For convenience, Fusu only brought two unknown people, one is Tang Bohu and the other is Zhu Zhishan.

Tang Bohu next to Fusu is the direct heir of the Overlord Spear of the Tang family. His kung fu is unfathomable. He is the Tang Bohu played in Master Zhou Xingxing's movie. He is talented but not well-known.

There is no way, there are few calligraphers and painters, and they are the small family among the hundreds of schools.

Zhu Zhishan is not simple either. Zhu Zhishan's weapon is a writing brush called "Judge Killing Pen". He integrated his own calligraphy into his martial arts and created a set of brushwork - Shushang Qiben.

The two people have small reputations, but high strength, mainly to deal with the upper-level masters sent by the other party.

Except for the two, in the dark, Hua Rong led the marksman and Zhao Yun led Bai Ma Yicong to hide in the dark, but these two men, no one knew, were completely hidden in the darkness.

In the bright place, apart from Tang Bohu and Zhu Zhishan, there is Zuo Sima Liu Yi, leading a group of soldiers to protect Fusu's safety.

Fusu guessed right, Zuo Sima Liu Yi was excited when he learned that Fusu was going to visit in a low-clothes and let him act as an accompanying guard, and hurriedly conveyed the news to Xueyihou.

Xue Yihou was also extremely excited, feeling that God was helping me, but I didn't expect such a good thing to happen.

And then, something that surprised Xue Yihou even more happened. It is said that it was not Pei Yuanqing, nor Luo Cheng and Zhao Zilong who were protecting Fusu personally, but two unknown people, Tang Bohu and Zhu Zhishan.

To be on the safe side, Xue Yihou specifically inquired about Tang Bohu and Zhu Zhishan's information, but without the help of the coir raincoat, Xue Yihou seemed to be blind. He only found out that Tang Bohu was the head of the painter and Zhu Zhishan was the head of the calligrapher. people.

After knowing the identities of the two people, Xue Yihou breathed a sigh of relief. Two of the most inconspicuous little characters in the family of scholars can be very masters.

On the second day, Fusu walked out of Han Palace with Tang Bohu and Zhu Zhishan.

In the dark, Liu Yi led a group of elite soldiers. In fact, the identities of this group of soldiers had changed a long time ago. In addition to the experts, there were also some master diners who had been raised in blood over the years.

All of them have extraordinary skills.

Fusu pretended not to know anything, and the farther and farther he walked, the fewer and fewer people there were. At this moment, Liu Yi showed his true colors.

Taking advantage of Fusu's unguardedness, Liu Yi slashed at Fusu with the long knife in his hand.

Zhu Zhishan, who was on the side, saw it, and immediately shot out the life-threatening judge's pen in his hand, directly blocking Liu Yi's long sword.

At this time, the soldiers led by Liu Yi also made a move, drew out the long sword in their hands, and attacked Fusu.

Knowing that Fusu is a master, all Xue Yihou dispatched were masters.

When the people around saw the sword, they screamed and fled in all directions. The sellers didn't care about their own paving, and the shoppers didn't care about the things in their hands, so they just threw them away and looked away. flee.

When Fusu acted calmly, with his hands behind his back, he looked at the menacing crowd.

As the crowd dispersed, a group of people appeared on the periphery. This group of people neither escaped nor ran away, and they behaved very calmly.

These people are none other than Zhao Yun, Hua Rong and others who secretly protected Fusu.

Tang Bohu stretched out his hand, and directly took out a wooden stick from the side. In order to act realistically, Tang Bohu didn't take his Overlord Spear.

Seeing the many masters attacking, Tang Bohu's blood boiled, and he rushed up directly using a stick as a gun.

Tang Bohu's marksmanship is very powerful, but the weapon is a fool.

The opponent is a sharp sword, but his weapon is an ordinary wooden stick.

Zhu Zhishan was much better, and wrote a death word in the void with the death-defying judge pen in his hand, and the last stroke was directly drawn across the neck of a master.

A splash of blood bloomed, bringing up two or three drops of blood.

Zhu Zhishan's martial arts didn't look like killing people, but more like performing arts, coupled with his high appearance, he was handsome.

At this time, Huarong's sharp shooting battalion gathered together, joined forces with Zhao Yun's Baima Yicong, and directly surrounded the group of people.

"Not good", Zuo Sima Liu Yi turned pale when he saw this situation, he knew he had been fooled.

Thinking of the consequences he was facing, Liu Yi directly collapsed to the ground.

Huarong took out his Heaven, Earth, Sun and Moon Bow, took out his long arrow, aimed, and released the arrow in one go.

Chapter 455: Using this as a Prelude to Killing Cai Mansion Cai Yan

A bright light flickered, and the master who had just leaped in the air was instantly pierced by Hua Rong's arrow.

The arrows are very dense, and one loses sight of the other, not to mention Huarong's arrows, which hit every shot and hit the Yang with a hundred steps.

"Kill", an expert expert rushed out of the crowd in an instant and appeared in front of Fusu, with the long sword in his hand attacking Fusu relentlessly.

"Fengshen's leg", Fusu stayed still, with his hands still behind his back, his right leg flew up and kicked towards the opponent.

Waves of strong wind burst out directly from Fusu's right leg.

Fengshen legs, the legs move and the wind rises.

"Bang", this expert was kicked flying by Fusu.

"Overestimating one's abilities", Fusu snorted coldly. Although he dared not claim to be invincible, at this level, he was really no match for him.

Zhao Yun and Bai Ma Yicong surrounded the crowd, and they would attack as soon as they made a move.

There are more than 20 people in the group led by Liu Yi. If they join forces, they will definitely be able to kill Fusu, but it is a pity that there are Tang Bohu and Zhu Zhishan, as well as Zhao Yun and Huarong.

In other words, on average, one person can deal with four, and it is a joke to deal with Fusu with only four people.

Tang Bohu threw away the wooden stick in his hand, grabbed a long sword, and attacked the opponent.

Liu Yi stood there motionless, because at this moment, his calf had already softened from fright. He didn't know how this matter would end, but he knew that this time he was going to end.

After a while, these experts and masters were all cleaned up by the crowd, and Fu Su led the crowd to Liu Yi's side.

Fusu pondered, "How about it, are you going to be lenient when you confess? Or are you going to be strict when you resist?"

"My lord, I was wrong," Liu Yi knelt on the ground directly.

"Take it away, remember, keep me under strict supervision, and don't let him do anything to me," Fusu said to Zhao Yun.

"Yes, son, suppress it for me," Zhao Yun turned around and said to the people around him.

No one knows what happened later, but after Fusu was assassinated, the entire Xinzheng City, including the troops living outside Xinzheng City, were mobilized, and the entire Xinzheng City was instantly enveloped in a bloody storm.

Many aristocratic families were implicated, especially some diehards back then, and of course, the most important Bloody Marquis.

After Xue Yihou knew that the matter had been revealed, he realized that his identity might be revealed. Xue Yihou didn't tell anyone, and wanted to abscond alone, but he didn't expect that Gao Changgong, the king of Lanling who was guarding the city gate, would catch him. .

Xue Yihou's martial arts is very strong, but Gao Changgong's martial arts is not bad, and Gao Changgong has a steady stream of soldiers coming to help him. After a fierce fight, he was subdued by Lin Chong who came together.

Fusu didn't go on a killing spree as everyone imagined, implicating the nine clans. Instead, he had a wrongdoer and a debtor, and Fusu only killed the mastermind.

But even so, the entire Xinzheng City was panicked, and everyone was discussing who should be the next family.

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