Hearing Ma Han's words, Wen Zhengming waved his hand and wrote the name of Confucianism on it.

"The yin and yang family presents thirty-six yin and yang harmony pills."

The Yin-Yang Harmony Pill is a elixir that promotes the happiness of couples and enhances the relationship in bed. After all, it is similar to the "Viagra" of the modern world.

But Fusu has the "Huangdi Neijing", so this kind of elixir probably won't be used.

"A tribute from Taoism..."

"Legalist tribute..."

"The Mo family presents..."


At this moment, at least on the surface, people from all schools of thought offered great gifts.

The person in charge of the third area is Fan Zhongyan, and this area is basically composed of ordinary people.

And most of these civilians are from South Korea, so Fan Zhongyan, the parent official, is entertaining and thanking them, which makes these civilians extremely happy.

In the third area, there is no person in charge of recording, only Zhang Long and Zhao Hu distribute papers there as a gift.

There are too many people. If you find someone to write the list, you will probably be exhausted and unable to finish it.

Moreover, I don't know how to write it, could it be written: "Xinzheng Dongtou Wang Erjing offered a pheasant".

"Ten girls from Tian Niu in the west of Hanwu City offer ten duck eggs"

If you really write like this, you may not be able to finish writing with ten people.

The third area has the most soldiers, and the gifts are the most miscellaneous, including chicken, duck, fish, vegetables, fruits, etc., as well as hand-woven cloth and embroidered flowers. It can be said that it is like a shopping mall.

The entire Han Palace is in full swing.

And Fusu took the girls back very smoothly.

In the Han Palace, Ying Zheng and Queen Zheng sat on the main seat, and on both sides were ministers of Qin and envoys from various countries.

The person who presided over the wedding was none other than Wei Liaozi, the real culprit who killed Han Fei.

This old man who is highly respected in the history of Qin State has made outstanding contributions to Qin State.

At this moment, Wei Liaozi's face was flushed with a smile.

Chapter 465 - Le Family

Fusu was watched and raised by Wei Liaozi since he was a child, and he has been teaching Fusu since he was a child. Wei Liaozi feels very honored to be the officiant today.

The officiant is not something that ordinary people can do. Apart from being highly respected, he also needs to have a certain reputation, not to mention that this is Fusu's wedding, the future king of Daqin, so Wei Liaozi looked excited.

At this time, eleven carriages were already parked outside the palace of King Han's Palace, each of which had a bride sitting on it.

Wearing phoenix robes and neon clothes, bead curtain head crowns, red phoenix embroidered shoes, and red dragon and phoenix hijabs on their heads, they put their hands in front of them and waited very quietly. Before they got married, they already had a psychological Prepare.

On the other side of the road, four carriages were moving forward, Fusu rode in the front on a white dragon horse, and there were maids throwing flowers on both sides following Fusu's pace, leaving a field of petals.

On both sides, there are two teams of strong soldiers, wearing black black armor, holding spears, swords hanging from their waists, and their faces are full of serious expressions.

Two teams of soldiers separated the spectators from the onlookers to ensure that the road was unimpeded.

Everyone knew that this was Fusu's big day, so although they were extremely excited, they didn't rush forward, they didn't want to cause trouble to Fusu.

Fusu rode on the white dragon horse, with a smile on his face, he smiled and cupped his hands at the people around him, full of vigor.

This is Fusu's first marriage, so she was extremely excited, with a smile on her face all day long.

Not far behind Fusu, four carriages lined up, the first carriage was Concubine Yan's carriage.

Concubine Yan is Fusu's official wife, and also a marriage gift from Yingzheng, so she has the highest status and takes the lead.

Behind Concubine Yan is Yang Ying, the person who has the deepest relationship with Fusu and has been with Fusu the longest, followed by Daji, and finally Liu Yefei.

The four of them stayed quietly in the carriage, listening to the lively noise in their ears, they were extremely curious, but it was a pity that they were wearing hoods on their heads, so they couldn't see the outside scene at all.

After a whole morning, Fusu finally took all the fifteen beauties to the outside of Han Palace.

In front of the crowd, gongs and drums blared, firecrackers blared, the band played triumphant songs, and cheerful music resounded throughout the world.

This is the temperament master among the philosophers, also known as "musician", which is the embryonic form of musicians in later generations, and those who are musicians are called "musicians".

Different from other schools of thought, the attacking weapon of a musician is a musical instrument. For example, Kuang Xiu, the number one musician in the world, his weapon is a zither, which can emit super-powerful sonic attacks. Sound into the blade, I don't know how many times better than the energy-gathering blade of the Yinyang family's star soul.

The attacks that musicians are best at are sonic attacks. They can confuse people's minds through sound and make people fall into illusions.

Among the hundreds of philosophers, there are countless people who like temperament, but there are few people who can use musical instruments as weapons like musicians.

There are too few pure musicians, which leads to fewer and fewer people in the Le family. Mohism, Confucianism, and farmers are all over the seven countries, but small families like the Le family are unknown.

Following the music played by the musician, Fusu carried the fifteen beauties off the carriage one by one, and led them to the palace of King Han.

The auspicious time has come, under the auspices of Wei Liaozi, under the witness of the dignitaries of the six countries and hundreds of families, Fusu stood together with fifteen brides.

That scene was a shock.

They lined up and stood directly in two rows, with seven in front and eight in the back, which made some guests envious. The figure couldn't help swallowing.

This is because the heads of the girls were covered with hijabs. Fusu believed that if the girls took off the hijabs, the spectators would be even crazier, and at the same time, their envy and hatred for him would deepen.

The first bow to the heaven and the earth, the second bow to the high hall, the husband and wife bow to each other, and send them to the bridal chamber, just like the traditional Kyushu wedding. The wedding of Fusu is also the same. After Wei Liaozi's loud announcement, the maid sent everyone into the room respectively. middle.

It is certain that Fusu will die of exhaustion on the woman's belly tonight.

Fifteen women who are as beautiful as flowers and jade, even cattle will be exhausted to death.

Next came the luncheon, and everyone sat down one after another. The young master showed his face this time. The food he cooked was so delicious that even Ying Zheng was full of praise.

Everyone had a great time eating, and they were full of praise for the little master's cooking skills.

Even, some people even have the idea of ​​poaching people, I can't recruit the civil servants and generals around you, I don't believe that a cook can refuse me.

But reality hit their faces again, and they were rejected by a cook.

What's wrong with the cook, the cook also has his own dignity and ideas, so he explicitly rejects you.

Xiaodangjia's refusal made the other party very ugly, and he held a grudge against Xiaodangjia.

In the evening, after drinking, Fusu was sent to the bridal chamber.

Chapter 466 Anniversary in the Bridal Chamber

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