The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 315: The Summoner of the Ten Thousand Worlds Conquest

"The system summoning process has started, the host, please get ready." As soon as the system finished speaking, Fusu was in front of Fusu with one diamond summoning card after another.

Like a flop, there is nothing on the back, and we can only resign ourselves to fate.

Fusu didn't even think about it, and directly pulled out a summoning card.

With Fusu's actions, all the other cards disappeared, and the summoning card in Fusu's hand also revealed its true face.

"Oh shit, it's her," Fusu's eyes lit up.

What Fusu held was nothing but the eternal beauty——Luo Shen.

The original name of Luoshen was Zhen Mi, a person from the Three Kingdoms period, a native of Wuji in Zhongshan, and the daughter of Zhen Yi, the Ling of Shangcai. The concubine of Wei Wendi Cao Pi and the biological mother of Wei Ming Emperor Cao Rui. After Cao Rui ascended the throne, she honored the Zhen family as Empress Wen Zhao, also known as Mrs. Zhen.

She is a talented woman who combines beauty and talent.

The Three Kingdoms period was one of the brightest civilizations in the history of Kyushu civilization. God seems to love this matter very much. Not only Wencheng warriors came out in large numbers, but also peerless beauties.

Its brilliance is no less than the contention of a hundred schools of thought in the Spring and Autumn Period. Unfortunately, the time is too short.

The beauties in the Three Kingdoms period left too many legends.

For example, Diao Chan, one of the four beauties, is said to have the beauty of "closed moon", which can make the moon hide shyly, and Diao Chan's death is still a mystery until now, with different opinions.

Some people said that they were beheaded by Guan Yu's sword, some said that they were taken over by Cao Cao, and some said that Diao Chan had retired. So far, there is no conclusion.

There are also Cai Wenji, the most talented woman in the Three Kingdoms, Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao who are deeply locked in by Tongquechun, Sun Shangxiang, Mrs. Gan and so on.

Of course, there is also the Luoshen who is as beautiful as a fairy—Zhen Mi.

According to the legend, Zhen Mi is the god of Luohe River, who was born with a beautiful face and a beautiful appearance.

Its beauty is not inferior to that of Diaochan. It is rumored that the style of Zhen's hair bun changes every day. Every day, she sees a green snake with a red bead in its mouth. The green snake teaches her various combing methods in a coiled posture. Therefore, Empress Zhen's bun is updated every day, which is called the snake bun.

Later, all the court ladies followed suit, and their hairstyles changed with Zhen's changes.

Chapter 469 The Legend of Luoshen

Luoshen, also known as Concubine Mi, is a goddess in ancient myths and legends in Kyushu. She is the daughter of the Fuxi family. Because she was infatuated with the beautiful scenery on both sides of the Luo River, she came to Luoyang.

It is rumored that Zhen Mi is the reincarnation of Luoshen, and also had a relationship with Cao Zhi who "seven steps into poetry".

According to legend, when Cao Zhi was young, he fell in love with a girl named Zhen and wanted to marry her as his wife. The girl also admired Cao Zhi's talent, and secretly begged Old Man Yuexia to lead the red thread for them.

But good luck tricks people, Cao Zhi and Zhen Mi failed, but Cao Pi took the lead.

After Mrs. Zhen came to Cao's house, Cao Zhi and her often met, but they never said a word. The two fell in love silently, and only conveyed their affection with their eyes.

After Cao Cao's death, Cao Pi inherited the throne, and soon forced Han Xiandi to give him the emperor's throne.

Since then, Cao Zhi and Queen Zhen have fewer chances to meet each other, but their love has grown deeper.

Later, Cao Pi married Concubine Guo Gui, and gradually became indifferent to Empress Zhen.

Guo Guifei wanted to be a queen, so she conspired with treacherous ministers to make a paulownia idol with Cao Pi's birthday engraved on it, and then buried it in the palace yard of Queen Zhen, and sent someone to inform Cao Pi.

When Cao Pi heard this, he was half-believing and dubious, so he ordered people to search the Queen's Palace. Sure enough, he dug out the puppet from the ground, which looked very much like Cao Pi.

When Cao Pi saw it, he lost his temper and did not allow Empress Zhen to argue, so he executed her and made Concubine Guo the queen.

In the year when Empress Zhen died, Cao Zhi went to Luoyang to meet Cao Pi, and Cao Pi asked Cao Rui, the son of Empress Zhen, to have dinner with Cao Zhi.

Seeing Cao Rui, Cao Zhi thought of the tragic death of Queen Zhen, and secretly shed tears. Cao Pi saw it in his eyes, and felt sorry for Queen Zhen's grievances.

After the meal, Cao Pi gave Cao Zhi the jade carved gold belt pillow, which was the relic of Empress Zhen.

Cao Zhi felt even more uncomfortable seeing things as he saw people. He thanked Cao Pi and left Wei Palace. Cao Zhi missed the tragic death of Queen Zhen in his heart, but felt uneasy, left Luoyang City, came to the Luo River, and ordered his followers to stop to rest.

Cao Zhi was fascinated by the red sun sinking in the west and the Luohe River flowing eastward. Suddenly, he saw a very beautiful woman rising slowly from the blue waves like a hibiscus flower, following the waves, lightly , Floating to the shore. Cao Zhi thought she looked familiar, but couldn't remember where he saw her, so he said to his followers, "Have you seen that beautiful woman on the river bank?"

"No." The follower replied.

Cao Zhi looked at the woman in the river, and the more he looked at her, the more he felt that she looked like Queen Zhen, but Queen Zhen was dead, so why did she come here?

Cao Zhi was very shocked, so he asked the fairy in the river.

The fairy in the river was Luoshen. She didn't answer Cao Zhi's words, but asked Cao Zhi, "Did your lord ever get my jade carved gold belt pillow?"

It was only at this time that Cao Zhi realized that the other party was his wife--Zhen Mi, who was also his lover.

Then, Empress Zhen told how she was framed by Concubine Guo Guifei, and then said: "The Jade Emperor remembered the injustice of my death and named me the God of Luoshui. Because you and I still have an unresolved relationship, so I came here We meet here, and we end up with each other. That jade carved gold belt pillow is my dowry, and I secretly influenced Wei Wendi, so he gave you the jade carved gold belt pillow as a gift, keep it as a souvenir!"

Cao Zhi wept bitterly, wanting to learn how to accompany Luoshen to guard Luohe, but unfortunately, Zhen Mi refused.

Immortals are different, Luoshen took off an earring and gave it to Cao Zhi.

After Cao Zhi took it, he took off a piece of jade pendant on his body and handed it to Luoshen.

Luoshen took the jade pendant, turned around and stepped into the waves of the Luo River, looked back at Cao Zhi, and disappeared into the waves.

Cao Zhi was in a trance, as if in a daze. He didn't know if it was real or a dream. He just stared at Luohe in a daze. He didn't wake up until the attendants urged him to get in the car.

Later, Cao Zhi wrote a Fu for this meeting, titled "Gan Zhen Fu". After the death of Emperor Wei Wen, Ming Emperor Cao Rui succeeded to the throne, who is the son of Zhen Mi. After reading this Fu, he felt uncomfortable, so he changed the title to "Luo Shen Fu".

Spread ancient and modern.

Luoshen Fu can be said to be the most literary Fu written in Kyushu for more than 5,000 years. He wrote a woman into a poem, a painting, and a legend.

Fusu looked at the "Luoshen" card in his hand with mixed feelings.

This is Luoshen.

Some people don't like the beauty of the four beauties, Daji's enchanting, Sun Shangxiang's heroine, but only like Luoshen, which shows the charm of Luoshen.

Of course, it is largely influenced by "Luo Shen Fu", and Fusu is one of them.

Fusu raised his head, and finally muttered involuntarily.

"In the third year of Huangchu, the capital of the Yu Dynasty was returned to Luochuan. The ancients said that the god of water was named Concubine Mi. Feeling Song Yu's love for the Goddess of the King of Chu, he wrote Si Fu, which said: Yu Gao It is said: Its shape is as light as a frightened bird, as graceful as a wandering dragon, full of autumn chrysanthemums, and luxuriant spring pines. It seems like the moon is covered by light clouds, and the snow flutters like the flowing wind. Looking at it from a distance, it is bright and bright. If the sun rises in the morning glow, if you observe it by force, it will burn like a flower out of Lubo.


Fusu couldn't be more familiar with this poem.

Chapter 470 Ambition

Fusu looked at the summoning card in his hand and felt a little regretful.

If he could have summoned Luoshen earlier, maybe she would have been a part of yesterday's wedding.

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