The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 376: Summoning the Great General

"My lord, I have a merciless request from my subordinates." Zhang Han followed Fusu closely, and he admired the person in front of him from the bottom of his heart.

"Tell me," Fusu inserted the Tengkong sword back into his scabbard.

"Your Majesty, can you hand over these people to your subordinates? Your Majesty will ask your subordinates to reply." Zhang Han said neither humble nor overbearing.

"En", Fu Su thought about it, now that he is going back to Yique, it is really not suitable to take these people with him, "Okay, these people will trouble you", Fu Su nodded.

"Thank you for your understanding," Zhang Han went down to make arrangements.

Fu Su came in front of Zhang Liao and Huang Feihong, "This time Fu Su survived a catastrophe, thank you two benefactors for their help, Fu Su will remember it in my heart."

"Where is it, it's easy to do with a little effort", Huang Feihong and Zhang Wenyuan are very humble.

"I don't know what the two benefactors plan to do next," Fusu asked the two benefactors, looking at the already bright sky.

"I'm planning to go back to Baozhilin. Although I didn't participate in the test held by Senior You Sheng, it's a bit regretful, but being able to rescue the young master is a worthwhile trip," Huang Feihong said with a smile.

"I plan to go back to the mountains and take care of my wife and daughter." Zhang Liao really wanted to follow Fusu, but he was worried that he would be too abrupt and make Fusu look down on him, so he said that.

"Two benefactors, I won't hide it from you. I appreciate you two very much, so I hope you can help me. This world has been in chaos for too long, and it's time to end it. Instead of living in seclusion in the mountains, it's better to have a big event with me. Qingshi Leave a name, so I hope you can come to help me," Fusu came to solicit.

"This..." Huang Feihong fell into deep thought.

"What about my wife and daughter?" Zhang Liao really wanted to agree, but he was still worried.

Fusu gave a slight touch, and took a token from his body, "This is my personal token, you take this token, bring your wife and little niece, and come to Yique City to find me, Fusu sweeps the couch welcome".

"Okay", Zhang Liao didn't want to lose this opportunity, took the token from Fusu, and nodded.

He knew Fusu's reputation, he knew people well, he acted according to his talents, and he had a keen eye to recognize capable people. With his own ability, Zhang Liao didn't believe that he would still be buried.

He wants to give his wife and daughter a happy life.

"I need to visit Po Chi Lam to arrange things," Huang Feihong also accepted in disguise.

"Hahaha, okay, I'll wait for the two of you to come to Yique City, and we won't go home until we're drunk." Fusu laughed, very happy.

After solving the matter of Zhang Liao and Huang Feihong, Fusu returned to Yique City with Li Yuanfang and Yuwen Chengdu.

I don't know if it was because everyone was afraid of Fusu and the others, and the road was unimpeded, and everyone returned directly to Yique City.

When Fusu returned to Yique City, not only Dianwei and the others came back, but even Sikong Zaixing came back, the speed made Fusu dumbfounded.

Why so fast, Fusu couldn't help asking Sikong Zaixing.

At this time, Sikong Zaixing told Fusu to execute.

After Sikong Zhaixing met the thieves, he had to change his plan and quickly headed towards Xianyang City along the mountain road.

Sikong Zhaixing is responsible for the geographical map of mountains and rivers. He knows that Fusu is acting as a bait for himself to lure the enemy away, so he must not fail.

Sikong Zhaixing kept his eyes half open when he was sleeping, for fear that the things in his hand would be stolen.

Apart from the police, the people who know thieves best are the thieves themselves.

Before going to bed, Sikong Zhaixing arranged many traps just to guard against Robber Zhi.

And in order to confuse Robber Zhi, Sikong Zhaixing put the things in the cabinet very generously, and then made a fake one for personal protection.

Sure enough, he guessed right with Sikong Zhaixing. In the middle of the night, Robber Zhi made his attack, and even evaded layers of traps, and finally came to Sikong Zhaixing.

Just when Robber Zhi was about to succeed, Sikong Zhaixing woke up.

After the two fought for a while, Sikong Jiexing sold a loophole and let Robber Zhi steal the cloth bag on his body.

After getting the things, Robber Zhi escaped quickly, and Sikong Zhaixing chased after him.

But Sikong Zhaixing deliberately slowed down.

Seeing the missing Robber Zhi, Sikong Zhaixing couldn't help showing a scheming smile, and then quickly returned to his guest room, holding the geographical map of mountains and rivers, and quickly dodged.

Robo Zhi saw that there was no figure of Sikong Zhaixing behind him. Although he was very surprised, he probably didn't get rid of him so quickly, but the joy of getting the geographical map of mountains and rivers made him forget everything.

But when he opened the cloth bag, Robber Zhi was dumbfounded.

Chapter 554: Yi Que's Rescue

What the hell is this? It turned out to be a pack of embroidery needles. I am a big man, what do I need embroidery needles for?

Only then did Robber Zhi realize why Sikong Zhaixing had disappeared in a blink of an eye, and he had been tricked.

Robber Zhi hurried back, but when he returned to the house, he found that the building was already empty and Sikong Zaixing had disappeared.

Robber Zhi was so anxious, he chased towards Xianyang, but unfortunately, he never saw Sikong Zhaixing again.

At this time, Sikong Zhaixing had already changed into another appearance.

After hearing what Sikong Zaixing said, Fu Su couldn't help sighing, he didn't expect Sikong Zaixing to encounter such a thing.

Fortunately, Sikong Zhaixing is clever, if the thief Zhi stole things, it will be really troublesome.

Fusu saw that everyone was looking at Yuwen Chengdu, especially Lu Bu and Guan Yu, their eyes kept looking in Yuwen Chengdu's direction.

Only at this time did Fu Su realize, "Come, come, let me introduce you, this is Yuwen Chengdu, if I hadn't met Chengdu on the way here, I would have been in danger, you don't know, the giant of the Mo family , Jing Ke, the hero of the peasant family, Tian Meng of Lieshantang, the unknown expert of the expert, Gongsun Ming of the famous expert, Fang Xing with the golden stick under Li Mu of Zhao State, Ying Bu of the Thunder Leopard Army of Chu State, and the leader of the Shadow Tiger Army. Brother Jibu, masters like clouds", Fusu told all the people he knew.

Every time Fusu said a name, everyone gasped, how did so many masters come back.

"Master, it's just the three of you," Chi Tuo asked in disbelief.

"No, besides Chengdu, there are Yuan Fang and two other heroes, and I will introduce you to them." Fu Su was talking about Zhang Liao, Zhang Wenyuan, and Huang Feihong.

"What a twists and turns, son, you must take me with you next time," Dian Wei said loudly.

"And me, my lord, you don't know that none of the people who came to intercept me took a fancy to them. They were all a bunch of embroidered pillows that don't look useful. If you come, I'll chop one, and if you come a pair, I'll chop a pair." Chi Takuya yelled loudly.

Hearing Chi Tuo's voice, Fu Su gave him a blank look, and you were the only one who bluffed.

"By the way, why did the Wei army outside retreat?" Fusu couldn't help asking. When he entered the city, he found that the Wei army outside the besieged city had disappeared.

"Young master, it's like this." Chen Qingzhi explained the ins and outs of the matter to Fusu clearly.

It turned out that shortly after Fusu and others left, Wei Jun realized that this was an opportunity, so he launched an attack on Yique City. Unfortunately, not only failed to climb the city wall, but lost troops and generals.

Later, among the fighting generals, he was defeated even more. First, he was slashed by Guan Yu, and then he was killed by Lu Bu, which made Wei Jun terrified.

Later, General Wei Jun understood that he could not attack fiercely, but only outsmart him.

He asked Wei Wuji for instructions, and obtained the poison that poisoned Wang Jian from Wei Wuji, and then dumped it in the "Drunken River".

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