The Wuling Cavalry of Zhao State, also called the Hudao Knights, attacked the Huns in the north for more than 200 miles. The legendary "Hufu Cavalry and Shooting" was the first elite cavalry in China.

The martial arts knights of Qi State, the dead soldiers of the Prince's Mansion of Yan State, the Shadow Tiger Thunder Leopard Army of Chu State, etc., are all well-known.

Looking at the city of Anyi, which was shielded by the sheng flag and whose copper and iron walls were like iron walls, Fusu knew that the next battle would be tough.

However, since this journey, I have conquered so many cities and occupied more than 200 miles of the territory of Wei State. Now at this time, I can summon again.

Chapter 565 Confrontation across the air, summoning a big explosion

Qin Jun set up camp at a distance of 20 miles from Anyi City, and they formed a group, facing each other with Wei Wuji.

Beside Wei Wuji, Wei Wujiang stood aside. In addition to Tian Yi from the farmer's family, Zuo Heng and Le Di, two masters of the military family, also rescued him.

Because Fusu transferred all the masters, there were no masters in the dungeon, which gave the opponent an opportunity, but it also gave Fusu a warning, and he must not take it lightly.

By Wei Wuji's side, there are still many masters who follow. They are all people from the Jianghu. Unfortunately, after the war, these people have an eighty to ninety percent chance of dying.

Fusu looked at Wei Wuji on the city wall, the eyes of the two converged in the air, and powerful sparks burst out.

The two stood motionless on the spot, looking at each other, neither of them opened their mouths, and neither of them opened their mouths to speak.

After a long time, the two couldn't help laughing, but neither of them said anything, and saw the real chapter under their hands.

They will not talk about it here, and see heroes under their hands.

Fusu returned to his tent, looked at Liu Yifei and Zi Nu in front of him, and smiled lightly, full of warmth.

Fusu found a reason, sent Zi Nu out, and then brought Liu Yifei into the system space.

The two armies conquered thirty-five cities in total, that is to say, the current Fusu has a total of thirty-five random summoning opportunities.

However, such a random summoning opportunity is not very likely to summon the real thing, there are too many thanks for your patronage.

But Fusu wasn't worried, after thirty-five summoning opportunities, he didn't believe that he couldn't get what he wanted.

If you summon a character by yourself, then the system can be upgraded directly for the third time. I don't know if there will be other functions this time.

Fusu was full of anticipation.

After Fusu and Liu Yifei walked into the system space, Liu Yifei's pretty face flushed, because she knew the rules of Fusu, and would "bully" herself before calling each time, and she even called it that it would bring good luck.

Sure enough, seeing Liu Yifei's moving expression, Fusu couldn't hold it anymore, and after a while, the room resounded with high-spirited war songs.

One song is higher than the other, very loud and clear.

It makes people's blood boil.

After a long time, Fusu came out with Liu Yifei sweating profusely and came to the summoning space.

Looking at it like that, the two seemed very excited.

"Let's get started," Fusu looked at Liu Yifei.

"En", Liu Yifei nodded.

"Use the privilege of random summoning", Fusu used it directly.

"May I ask whether to use the random summoning privilege". (will not be described later)

"Use", Fusu nodded.

In front of Liu Yifei, dozens of summoning cards appeared in front of Liu Yifei, exuding an inexplicable brilliance, as if saying, take it, come and take it.

Liu Yifei randomly took a summoning card, and after seeing it, she was completely speechless, "My husband, thank you for your patronage, it seems that your method of gathering luck is not good", Liu Yifei stuck out her tongue, a little embarrassed, did not expect the It is unlucky to summon a thank you for your patronage at once.

But Liu Yifei is also not good, and in the end she didn't forget to make fun of Fusu.

"Uh..." Fusu was embarrassed, and stared at Liu Yifei fiercely, "It's okay, we have the privilege of summoning, self-willed, I don't believe that the rest are all thanks for your patronage", Fusu's body exudes a kind of It is called the breath of "local tyrant".

But what made Fusu crazy was that Liu Yifei summoned four times in a row, all of which were thank you for your patronage.

Fusu's face was a little dark, you should give me something, you're embarrassing me.

Fusu said to the system silently, he hoped the system could hear his voice.

"Husband, I have, I have." After the fifth call, Liu Yifei finally broke the spell and jumped up happily.

"What?" Fusu also smiled.

"It's a divine horse named Chitan Huolong", Liu Yifei exclaimed happily.

"Oh, the red charcoal fire dragon colt, just right, Yuwen Chengdu doesn't have a mount yet, so I'll leave it to him." Fusu nodded and assigned the horse to Yuwen Chengdu.

"En", Liu Yifei helped Su crush the summoning card and summoned it, "Husband, the red charcoal fire dragon horse is now in your stable, you can ask Huangfu Duan to bring it to you," Liu Yifei said to Chu Yunqiu.

"Well, let's continue," Fusu nodded.

I don't know if it's a change of luck, but Liu Yifei's sixth summoning actually summoned a magical weapon - the eight-treasure camel dragon gun.

The spear is about six feet long, with the head of a dragon, the tip of the spear is a dragon tongue, the shaft is scale-shaped, and the spear is a dragon tail. It is inlaid with eight precious stones from head to tail, hence the name Babaotuo Dragon Spear. Also called the Eight Treasures Dragon Spear. This gun is extremely sharp, and it is just and strong. The crown of soldiers! There is another magical feature of this gun: the tip of the gun has holes, which can absorb blood when pierced into the human body, and absorb water when immersed in water.

Looking at the eight-treasure camel-dragon gun in his hand, Fusu couldn't help but nodded. His luck had come, and Fusu happily put the divine weapon - the eight-treasure camel-dragon gun into the system summoning space.

Then, to Fusu's delight, Liu Yifei actually got another summoning card, and it was a character summoning card.

Chapter 566 Drum Shang Sao - Shi Qian's third system upgrade

Liu Yifei looked at the summoning card in her hand, speechless.

"Husband, here you are", Liu Yifei handed the summoning card to Fusu with a look of embarrassment.

"What, can't it be thank you for your patronage again?" Fu Su also took the summoning card a little speechlessly.

"Yo, Shi Qian", Fusu's eyes lit up suddenly, he didn't expect to summon this guy.

Drum Shang Sao - Shi Qian, that is the ancestor of the thief, the famous thief.

But when it comes to the thief, Fusu already has the King of Thieves - Sikong Zaixing, and now there is another king of thieves - Shi Qian, and the king of thieves from outside forces - Robo Zhi. It's fun to think about it.

I just don't know what kind of identity the system will arrange for Shi Qian.

Shi Qian, a character in "Water Margin", nicknamed Gushang Flea, a native of Gaotangzhou, was born as a thief. On the way to Liangshan with Yang Xiong and Shi Xiu, he was captured alive by Zhujiazhuang for stealing chickens, leading Liangshan to beat Zhujia three times. village.

He once went to Tokyo to steal the Yanling Golden Circle Armor, earned Xu Ning to go to Liangshan, and made great contributions in the battle of Liangshan's attack on Daming Mansion and Zengtou City.

When Liangshan gathered for righteousness, he ranked 107th, and he should be the "land thief star" as the leader of the secret infantry. After conquering Fangla, he died of illness in Hangzhou, and was named Yijielang after him.

There is a poem praising it:

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