The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 360: The Summoner of the Ten Thousand Worlds Conquest

Fusu never expected that the opponent would play Zhenlong chess game, but Fusu knew that there would be a good show ahead.

Sure enough, after only dropping three stones, Xinghun stopped moving, his face full of struggle.

It seems to have fallen into an illusion.

In the illusion, Xinghun saw that everything about him had become empty talk, he competed with Fusu, and everything became a joke.

"No... don't..." Lost all the star souls, he stood up suddenly, and a powerful sword energy burst out from his hand, and rushed towards the crowd.

"Not good", the crowd watching the battle did not expect that Xinghun suddenly went crazy, and it was too late to hide.

Fortunately, everyone is a master, although flustered, but they did not mess up their hands and feet, and they used their housekeeping skills one after another.

"Pfft", Xinghun spat out a mouthful of blood and half knelt on the ground.

"grown ups". Da Si Ming came up and supported Xinghun.

"Let's go", Xinghun said weakly, what he saw in the illusion, only he himself knows best.

Everyone looked at the Zhenlong chess game in front of them with apprehension on their faces, they didn't want to become a star soul themselves.

"Let Zifang have a try," Zhang Liang walked out from the crowd.

He was really curious, what kind of power this chess game had, that it made Xinghun vomit blood.

Everyone stared at Zhang Liang, and they also wanted to know whether it was accidental or inevitable.

After Zhang Liang played seven or eight pieces, the scene in front of him changed, as if in a dream, he didn't realize the change in himself at all, everything was so natural.

Zhang Liang looked at the scene in front of him, South Korea was destroyed, his grandfather and father were killed, his best friend Han Fei was beheaded, South Korea was in flames, trampled by Qin's iron cavalry, and he was defeated by Xiaoshengxianzhuang. The heart of the country caused Confucianism to suffer catastrophe, burning books and burying Confucianism, and tens of thousands of Confucian students suffered disasters.

"No", seeing his senior brother and second senior brother died because of him, Zhang Liang completely collapsed and stood up directly.

Chapter 532: Only by being Fearless can You Have No Survivors

Everyone was shocked, Zhang Liang of Confucianism looked like this, so it would be even more miserable for him to go up.

Those who did not enter the third level felt a sense of rejoicing instead.

It never occurred to them that there is a demon in this chess game.

Zhang Liang came back to his senses, gasping for breath, he lost his graceful and elegant expression, instead he was dripping with sweat, as if he had suffered something terrible.

"Zifang, are you okay?" Yan Lu looked at Zhang Liang in front of him with concern.

"Brother," Zhang Liang looked at Yan Lu and Fu Nian in front of him, and then realized that he had fallen into an illusion, but the illusion was too real, not only blinding his eyes, but also covering his heart.

"Ovary is defeated," Zhang Liang bowed his hands to Xu Xiake and stepped off the stage.

Then came Tian Yan, he saw the scene where the farm was destroyed by Fusu, and saw the farm that the patriarch founded fell apart, Tian Yan couldn't help crying.

After all, she is a little girl. Although she is powerful, she is still a little girl.

Seeing Tian Yan who was crying, everyone looked at Xu Xiake strangely, and Xu Xiake's old face couldn't help but blush with that strange gaze.

In the final analysis, he really made the little girl cry.

"Cough, cough, cough," Xu Xiake coughed twice in embarrassment, turning his eyes to the other side.

Tian Meng looked at his crying daughter, and quickly led her down.

"Father, I saw that our farm was wiped out by this bad guy," Tian Yan said, pointing directly at Fusu not far away.

"Oh, I'm going." Fusu saw the direction Tian Yan was pointing at, and cried out inwardly. Sure enough, everyone looked away from Xu Xiake and turned to look at Fusu.

That gaze seemed to say again: So the culprit is here.

Hearing his daughter's words, Tian Meng's eyes turned cold, and he looked at Fu Su with killing intent in his eyes.

The killing intent seemed to be twisted into reality.

I would rather kill a mistake than let it go.

"What do you want to do? If you want to fight, give my old Dian two moves." Dian Wei appeared directly in front of Fu Su, exuding a red evil spirit all over his body, like a bloody Shura crawling out of hell, ghosts and gods were terrified .

"Hmph", looking at Dian Wei, Tian Meng snorted coldly, and stood aside holding Tian Yan, he wanted to see how far Fu Su could go.

Seeing the tense atmosphere, Xu Xiake spoke immediately.

"Everyone is too nervous about Zhenlong Chess Game. The environment created by Zhenlong Chess Game is the most unwilling and fearful aspect of people's hearts. It has nothing to do with reality. It is just a test of people's hearts. It can be said that you go The more chess pieces you have, the deeper the illusion you will fall into and the greater the pain you will experience, so everyone, do what you can,” Xu Xiake warned everyone.

"Ah, so that's the case. It's incredible that this chess game can form an illusion based on people's inner demons."

"I'm sure, after today's Zhenlong chess game, it will definitely be famous through the ages, it's too powerful."

"This Zhenlong chess game is really a great fortune, I didn't expect such a magical chess game in the world", everyone was full of emotion.

Prince Dan glanced at Fusu, walked across to Xu Xiake, and took a deep breath.

Prince Dan looked at the chess board in front of him very solemnly, then picked up a stone and placed it on top of the chess board.

Prince Dan didn't want to encircle the opponent's big dragon, he just wanted to consolidate his own area first, and then fight for half of the general.

The second son, the third son... In the state of Prince Dan's steady and steady fight, he actually went down to the fifteenth son.

At this time, Prince Dan seemed to have reached his limit. Although he couldn't see the face of the other party clearly, he could see the trembling body of the other party.

That's right, Prince Dan also fell into an illusion.

In the illusion, Prince Dan not only lost the Yan Kingdom, but also lost the Mo family. It is not terrible to have nothing, but what is terrible is to have it once.

My friends died, my relatives died, my country perished, and my ideas collapsed... Prince Dan went crazy. He yelled and stood up from his spot.

"Giant", Jing Ke yelled, with worry on his face.

"It's okay," Prince Dan waved his hand, "I've tried my best."

At this time, everyone's eyes turned to Fusu, because only Fusu was not up.

There was a hint of ridicule and anticipation in the eyes of everyone, they really wanted to know if Fusu would create a miracle.

Fusu stepped forward, without any fear in his heart, without any eyes left.

Looking at the chess game in front of him, Fusu directly made a move, relaxed and freehand, as if he didn't care at all.

Seeing Fusu's indifferent look, the crowd started to make noise again.

"Crazy, crazy, but I like it."

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