The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 397: The Summoner of the Ten Thousand Worlds Conquest

In addition to visiting Xiao Shushen, he also had to visit Zhao Ji, but he had to be more careful when watching Zhao Ji's actions.

Around the Shushen Pavilion, stood many female soldiers, all of whom were trained by Mu Guiying, and they guarded the Shushen Pavilion closely to prevent Xiaoxiao from invading.

Even Fusu had to go through layers of checkpoints before passing.

After Fusu came to Shushen Mansion, he found that there were quite a few people inside, besides female soldiers and maidservants, there were also several midwives.

Seeing Fusu's arrival, everyone hurried forward to salute Fusu.

Fusu came to the interior of the room. On the phoenix couch in the bedroom, a woman with a peerless appearance was lying on it, her face full of maternal halo.

Fusu stepped forward, held Xiao Shushen's jade hand, and looked at the jade man in front of her.

"Husband", Xiao Shushen wanted to struggle to do it, but was stopped by Fu Su, and now Xiao Shushen is the top priority.

"Don't move around now, you will give birth soon, you must rest," Fusu said to Xiao Shushen.

"En", Xiao Shushen wanted to give birth to a fat boy for Fusu, so that Fusu could have successors.

At this moment, Xiao Shushen's face suddenly turned pale, "Husband, it hurts, I'm going to give birth."

Xiao Shushen said to Fusu.

"What, midwife, midwife?" Fusu stood up hastily, and the Great God shouted.

"Come here, come here", several midwives came in, looked at Xiao Shushen's situation, and invited Fusu out.

"Husband, don't worry, my sister is definitely fine, and I was the same way back then," Concubine Yan looked at Fusu's anxious look, and comforted her.

"Yes, husband, the child may feel that you are coming and wants to come out," Daji, who was standing aside, joked.

"I hope mother and child are safe," Fusu murmured.

The feeling of being a father is very exciting, because he has created a life.

Hearing the screams in the room, Fusu paced back and forth.

At this moment, a baby's cry pierced the sky.

Chapter 582: Being the Father Again, the Three Upgrades of the System Completed

Hearing the baby's voice, Fusu couldn't help clenching his fists tightly. Although he had experienced it once, he would still feel a sense of tension when he experienced it again.

It's like dancing disco, if you dance again, there will still be a sense of excitement, and the adrenaline hormone will continue to prevail.

Wanting to jump and being afraid, that kind of feeling is like being on a roller coaster.

At this time, a midwife came out of the room, "Congratulations son, congratulations son, you are a little son, and mother and child are safe," the midwife said with a smile.

"Okay, there are rewards, there are rewards for everything," Fusu was so happy when he heard the midwife's words, but then, Fusu's face changed, "However, I got the benefits, I hope you don't spread the news today Get out, otherwise, you and your family members, I can't guarantee their safety," Fusu threatened the midwife.

Zhao Ji is not yet born, so the news of Xiao Shushen's birth must not be spread.

"Yes... yes..." The so-called companion is like a tiger, the matchmaker's originally happy expression changed instantly, and she knelt down on the ground.

"Concubine Yan, I'll leave the rest to you." Fusu couldn't wait to walk into the house.

"Well, get up, go down and follow me to receive the reward, don't worry, as long as you are obedient, I guarantee that you will live comfortably in this life, if you talk nonsense, then don't blame us for being cruel." Concubine Yan is not either. A good stubble.

In the original book, Concubine Yan was the one who joined forces with Wei Zhuang to kill the Six-fingered Heixia for the sake of Prince Pill.

Saying that Concubine Yan is soft-hearted, it means that she is soft-hearted towards the one she loves, and Concubine Yan will never be soft-hearted when treating others.

"Yes, yes, Ma'am, don't worry, I know how to do it, old woman." The midwife's back was soaked.

"Well, that's good," Concubine Yan nodded.

Fusu walked into the room quickly, looking at Xiao Shushen, who was pale and covered in cold sweat, Fusu couldn't help but stepped forward, held Empress Xiao's jade hand, with a look of pity on her face, "Shushen, you have worked hard", Fusu stretched out his hand and gently placed it on Empress Xiao's cheek.

"Husband, this is what it should be. Look, this is our child." Xiao Shushen looked tenderly at the crying baby lying on her face.

"Well, I saw it, it's a boy." Fusu picked up the child, crumpled, and he still couldn't see the facial features.

"Well, I hope he can become a famous hero like you when he grows up," Xiao Shushen looked forward to.

"Most definitely".

Fusu stayed with Xiao Shushen for a long time, and then went out to Zhao Ji's.

At this time, Zhao Ji was also lying on the bed, recuperating her body.

Zhao Ji's delivery date is almost here, but she still doesn't know when she will give birth.

Fusu also stayed with Zhao Ji for a long time before coming out.

After all, Zhao Ji is older than Xiao Shushen, and her heart is more fragile, so Fusu would rather spend more time with her.

A good mood can help pregnant women give birth smoothly.

After Fusu came back, he ordered the midwives to be strictly guarded, and they were not allowed to pass on the news. After Zhao Ji gave birth, they were let go, and then they told the world through their mouths that Xiao Shushen gave birth to a pair of twins. Or twins.

At this moment, a voice rang in Fusu's mind.

"Ding dong, the third system upgrade is complete." The system's voice rang.

Fusu couldn't help but be overjoyed. Empress Xiao had just given birth to a child herself, and then the system upgrade was completed, which is really great.

Fusu couldn't help but feel happy.

Fusu returned to the bedroom and entered the system space.

The third upgrade has been completed, and the fourth upgrade needs a terrifying hundred times.

Fusu was stunned on the spot, but thinking of the Six Kingdoms battle, a random summoning opportunity for a city, China is so big, there should be no problem.

Even if there is a problem, Fusu will shift his target abroad. Dongying, Korea, grassland, Tianzhu, etc., are all places he conquered.

Fusu looked at his summoning space, except that it was more prosperous, it hadn't changed in any way, it was still as big.

Fusu connects to the system and wants to see if there are any other changes in the system. The other two have changed. Looking at it, it turns out that the system has added a privilege.

This privilege is called the combination of famous generals.

What does that mean? For example, to summon the five tiger generals of the Shu Kingdom, you can propose to the system something that the other party can do, you can perform a designated summon, designate a specific character, or you can resurrect a dead character and rearrange their identities. It cannot be completed.

Fusu summoned so many more than 50 characters. Of the five tiger generals of Shu, Fusu summoned Guan Yu and Zhao Yun tightly, and Zhang Liao was the only five good generals of Wei.

In addition, the big man's "Empire Twin Walls" seems to be simpler. Wei Qing and Huo Qubing only have two people, which seems to have a better chance, but so far, neither of them has been summoned by Fusu.

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