The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 317: The Summoner of the Ten Thousand Worlds Conquest


"Ding", Fusu took out one of the dozen cards.

"Huh? It turned out to be him." Fusu's eyes lit up immediately.

Born Guo Fengxiao, the hero crowns all heroes, the classics and history are hidden in the belly, the armor is hidden in the chest, the strategy is like Fan Li, the decision-making is like Chen Ping, but it is a pity that he died first, and Liang Dong in the Central Plains fell.

"Hahaha, my ghost is here," Fusu couldn't help laughing.

Guo Jia, a generation of ghosts in the history of Kyushu, unfortunately, died before he was born, and died at a young age.


In the history books, he is called "talent and strategy, a rare man in the world".

Cao Cao praised him as his "Qi Zuo" because he had seen people well.

Among the several great counselors, there are not many who have left their names in history. Jia Xu's poisonous man, Guo Jia's ghost, Xun Yu's Wang Zuo, and Sima Yi's tomb tiger are just a few.

Guo Jia can occupy one of them, only to see the wizards.

"Hahaha, Guo Jia, you finally came to my bowl." Fusu laughed, very happy.

Fusu looked at the summoning card in his hand. On the card was a very young young man with a fair complexion. His head was restrained by a white crown with a hairpin stuck in it. He looked unusually chic.

This is also the biggest reason why Guo Jia died young.

Fusu looked at Guo Jia on the summoning card, he would never allow Guo Jia to die young again, and he would definitely keep him under strict supervision.

Chapter 472 Ten victories and ten defeats, the summoning ends

Guo Jia was born in Yingchuan. He had a foresight when he was young. He saw that the world would be in chaos at the end of the Han Dynasty.

At the age of 21, Guo Jia went north to meet Yuan Shao, and said to Yuan Shao's counselors Xin Ping and Guo Tu: "A wise man can measure his master carefully and thoughtfully, so every action is comprehensive, so that he can make meritorious service and become famous. Yuan Gong only wants to imitate Zhou Gong's virtuous corporal, but he doesn't know how to use talents. He is full of thoughts but lacks essentials. He likes to plan but has no decisions. It is really difficult to work with him to save the country from danger and build a great cause of being king and hegemony. !"

So he left Yuan Shao. In this way, Guo Jia has been unemployed for six years.

In the first year of Jian'an, Xi Zhicai, a highly valued counselor of Cao Cao, died. Sad, Cao Cao wrote to Xun Yu, asking him to recommend a counselor who could succeed Xi Zhicai.

Therefore, Xun Yu recommended his friend Guo Jia to Cao Cao.

Cao Cao summoned Guo Jia to discuss major issues in the world. After the discussion, Cao Cao said: "He is the one who can help me achieve great things!"

After Guo Jia left the camp, he was also overjoyed and said, "This is my real master!"

From then on, Guo Jia became the military officer of Cao Cao's staff - the military division sacrificial wine, made suggestions for Cao Cao's four-party campaign, and served loyally.

The most famous of Guo Jia's words is "the theory of ten victories and ten defeats".

The first is "Tao wins": Yuan Shao, as a family warlord, has many etiquette and chaos, which is restricted by his form; Cao Cao "responses to nature" and adapts to the times and events, and his "Tao" is superior.

The second is "Victory of Righteousness": Cao Cao "leads the world with obedience", which conforms to the historical trend and is in line with morality.

The third is "government and victory": Guo Jia analyzed the history and reality, and believed that the chaos at the end of the Han Dynasty was due to the ruler's "government failure". "Knowledge control", the governance measures of combining leniency and fierceness are timely.

The fourth is "Du Sheng": Yuan Shao has a generous appearance but a lot of suspicion in his heart, and he appoints people only to his relatives and children; Cao Cao "employs people without doubt, only talents are suitable, regardless of distance", and he is better than Yuan Shao in terms of tolerance.

The fifth is "seeking victory": Yuan Shao has no plan and is indecisive; Cao Cao is alert and resolute, "infinitely adaptable".

The sixth is "Victory of Virtue": Yuan Shao is famous for his fame and enjoys being praised. "Scholar's good words are often returned to others." Do not begrudge those who have meritorious service", and those loyal, far-sighted and pragmatic scholars "are willing to use them".

The seventh is "benevolence wins": Yuan Shaohuai has the benevolence of women, and when he sees people hungry, he shows compassion on the surface, but he "can't think about it" when he can't see it. This is not the mind of a politician. Cao Cao may be negligent about the small things in front of him, but when it comes to the big things in the world, he "cares about everything, and there is nothing wrong with it", and his kindness spreads all over the world.

The eighth is "Ming Sheng": Yuan Shao is confused by slander, while Cao Cao distinguishes right from wrong, "the emperor uses the way, and infiltration is not enough."

The ninth is "Wen Sheng": Yuan Shao does not distinguish between right and wrong, and Cao Cao "rectifies it with courtesy" for the correct one, and "corrects it with the law" for the incorrect one.

The tenth is "Wu Sheng": Yuan Shao used his troops "for the sake of vain power, and he didn't know how to use them", while Cao Cao used his soldiers like gods, his soldiers had confidence, and the enemy feared them.

The ten aspects pointed out by Guo Jia include various factors such as political measures, policies and laws, organizational lines, and each person's ideological cultivation, broad-mindedness, character, and military strategy. These are the keys to the success or failure of a business. .

Although Guo Jia and Zhuge Kongming were in the same era, Zhuge Kongming did not enter the WTO until after Guo Jia's death, and the two had no chance of confrontation at all.

This also caused people in later generations to have different opinions and radical changes.

And in this life, the two of them will have no chance to fight on the battlefield, because they are both Fusu's subordinates and belong to the same camp.

Fusu crushed the summoning card in his hand and summoned Guo Jia.

Wearing a green shirt, a jug of dirty wine, and a volume of books in his hand, he looks gentle and fragile.

"Fengxiao sees the son", Guo Jia saw Fusu and smiled indifferently, with a feeling of calmness.

"Fengxiao please come up", Fusu looked at Guo Fengxiao, the other party had a very profound influence on him, and the unrestrained temperament was somewhat similar to him.

But there are also differences.

Guo Jia's romantic style is "passing among thousands of flowers, not a single leaf touches the body", while Fusu's romantic style is, "If I miss the flowers, then this field of flowers is mine, and no one can live there."

Both of them can be said to be romantic people, but they have different attitudes.

Guo Fengxiao imprinted Fusu's figure in his mind, and then turned it into a streamer, which was born by the system.

Although Fusu was full of regrets, she was used to it.

Then, Fusu took out the last summoning card - Wushuang Martial Saint Guan Yu and Guan Yunchang. After thinking about it, he didn't use it in the end.

Now Lu Bu has no chance to make a move, and the summoned Martial Saint Guan Yu is useless.

When the war breaks out in the future, it will be summoned.

After Fusu put the Martial Saint Guan Yu card away, he walked out of the summoning space.

Chapter 473 Yang Ying the gossip Knights of the Round Table

When Fusu walked out of the space, Yang Ying had already woken up, seeing Fusu suddenly appearing, she was startled.

"You went to summon again, who did you summon this time?" Yang Ying's eyes lit up. At this time, she had lost the right to be a space elf, so she didn't know who Fusu summoned.

"It's not bad." The corner of Fusu's mouth curled up. Except for the fact that Dai Zong, the god of the gods, was a little deceitful, whether it was Luoshen Zhen Mi or the ghost Guo Jia, Fusu felt a sense of surprise.

"Oh", Yang Ying jumped two steps, came directly in front of Fusu, stretched out her hand, and hugged Fusu's arm.

"Husband, who is there?" Yang Ying looked at Fusu eagerly.

Every woman has a gossip heart, and Yang Ying is no exception. Although she dislikes other people's gossip about herself, Yang Ying still likes other people's gossip.

"Well, one of them is Shenxing Taibao——Dai Zong", Fu Su thought for a while, and said Dai Zong.

"Dai Zong? Who is it?" Yang Ying thought for a while, but there really was no such person in her mind.

If Fusu said that Wu Song, Li Kui, and Lu Zhishen were well-known in the Water Margin, Yang Ying would still know him, but if he said that Dai Zong had not played many times, Fusu really didn't understand.

"Why are you so familiar?" Yang Ying muttered a few words to herself, then suddenly raised her head and said indifferently to Fusu, "That's what you said is good, I don't know the first one."

"Hey, it's normal if you don't know him. He is a character in Water Margin, and he doesn't appear many times. However, this guy has a very close relationship with Song Jiang. He is ranked 20th among the thirty-six stars in Tiangang, and he was named a speed star. It can be said that he is a related family," Fusu said with a smile to Yang Ying, this is also the reason why Fusu looked down on Dai Zong, if it wasn't for Song Jiang, would he be in the Tiangang Star? Stop making trouble, Yan Qing is better than him.

However, Dai Zong who has been systematically transformed is definitely a hundred times stronger than Dai Zong in "Water Margin", a thousand times stronger, and he is a real supernatural protection.

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