The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 309: The Summoner of the Ten Thousand Worlds Conquest

South Korea has just gone through a war and has just been wiped out. It needs a festive event to wash away the bad luck.

Marriage is undoubtedly the most suitable thing, so Fusu's move is very popular.

But immediately after, another piece of news came out, saying that Fusu married not only Cai Wenji alone, but Fusu also married several people at the same time.

Some people said that the object of Fusu's marriage was Zilanxuan's Zinu girl, so these days, Zilanxuan's customers were frighteningly large, and they all wanted to make friends with Zinu. They can make friends with other girls in Zilanxuan. They know that these women are sisters with Zilanxuan's boss.

Because of this piece of news, the status of Zi Lanxuan's sisters rose instantly.

There is a good saying, "One person attains the Tao, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven". All the girls know the relationship between Fusu and Zinu, so they both envy and support Zinu. It can be said that this gossip is indeed from Zilanxuan spread out.

However, this gossip is not fabricated, but has a certain factual basis.

Although Fusu is romantic, he is not obscene. Although he is surrounded by many beauties, he is very kind to women.

Fusu intends to take this opportunity to give the girls a perfect explanation.

So taking advantage of marrying Cai Wenji, Fusu planned to marry all the daughters, and it might become a good story in the future.

Fusu told Zi Nu the news.

Zi Nu couldn't help weeping with joy, God knows how long he had been waiting for this moment, and upon hearing Fu Su's promise, Zi Nu threw herself into Fu Su's arms.

After Fusu left, Zi Nu was too restless, she was guessed by all the girls when they were joking, so she spread the news.

Others said that Fusu was going to marry Miss Xuenv, the number one dancer in the world, Miss Zhao Feiyan, and Miss Nongyu, a famous female luthier in the world.

And he said it so clearly, as if he had heard it with his own ears.

Because of Cai Wenji's appearance, Nongyu's status as the world's number one luthier was threatened, so now she has become a world-famous female luthier.

And number one in the world, as long as Cai Wenji is around, it will be difficult for Nongyu to break through.

Others say that Fusu married Dongjun of the Yinyang family. As early as a few years ago, Qin Wang Yingzheng had given Fusu a marriage, and the person who bestowed the marriage was Dongjun of the Yinyang family, so in terms of status, Dongjun's status is even higher than Cai Wenji's. Since he is going to marry Cai Wenji, Dongjun will definitely be there.

Therefore, it is certain that among all the daughters to marry, Concubine Yan must be chosen.

Others said that the object of Fusu's marriage was Daji, Shen Wansan's jewel in the palm of the rich man.

According to rumors, this Daji's beauty is no different from Su Daji's in the Shang Dynasty. She looks as charming as a fox, charming all living beings, and her every move makes people dumbfounded and salivating.

There are not eight thousand masters who surrender under Daji's pomegranate skirt, but there are ten thousand. There are countless people who are willing to die in order to make Daji think of themselves more.

Some people also said, you are all wrong, they are the ones Fusu really wants to marry, besides that, there is military strategist Mu Guiying.

It has to be said that the person who spread the news definitely hit the nail on the head.

That's right, the person who can spread the news is either someone close to Fusu, or a person with a very vicious vision.

It is true that Fusu is going to marry a lot this time.

First of all, Yang Ying and Liu Yefei, Fusu did not give them a grand wedding in real life, so in Qin Shimingyue's world, he compensated the two daughters.

In addition to the two women, there are also those stunning beauties summoned by Fusu, first of all, Daji, whether she is a goblin or a human, Fusu will never abandon him.

There are also women like Zhao Feiyan, Pan Jinlian, Mu Guiying, Li Xiuning, Xiao Shushen, etc. Since Fusu has summoned them, he will give them a satisfactory explanation, so that they will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of their lives.

In addition to the summoned characters, there are also the natives of the Mingyue World in Qin Dynasty.

Concubine Yan needless to say, this is for sure, and in Fusu's heart she is definitely very strong.

It's not that other beauties are not beautiful, but turnips and vegetables, each has his own love, and Fusu likes Concubine Yan.

Mature, elegant, generous and noble.

In addition to Concubine Yan, there are Zi Nu, Xue Nu, Nong Yu and others. The only pity is that there is no Chi Lian.

Han Fei had just passed away, and Chi Lian didn't want to marry prematurely, even though they both had each other in their hearts.

Fusu has no choice but to wait for Chi Lian, and when she is willing, hold a wedding specially for Chi Lian.

Chapter 461 Congratulations from the Hundred Families, Gifts from the Five Kingdoms

As Fusu's wedding was approaching, the entire South Korean hometown was completely immersed in crazy excitement.

On the street, there are huge crowds of people, and everyone has a festive look on their faces. They are excited and happy for Fusu.

The entire Xinzheng City became the busiest city.

People from various schools of thought knew the news of Fusu's marriage, and they behaved differently. Some planned to send someone to send blessings, and make friends with Fusu by the way. Some people are on Fusu's side, and of course, some are not on Fusu's side.

The small sage village of Qi State, the head of the family - Fu Nian intends to send a congratulatory gift to Fusu. On the one hand, he makes friends with Fusu, and on the other hand, he also shows the tolerance of Confucianism.

Just as Fu Nian was thinking about what congratulatory gifts should be given to Xiao Shengxian Zhuang, a young man in Confucian uniform came up.

"Teacher, Zile asks to see you." The young man was very respectful, neither humble nor overbearing.

"En? Zi Le, what's the matter?" Fu Nian put down the bamboo slip in his hand.

Although there is paper now, paper is too expensive and a luxury, and it has not yet reached the level of universal popularity.

So Fu Nian was reluctant to use it.

On the back of Fu Nian, there is a big word "quiet", which he wrote himself, to remind himself that he must be calm.

"Teacher, Uncle Grand Master is looking for you, and ask Zi Le to tell you that Uncle Grand Master is waiting for you at your residence."

"Okay, I see." Fu Nian nodded.

Confucianism pays attention to the order of seniority, and Xunzi is the elder of Fu Nian, and his status is also placed there.

"Students leave," Zi Le backed away slowly.

Fu Nian thought for a while, stood up, and walked towards the direction where Xunzi lived.

The place where Xunzi lives is a very elegant place, surrounded by green bamboos, and there is a pond in the yard, in which several koi are bred. The air is clear, and you can even listen to the chirping of birds in the morning.

It wasn't until Fu Nian came to Xunzi's residence that he realized that Xunzi's thoughts coincided with his own, and both wanted to send Fusu a congratulatory gift.

Fu Nian knew that Xunzi valued Fusu very much, but he didn't expect that he would personally prepare a gift.

Xunzi looked at Fu Nian in front of him, and put the prepared gift on the table.

"Fu Nian, I know you will go to Xinzheng, so help me bring this congratulatory gift there." Xunzi put the things in his hand in front of Fu Nian.

This is a wooden box, the wooden box is very delicate, wrapped with a red silk thread, it looks very delicate.

But what's inside can't be seen clearly.

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