The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 380: The Summoner of the Ten Thousand Worlds Conquest

Unfortunately, just when the two fell in love, Wen Zhong arrived. With his arrival, Fan Li had no choice but to end this fragrant and lingering love.

It has to be said that Fan Li is a hero, capable of bending and stretching, even his own woman can be handed over to others.

Fusu thinks he can't do this, his woman is his woman, no one can get involved, otherwise the other party has only one way to go, and that is death.

Fan Li brought Zheng Dan and Xi Shi back to Kuaiji, taught them singing and dancing, and dedicated them to Fuchai, king of Wu.

Why do you prepare so much, because a court lady favored by King Yue thinks: "A real beauty must have three conditions. Good at singing and dancing, singing and dancing belong to talent, the third is posture, having a good figure can also make people excited involuntarily."

Shih Tzu only has the first condition, but also lacks the other two conditions.

Therefore, King Yue spent three years teaching singing and dancing, walking, etiquette and so on.

Xishi practiced hard, danced gracefully and charmingly in the melodious music, and then practiced etiquette, from a gauze girl to a well-cultivated court lady, she showed beautiful body in every gesture, and treated people very decently.

Then, he made her a gorgeous and well-fitting palace dress, and Fang Jin offered it to the King of Wu.

Fu Chai, king of Wu, was overjoyed when he saw it. He built the "Spring Night Palace" in Gusu, built a big pool, and set up a green dragon boat in the pool, and played with Xi Shi in the pool every day.

Later, King Fuchai of Wu built Guanwa Pavilion and Lingguan for Xishi to perform songs, dances and banquets. Xishi wears wooden clogs and dances with a small bell on her skirt. When she puts it up, the ringing of the bell and the reverberation of the big vat are intertwined, making Fu Chai intoxicated and addicted to women. Managed the government, and finally went to the road of national subjugation and death.

Xi Shi is a beautiful person, and there are countless legends left by her, the most famous of which is the story of "Sinking Fish".

Xi Shi was by the stream, looking at herself in the stream, smiling sweetly, but she didn't expect that at this time, a few swimming fish came from a distance, glanced at Xi Shi by the stream, and was confused by the beauty, and then sank into the water. to the bottom of the creek.

And Xi Shi is also known as the appearance of "Sinking Fish" because of her fame.

In addition, there are stories of "Xizi holding the heart" and "Dongshi imitating the frown".

Xi Shi often suffers from heartache, so he often puts his hands on his chest and frowns, but even so, Xi Shi is so charming that people can't help but bow down under his pomegranate skirt.

Dong Shi from the next village saw her frowning and thought it would be beautiful. As a result, everyone who saw her made a detour, and the story of Dong Shi imitating her was also spread.

But this is not what everyone is most concerned about. What people are most curious about is what will happen to Xi Shi?

The first argument: Hanging himself with guilt said that after Xishi helped Yue to destroy Wu, on the one hand, he felt relieved that he had completed his mission, but on the other hand, he also felt guilty and felt sorry for King Fuchai of Wu. Psychologically, he couldn't get rid of it, and finally hanged himself in Guanwa Palace.

The second theory, which is also the most anticipated ending, is said to be taken away by Fan Li, which is recorded in ancient books. The "Yue Jue Shu" written by the people of the Eastern Han Dynasty records: "Xi Shi, after the death of Wu, returned to Fan Li, and went with Pan Wuhu."

In Taoshan, Feicheng, Shandong, it is said that there are tombs of Fan Li and Xi Shi.

The third theory is: Said by the Wu people Shen Jiang, there is a folk legend that after the fall of Wu, the Wu people vented all their anger on Xi Shi, wrapped her in brocade and sank in the center of the Yangtze River.

"Dongpo Foreign Objects" records: "There is a mermaid in the Yangtze River, also known as Xishi fish. It changes its color several times a day, and its meat is fine and delicious. Women eat it, which can increase their charm. It is said that the cloud is Xishi's illusion after sinking into the river."

The fourth argument is: Gou Jian Shen Jiang said that Gou Jian, king of Yue, once said: "The merits of the death of Wu belong to Xishi."

Legend has it that Gou Jian believed that the demise of Wu State was due to Fu Chai's indulging in Xi Shi's beauty. In order to prevent Xi Shi's beauty from causing harm to Yue State, he avenged his kindness and sent Xi Shi to sink into the river to die. This kind of statement is similar to "said by the Wu people in Jiang" and "said by Fan Li in the lake". They both regard Xi Shi as a "disaster".

The fifth argument is: It was said by Shen Jiang, the Empress of Yue, that after the Yue Kingdom destroyed Wu, Gou Jian wanted to take Xi Shi into the harem. Echigo thought that Xi Shi was the "daughter of disaster for the country", and worried that Xi Shi would harm the country of Yue, so he ordered his subordinates to wrap her in a cowhide bag and sink it to the bottom of the river.

This kind of statement is more popular because it is more in line with the psychology of the king's lust and the queen's jealousy.

Xi Shi's ending has become an eternal mystery.

Fusu thought of this, and crushed the summoning card in his hand, he didn't care about other things, from now on, Xi Shi would be his woman.

Chapter 559 Love of beauty is better than country, the unknown use of the system

Following Fusu's actions, the summoning card was directly crushed.

Fusu's eyes were fixed on the light curtain in front of him, the Xi Shi on the summoning card had already given him a feeling of astonishment, how a real person would shock him.

Xi Shi, the head of the four beauties, although not necessarily the most beautiful of the four beauties, is certainly the earliest one.

"Wu and Yue conspired a lot, and the goddess Huansha went to make peace. Only when a pair of smiles looked back, a hundred thousand elite soldiers turned against each other."

It can be said that Shih Tzu is a real beauty.

The beauty of Xishi is different from the coquettishness of Meixi in the Xia Dynasty, the demon of Daji in the Shang Dynasty, and the coquettishness of Baosi in the Zhou Dynasty. Her beauty lies in being moving.

Wu Wang Fuchai, a generation of heroes, can be said to be a great talent, and there are such great officials as Wu Zixu under his command, but he was ruined by a woman, no, to be precise, two women, and even lost his life , sadly.

At the same time, it can also prove the charm of Shih Tzu.

A figure slowly emerged, and then, a graceful woman walked out from the light curtain.

"This..." Fusu was stunned, his eyes straightened.

Fusu looked at Xi Shi who came out, and was completely stunned. She was so beautiful, so beautiful. Among all the women, except for Daji, Empress Xiao, and the three daughters of Luoshen, no one was better than her.

This is a kind of beauty that does not belong to the world, and it is difficult to find even in the sky.

Fusu didn't understand why there was such a beautiful woman in the world, just like the illegitimate daughter of the creator, who gave him all the beauty.

Whether it is from the face or the figure, they are perfect without exception, and the demeanor of every frown and movement makes people feel nervous.

If Chen Yuanyuan is a woman who can be loved by everyone, then Xi Shi is the kind of woman who can conquer men.

Men conquer women by conquering the world, and women conquer the world by conquering men.

Xishi gave Fusu the first feeling, if I can't have him, what's the point even if I have Jiangshan.

Fusu finally understood why the emperors in ancient times had such an impulse to love beauties instead of Jiangshan. They would rather ruin Jiangshan than betray their own beauties.

Fusu also has this feeling now, for Xi Shi, he can give up the whole world.

When a woman is so beautiful, she can really make you give up everything.

Some people are willing to lose ten years of life in order to get a night with some women. Some women really cannot be dominated by emotions.

Because when you face them, you will find that you have lost your calmness and emotion.

There is only one thought in my mind, "Get her, get her, I must get her".

This is also Fusu's most intuitive idea.

This woman can only belong to me, who dares to stop me, gods block and kill gods, Buddhas block and kill Buddhas, even Ying Zheng can't stop me.

For Xi Shi, he would rather be an enemy of the world.

Xi Shi looked at Fusu in front of him, smiled lightly, showing her bright teeth, "Xi Shi pays homage to the young master", Xi Shi bowed slightly and made a melodious voice.

The voice was very pleasant, as if a ray of spring breeze had blown into the heart of a person, soothing the restless soul and letting it rippling on the clear stream.

Fusu looked at Xi Shi in front of him, his eyes were motionless, as if he didn't see a woman.

Xi Shi blushed from Fusu's aggressive gaze, and two red clouds flew over her cheeks, making Xi Shi look even more attractive.

Fusu stepped forward, wanting to grab Xishi's jade hand, but the system didn't do it well, and when the stipulated time came, Fusu had just grabbed Xishi's jade hand, and Xishi was born out of the system.

still not feeling well

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