The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 656: Summoning the Strong Generals in the War of All Realms

When I was in middle school, I still read Li Bai's poems, such as "The road to Shu is difficult, it is difficult to reach the blue sky", and "I want to cross the Yellow River and the ice is blocked, and I will climb the Taihang Mountains covered with snow" and so on. It can be said that, A basket full of them.

Fusu could not be more familiar with Li Bai.

Li Bai was a famous romantic poet in the Tang Dynasty. His courtesy name was Taibai, his nickname was Qinglian Jushi, and he was also known as "The Exiled Immortal". He was hailed as the "Immortal of Poetry" by later generations, and was called "Li Du" together with Du Fu.

Li Bai was a cheerful and generous man who loved drinking, writing poems, and making friends.

My favorite thing to do is to recite poems and have fun after getting drunk.

Li Bai was not only brilliant in literary talent, but also very skilled in swordsmanship. His "Green Lotus Swordsmanship" reached the point of "mastery of swordsmanship".

His attainments are extraordinary.

Li Bai's poetry, Pei Min's swordsmanship, and Zhang Xu's cursive script are collectively known as the Three Wonders of the Tang Dynasty. Although Li Bai's swordsmanship is not included in the "Three Wonders", his swordsmanship is extremely high. It can only be said that Li Bai's poetry is more famous than his swordsmanship.

Li Bai's works are deeply influenced by Huang Lao Liezhuang's thoughts, such as "Wanglu Mountain Waterfall", "The Road is Difficult", "The Road to Shu is Difficult", "Going to Wine", etc. There is a reason for this.

Since Li Bai was a boy, he often went to Daitian Mountain to find Taoist priests in Taoist temples to discuss Taoist scriptures. Later, he lived in seclusion in Minshan Mountain with a hermit named Dong Yanzi, and studied with great concentration.

Li Bai raised many exotic birds in the mountains and forests where he lived.

These beautiful and docile birds, because they are used to being raised, fly here regularly to beg for food. They seem to understand people's language. With a call, they fly down from all directions and fall in front of the steps. They can even peck at grains from people's hands. Grain, not afraid at all.

This incident spread more and more widely, and became more and more strange. Finally, the governor of Mianzhou personally went to the mountains to watch the birds eating.

Seeing that they could command the actions of birds, the governor thought that they had Tao skills, so he wanted to recommend them to take the Tao exam.

However, both of them politely refused.

Zhao Rui, a famous political strategist at that time, was also Li Bai's teacher. Li Bai was only fifteen years old at that time.

Zhao Rui's strategist-style work studied the similarities and differences of the Six Classics, analyzed the world situation, and emphasized the rise and fall of chaos, which aroused Li Bai's great interest. In the future, he was determined to make great achievements and loved to talk about the ways of kings and dominators. It was also influenced by this book.

Li Bai left many ancient poems. The most widely spread and famous story is the story of "an iron pestle ground into a needle".

According to rumors, Li Bai was the reincarnation of Taibai Venus in the sky. Legend has it that Li Bai's birth was very unusual. His mother dreamed that Taibai Venus fell into her arms and he was born, so he was named Li Bai, with the courtesy name Taibai.

So many people call him - Li Taibai.

When he grew up, Li Bai did have some "immortal spirit". He traveled around the world, learned Taoism and swordsmanship, was a good drinker and a knight, and was proud of the princes. His poems are unparalleled in their imagination, "I want to go up to the blue sky to embrace the bright moon", and in their momentum, "the water from the Yellow River comes up from the sky".

Li Bai liked the ways of Lao and Zhuang, and was also influenced by Taibai Venus.

Fusu looked at the Shixian Summoning Card in his hand and crushed it directly.

Chapter 889 Qinglian Sword Technique Taibai Sword Aunt Gongsun

Following Fusu's movements, a cyan light curtain appeared directly.

Fusu's pupils couldn't help but condense. The light curtain turned out to be cyan. Li Bai's light curtain turned out to be colored. Gosh, he's so awesome.

The summoning methods of others are different from others. Others, such as Ji Xiaolan, He Shen, Liu Yong and others, all use summoning methods that gradually solidify. However, Li Bai is different. Instead, he walks directly out of the light curtain. .

I saw Li Bai holding a wine flask in his right hand and a silver-white long sword hanging on his waist.

Full of grace and grace.

Fusu's eyes couldn't help but light up.

As expected of a poet, he felt a little ashamed of himself.

Li Bai was wearing a white robe, drinking wine as he walked.

Looks like drunk but not drunk, seems awake but not awake.

When he saw Fusu and Liu Tao, his face was filled with respect.

"Li Bai, meet the young master, meet the madam." Li Bai bowed to the two of them.

"Yes." Fusu couldn't help but nodded.

Later, Fusu learned that Li Bai was the second person to be strengthened by the system after Zhuge Kongming.

Not only was Li Bai talented in literature, but his Qinglian swordsmanship was even better than Zhan Zhao's.

Fusu was filled with envy.

This is simply the treatment of an illegitimate child of the system.

Zhuge Kongming is the eldest son of the system. He originally knew no martial arts and became a peerless master. Li Bai is the second son of the system. His swordsmanship was already outstanding and he became even stronger.

The name of the sword in Li Bai's hand is Taibai Sword, and his unique skill is Qinglian Sword Song.

Just like what Li Bai wrote in a poem, "The guest of Zhao is wearing a tassel, and the frost of Wu is bright. The silver saddle shines on the white horse, rustling like a shooting star. Kill one person in ten steps, and leave no trace for a thousand miles. When it's over, brush off your clothes and go, Hiding one's identity and name deeply... Even if one dies with the fragrance of a hero, he will not be ashamed of being a hero in the world. Who can write your Excellency the White-headed Taixuan Sutra?"

Fusu looked at Li Bai in front of him, and after thinking about it for a while, he decided that Li Bai would be born as Li Jing's younger brother.

Following his brother Li Jing, he went to the border of Qin and Zhao.

After Fusu gave birth to Li Bai, calm was restored within the system once again.

"I didn't expect that the Poet Immortal Li Bai would be summoned. It was such an unexpected surprise," Liu Tao said with some emotion.

The key is that Li Bai's reputation is too great.

"Yeah, I wonder if there will be another combination after summoning Du Fu." Fusu smiled lightly.

"How can it be such a coincidence? I think about it again after I have it." After hearing Fusu's words, Liu Tao rolled his eyes at Fusu.

"Hey, I was just thinking about it, let's continue," Fusu said to Liu Tao.

"Okay", Liu Tao nodded and continued to summon.

"This time I should summon a beautiful woman," Fusu secretly thought. The last few times it was a man, it was the turn of a beautiful woman.

Following Liu Tao's movements, a summoning card suddenly appeared.

"Sure enough..." Fusu felt happy, he guessed correctly, it was indeed a woman.

Wearing a red dress, although Fusu couldn't see clearly what was written on it, he was sure that she was a beauty.

"Who is it?" Fusu asked knowingly, pretending that I didn't see it.

"Mother Gongsun," Liu Tao pouted, as if he was a little unhappy about being slapped by a woman.

"Aunt Gongsun? Let me take a look." Fusu took it from Liu Tao's hand.

In fact, Fusu already knew who it was at this moment. There was only one person in history who could be called "Aunt Gongsun", and that was the Aunt Gongsun from the Tang Dynasty.

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