The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 344: The Summoner of the Ten Thousand Worlds Conquest

"Spring and Autumn Saber Technique - Spring and Autumn Half-moon Slash", there seemed to be a mysterious and mysterious sound resounding in the void, and Guan Yu's saber technique was shrouded in a blue light, and he slashed at the opponent with an aura that opened up the world.

"Well done, look at my battle thunder axe—thunder ax roars." Seeing Guan Yu's saber technique, Wei Ye couldn't help but a trace of surprise flashed across his face.

Without three points and three points, how dare you go to Liangshan.

Only when you are on the scene can you feel the terror of Guan Yu.

Fortunately, Wei Ye was not mediocre either. The great ax in his hand was flashing with thunder, and he went to meet Guan Yu's sword.

"Bang", the two weapons collided fiercely.

Wei Ye exerted all his breastfeeding strength, the muscles on his arms swelled up, the veins burst, and his face was wrinkled together. The two centipede-like scars were wrinkled together, looking extremely terrifying and hideous.

The maroon red color on Guan Yu's face became more obvious, and he didn't know if he was holding back or he was using too much force.

"Chunqiu Saber Technique-Chunqiu Reincarnation Slash", the Qinglong Yanyue Saber in Guan Yu's hand changed his move and attacked Wei Ye.

"Not good", Wei Ye's face changed, and he used his strongest move, "Thunderbolt Axe - Ax Yao Wan Lei", Wei Ye's mountain-breaking ax frantically danced towards Guan Yu's green dragon. Yanyue Dao attacked and left.

"Bang", a flash of thunder suddenly appeared, and the machete in Wei Ye's hand was directly knocked away and flew into the distance.

Guan Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, and a powerful murderous aura burst out instantly, turning into substance, "Spring and Autumn Saber Technique - Spring and Autumn Annihilation Slash", Guan Yu's third knife pierced the sky and the sky.

"Not good", Wei Ye felt the threat of death, at the very moment, Wei Ye abandoned his BMW, Li Daitao froze, and let the BMW replace him.

The blood suddenly appeared, and a huge horse's head was chopped off by Guan Yu.

Chapter 510 Don't ask the source of the hero, strength is the respect

The strong BMW horse crashed to the ground, and the ground was stained red with blood.

Although Wei Ye was very fast, he was still crushed on his lap by the fallen horse.

If Guan Yu acted at this time, he would definitely get another blood, but Guan Yu did not act.

Standing with a knife in his hand, he looked down at Wei Ye on the ground, "It's good that he can block my three swords, he's a good player, let's go", Guan Yu didn't kill him.

The light breeze blows, the breeze blows Guan Yu's beautiful beard, and blows Guan Yu's clothes. All these are deeply engraved in Wei Ye's mind and become the deepest memory in his life.

Guan Yu seemed to be wearing a halo, like a heavenly man.

Later, Wei Ye actually imitated Guan Yu's appearance and grew a long beard, but the scar on his face was awkward no matter how you looked at it, so it gave people a strange feeling of neither fish nor fowl.

"Okay", seeing Guan Yu cut off the other party's BMW, Yang Ying and other women shouted "Hello", they were deeply impressed by Guan Yu's martial arts.

"Oh, what a pity." Looking at the horses that had been cut off on the ground, Qu Yi, who didn't have his own BMW, looked regretful. It would be great if this Dawan BMW was given to him. He could use the power of the horse to charge.

"Good skill, I want to fight you more and more." Lu Bu looked at Guan Yunchang on the Qinglong Xiaoyue horse, and his fighting spirit burst out.

Several other people were also shocked. They had heard just now that the jujube-complexioned man in front of him was indeed a jujube seller. They did not expect to have such a brilliant knife technique. Domineering.

It can be said that apart from Lu Bu and Dian Wei, no one is a match for Guan Yu.

Neither Zhao Yun nor Pei Yuanqing is here. If they were here, they would probably also be interested in Guan Yu's sword skills.

"It's such a pity that it's a good sword technique." Fu Su also secretly praised, he really felt very pity.

First, it was a pity that a good BMW was beheaded by Guan Yu like this; second, Guan Yu did not kill Wei Ye who had lost his weapon.

Fusu shook his head secretly in his heart, it would be great if Guan Yu could calm down his arrogance.

When Chi Tuo saw this situation, what else did he say, "Brothers, charge for me", Chi Tuo put his legs between the horse's belly and charged forward first.

At this time, the Wei army had lost the morale of the army, and had no courage to fight again, and was directly rushed to pieces by the army led by Chi Tuo.

Chi Tuo swung the ax to the left, swung the ax to the right, swung the ax up, and swung the ax down, like chopping melons and vegetables, like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, that's called a raging one.

Fortunately, Liu Changfeng had good eyesight, so he called for gold to withdraw his troops.

Chi Tuo retreated covered in blood, and laughed loudly, "It's cool, it's so fucking cool."

"It's a pity," Chen Qingzhi, who was standing beside Fusu, couldn't help but sigh.

"Oh, why did Ziyun say that?" Fusu couldn't help asking softly.

"If it was my 7,000 white-robed army, I could make these 100,000 soldiers and horses come and go," Chen Qingzhi said very proudly, pointing his right hand to the city, as if pointing the country.

"Uh..." Hearing Chen Qingzhi's words, the corners of Fusu's mouth couldn't help twitching. At this moment, Fusu suddenly thought of the achievements of the White Robe Army.

That is a fierce man who once defended against 500,000 enemies with 7,000 white-robed troops. Of course, although it is a bit exaggerated, there must be a lot of water in it, but Chen Qingzhi is indeed a fierce man. He led 7,000 white-robed troops and won more games with less , 100,000, 200,000, 300,000, Chen Qingzhi had too many opponents, but he defeated them all.

Chen Qingzhi was portrayed as a legend, a seemingly invincible myth.

Fusu wanted to say something, but he didn't say it after all, because he didn't know what to say.

When Chi Tuo and Guan Yu entered the city, they were warmly welcomed by everyone. The generals around Fusu looked at Guan Yu differently, without the contempt they had before.

In the final analysis, this is an era where strength is respected. If you have strength, you will gain the respect of others, and vice versa.

A hero does not ask where he came from, whether you are a pig butcher or a jujube seller, as long as you have the strength, you can be admired by others.

"Come here, let the little boss cook me some special dishes. I won't return tonight if I don't get drunk, and all the soldiers will be rewarded," Fusu shouted.

"Long live... Long live..." Hearing Fusu's figure, everyone jumped up for joy, and the soldiers even shouted, the scene was extremely enthusiastic.

In the evening, Fusu greeted Guan Yunchang and held a grand banquet. At the same time, he also introduced everyone to Guan Yu, making people familiar.

They are all doing things under their own hands, so they can't fight.

Because Chi Tuo won a battle with Guan Yu, Guan Yu was very pleasing to the eye, and he communicated with Guan Yu there.

In the center of the crowd, several beautiful singers danced, dancing and making shadows, with pleasant postures.

During the conversation, Fusu found out that Guan Yu actually had a married wife and a young son.

When Fusu heard this, he didn't say anything, and directly ordered Guan Yu's married wife to be invited into the city lord's mansion.

Chapter 511 Night Banquet Guan Yu's Wife

The identity assigned to Guan Yu by the system is similar to that of the Three Kingdoms period, but there are some discrepancies.

The young Guan Yu was valued by an old man who lived in seclusion because of his amazing bones, and he passed on the "Spring and Autumn Swordsmanship" that he ate to Guan Yu.

And let Guan Yu read and write, let Guan Yu read more-"Spring and Autumn".

Before he died, the old man also warned Guan Yu that he must never leave his book and sword from his body. The deeper his understanding of "Spring and Autumn", the stronger and more domineering his sword skills will be.

After the old man died, Guan Yu never forgot his advice to the old man, never leave the book and the knife.

Intensively reading "Spring and Autumn" every day, practicing martial arts hard, and finally comprehending the first two swords in the Spring and Autumn Sword Art - Spring and Autumn Half-Moon Cut and Spring and Autumn Reincarnation Cut.

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