued.

If Fusu finds out, then Fusu will definitely take revenge on him, and cannot reveal the news of Fusu's arrival in Luoyang City to others. Only in this way can Fusu make foolproof preparations.

Fusu slowly came to the city wall, threw the man who was following her there, turned around and flew out of Luoyang City, and flew towards his army under the illumination of night light. As I ran, I thought about what happened tonight. I felt that it might all be accidental and not intentional. Otherwise, it would be terrible.

Fusu himself drove for an hour under the moonlight, and then slowly returned to the military camp. At this time, Fusu discovered that not all his soldiers were sleeping, but were still following the military regulations. According to regulations, patrols began in the military camp under the moonlight.

Fusu was also very satisfied when he saw this. He felt that he had trained them for so long and integrated this matter into their bones, making it a habit, so that he could still perform this in his absence. Dao orders, this kind of army is the real steel division.

After seeing this, Fusu praised them in his heart, then turned around and returned to his tent, lying on the bed and falling asleep. After all, Fusu was too tired, even though it was only for a short time. In less than a day.

But in that situation, the tense nerves never rested at all, and they could not support Fusu's excitement in congratulating him. If someone looked carefully at this time, they would find a few small words faintly coming from the sky. , but no one could see all the words "this" clearly. They thought they might be blind, so they ignored Fusu. Those boys passed by and disappeared into the air. .

Fusu lay on the bed and fell into a deep sleep. He had no idea what was going on outside. Maybe, even if he knew, he wouldn't manage it. After all, it's getting more and more difficult for people nowadays.

Fusu fell asleep little by little because of this incident. He was thinking in his dream. When tomorrow evening, he would lead the army to capture Luoyang City, Fusu thought about it little by little in his mind. Deducing.

The heat of summer also made people miserable. As time passed little by little, Fusu slowly came up with a good idea. Now let the two soldiers stand face to face, each of them doing their best. Do your best.

They are all playboys who are unwilling to lag behind. The genes in their bodies are almost all excellent, and only genetic mutations can explain it. Otherwise, why would they be called superpowers? ..

Chapter 92 Sneak Attack on Luoyang

Fusu fell asleep little by little in his tent. He wasn't thinking about anything else at all. He just wanted to relax his tired body. After all, the body is the capital of the revolution. If the body can be managed deeply, If it's not good, then there's no point in leading troops to fight.

A night of silence.

On the second day, Fusu opened his eyes little by little. He rubbed his eyes and slowly sat up on the bed. He looked outside and realized that it was already bright. , the soldiers were training outside, and slogans were heard all the time, but there was only one tent, and there was no sound.

Only then did Fusu realize that except for his own tent, all the soldiers in the other tents were training outside, but he, the general, was lazy inside.

"This is not good news. If I really develop a habit in the future, how can I lead troops to fight in the future and frighten them with my reputation? Do they all think that I am a person who does not keep his word?" ?

Fusu thought seriously in his heart. Only then did he realize that he had almost formed a habit without realizing it. He had become lazy and unwilling to get up so early anymore, let alone go out for exercise. It's something that you don't even have to think about.

But what can Fusu do?

After all, during this period of time, he has been preparing for the battle day after day, consuming doubled mental energy to support himself every day. Only by not losing like this can he persevere bit by bit in so many days. Otherwise, this is not the case. , Fusu had collapsed a long time ago, and it was impossible for him to persist until this point. After all, his body was not made of iron, he was just an ordinary mortal. Every time he consumed his mental energy, Fusu himself would be exhausted physically and mentally. If he did not pass There is simply no way to get sleep back.

Therefore, there is a reason why Fusu has been sleeping all day during this period. After all, if there is no reason, who would be willing to eat and sleep all day and then be lazy.

But at this moment, Fusu suddenly remembered the news he had heard in Luoyang City that day, and immediately put back his playful smile, and immediately made a serious expression, because he was really thinking about something in his heart.

After all, when Fusu was in Luoyang City that day, he worked hard to remember all the architectural features and roads in the city. If he can't remember it now, it would be a shame for his previous efforts. I had no choice but to stop smiling and find a quiet place by myself, where I began to meditate hard.

Fusu was thinking and thinking, racking his brains to think of something, but it felt like there was a membrane, and the truth was behind that membrane, and it would be broken with just a poke, but he couldn't remember anything.

The uncle's mood became more and more anxious. He began to stamp his feet on the spot, spinning back and forth, and kept tapping his head. But it was useless no matter how anxious he was, after all, this kind of feeling could not be found by tapping his head a few times. of.

Fusu suddenly saw birds chirping on the trees, and a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in his mind. He finally knew what was recorded in Luoyang City that day.

Hu thought of this and hurriedly ran to his tent to record everything in his mind to prevent him from forgetting these things again. Then he slowly put away his brush and asked the person outside the tent to pass the order. The general Bai Qi shouted.

Fusu stood there and waited for a while, then Bai Qi came over. He happily said to Bai Qi:

"Brother, these things record the characteristics of the roads and buildings in Luoyang City. I have preserved them all. What do you think of this? Since they are so foolproof, why don't we directly attack Luoyang City tomorrow night and kill him in one fell swoop? How about taking it?"

Fusu was still talking happily. He didn't notice Bai Qi's face at all. He was still immersed in his own fantasy alone.

But who is Bai Qi? He was also a killing god in ancient times. How could he be blinded by such a trivial matter? He lowered his head and thought for a moment, then slowly looked at Fu Fu who was still trapped in his fantasy. Su said:

"Second brother, have you ever thought about what would happen if our sneak attack on Luoyang failed? We can't just think about the results, we have to consider the process. After all, this matter is related to our lives, so we can't be careless."

When Fusu heard what Bai Qi said, he knew that he disagreed. He was immediately discouraged and stood there unhappily. He slowly began to persuade Bai Qi:

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