The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 393: The Summoner of the Ten Thousand Worlds Conquest

Fusu didn't expect that the opponent would charge suddenly, and he was a little dazed. Shouldn't he be the one who charged? How did they become each other.

Fusu was stunned for a moment.

But fortunately, Fusu reacted in an instant and roared, "Charge", Fusu is full of anger now, before he can make a move, the other party is attacking, he is looking for death.

"Kill!" Hearing Fusu's order, everyone charged forward.

Zhao Yun came to Yu Chigong's side, looked at Yuchi Gong's purple face, and immediately became angry. He directly swung the gentian silver spear in his hand, and directly killed Le Di.

Seeing that Fusu wanted to leave, Zhao Yun immediately shouted: "My lord, General Yuchi has been poisoned, he is about to die."

"What?" Fusu's expression couldn't help changing, and he didn't care about charging, he jumped directly from Bailong's body and came to Yuchi Jingde's side.

"What's wrong?" Fu Su squatted down, looked at Yuchi Jingde whose face was completely black, "Poisoned", Fu Su's face couldn't help but change.

"Well, and it's not just an ordinary poison. Look at this, the blood has turned black." Zhao Zilong nodded, his face full of dignity.

"Don't worry, I have a solution." Fusu took a deep breath, took out the detoxification pill from the system space, poured out one, and fed it to Yuchi Jingde.

Fusu originally thought that the detoxification pill was useless, but he didn't expect it to be useful now.

There is really nothing useless, it's just not the time.

After the detoxification pill was taken by Yuchi Jingde, his complexion instantly faded, as if miraculously.

Zhao Zilong couldn't help but widen his eyes, " lord, what kind of elixir is this, why is it so magical?" Zhao Zilong's eyes couldn't help but widen.

This detoxification pill is too miraculous, it worked immediately.

"Hey, this is a magic pill," Fusu didn't tell Zhao Zilong the truth.

The detoxification pill took effect very quickly, after a while, Yuchi Jingde woke up, "Young Master", Yuchi Jingde stood up immediately after being startled.

After getting rid of the deadly poison, Yuchi Jingde's strength came back again.

He was not injured at all, but was poisoned. After being relieved by the detoxification pill, he was revived in full condition.

"It's okay." Fusu looked at Yuchi Jingde in front of him.

"En", Yuchi Jingde nodded stupidly, "What happened just now, why did the fight start?" Yuchi Jingde didn't know what happened while he was in a coma.

"Let Zilong tell you the matter, let's kill the enemy first," Fusu picked up the Qinglong Emperor's Halberd standing beside him.

"Yes, my lord", Yuchi Jingde couldn't wait for this, picked up the male and female double whips (steel whips with bamboo joints) on the ground, rode on his own Black Fire Liaoyuan, and charged away, like that, he was alive and well, without any abnormal state at all.

At this time, Zhao Zilong didn't know what to say. There really is such a magical pill in the world. Fusu's detoxification pill completely broke his cognition. In Zhao Zilong's heart, even after poisoning, he should rest and recuperate For a while, there is such a thing.

Zhao Zilong didn't know that the products produced by the system must be high-quality products.

The system's detoxification pill is just so awesome.

The battle between the Qin army and the Wei army was very fierce, and the Wei army was the strongest infantry unit in the Seven Kingdoms - Wei Wuzu, very powerful.

As for the Qin army, there are so many masters, like sharp knives, piercing the chest of the team.

In the end, the two armies agreed to withdraw their troops with a tacit understanding, and stopped fighting without fighting.

This in itself was a trial battle, so they didn't use their full strength.

Among the crowd, Yu Wencheng turned into a tiger and wolf, roaring in and out, invincible.

Seeing the retreating Wei Jun, Fu Su did not catch up.

Just after returning to the camp, a person appeared in front of Fusu, it was Dai Zong.

"Dai Zong", Fusu's eyes lit up, "Why are you here, is there something wrong?"

Fusu knew that Dai Zong would not come forward if there was no important matter.

"My lord, Mrs. Xiao is going to give birth soon, so Mrs. Da asked me to tell you," Dai Zong said to Fusu.

"Oh, counting the date, it's true," Fusu nodded, "I've already cleared up this matter, and I will rush back as soon as possible."

On this special day, Fusu also hoped that he would be by their side.

"Yes, son." Dai Zong nodded and left the barracks.

Next, Fusu summoned the whole army and handed over the matter to Zhuge Liang. Then Guo Jia and other generals assisted him while he left the barracks.

Chapter 577: The Wrath of Thunder

When Fusu left the barracks, he only followed Dian Wei and Yu Wencheng, both of whom were loyal protectors of the lord.

Dian Wei's riding skills are not very good, but fortunately, there are horse bridles and saddles in the world of Mingyue in the Qin Dynasty, so that Dian Wei will not fall off the horse, and Dian Wei does not engage in horse battles, only as a footstep.

But Yuwen Chengdu is different, he is very proficient in horse fighting, and with the help of a peerless BMW, it is even more powerful for him.

Yuwen Chengdu is holding a gilt phoenix wing in his hand, riding a red charcoal fire dragon horse, wearing a golden armor, majestic and majestic, just like a god descending from the earth.

The three of them headed in the direction of Dongjun.

In order to save time, the three of them did not return by the same route, but chose a shortcut and went straight to Dongjun.

The three of them didn't stop. On this day, the three of them came to a village, and their eyes turned red.

I saw that in this small village, there were miserable sounds and screams everywhere, and several huts were set on fire, burning blazingly.

At the entrance of the village, there were several corpses lying on the ground. On the other side, several big men were holding weapons and long knives with blood dripping on them. These big men were burning, killing and looting at the moment.

Seeing the actions of the robbers, Fusu's eyes suddenly turned red, "A group of beasts, looking for death", Fusu was completely angry, and the flying sword at his waist shot out instantly, and a golden sword energy erupted directly from the tip of the sword, towards the opponent Attack away.

"Swipe", the sword energy flew out, and directly cut a grinning person in half with a sword.

"Who?" Seeing his companion being stabbed in half, the robbers who were looting became nervous.

"A group of beasts, Dianwei, Chengdu, let me kill them, and kill this group of beasts," Fusu told the two of them.

This kind of person, if kept, is also a disaster to the folks in the village. Killing, must be killed, not killing is not enough to cause civilian anger.

"Yes, my lord." Dian Wei and Yu Wencheng had already felt ruthless in their hearts, and now they received Fusu's order, they charged away like tigers and wolves that had escaped from a cage.

Because Dian Wei was not good at horse fighting, he took the bloodthirsty double halberds and walked in on his feet.

Not to mention these young men, even their leader would not be enough for Dian Wei to kill alone. At this time, Dian Wei was furious, like a tiger entering a flock of sheep. When he saw the robbers, he would kill them one by one.

The three of them at this moment do not have the term "captive", they want to avenge their fellow villagers.

Fusu among them, Bailong, went towards the center, Dianwei to the left, Yuwencheng to the right, three people, in three directions, cleaned up the rubbish like a carpet.

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