The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 661: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

"Hmph, I don't know about you yet. You must be thinking of something dirty." Liu Tao did not expose Fusu.

"Let's continue summoning," Liu Tao walked to the summoning space.

Chapter 894 The Bearded Guest——Zhang Zhongjian The Three Heroes

Fusu heard Liu Tao's words and hurriedly came up.

From the beginning, he summoned Ji Xiaolan, He Shen, Liu Luoguo, Li Taibai, Gongsun Aunt, Sima Qian and the newly summoned Zhuo Wenjun, exactly seven people.

"Summon five more times to use all of Yan's summoning opportunities." Fusu planned to use Yan's twelve summoning opportunities.

He believed that with the victory of the Qin army, he would have more and more summoning opportunities.

"Okay", Liu Tao nodded.

The summoning started again, and a brilliant brilliance appeared directly in front of Liu Tao.

Liu Tao once again selected one from them.

Following Liu Tao's movements, the summoning card once again revealed his true face.

"Who is this? Why don't I recognize him?" Liu Tao looked at the summoning card in his hand and was very curious.

"Maybe it's an unknown person, let me take a look." Fusu had some detailed understanding of all major historical tasks, unless it was a particularly unknown person.

Fusu took the summoning card from Liu Tao's hand, and saw a very rough-looking man appearing in front of everyone.

"Qiu bearded guest, let me go, it turns out to be Zhang Zhongjian." Fusu's eyes suddenly lit up. Liu Tao didn't recognize him, but that didn't mean he didn't recognize him.

"Zhang Zhongjian? Who is it?" Liu Tao couldn't help but ask Fusu. He really didn't know who Zhang Zhongjian was.

"Have you heard of the Three Heroes of the Red Dust?" Fusu looked at Liu Tao and said he knew.

"I know that there is a kind of peony called the Three Heroes of the Red Dust, which is very precious. A friend of mine has a pot of peonies like this, and he treats him as a treasure all day long. Also, I also watched a movie about "The Three Heroes of the Red Dust" Movie, I don’t know if it has anything to do with it," Liu Tao told Fusu.

Hearing Liu Tao's words, the corners of Fusu's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

"Peony? Movie? Well, it seems that it is necessary for me to popularize knowledge to you." Fusu was also speechless.

"Okay, okay," Liu Tao nodded happily.

"You should know Li Jing, right?" Fusu asked Liu Tao.

"Until then, are you talking about Li Jing, the King of Pagodas, or the Li Jing of the Tang Dynasty?" Liu Tao couldn't help but ask.

"I'm talking about the Li Jing of the Tang Dynasty. It seems you know." Fusu nodded, "Li Jing belongs to the Three Heroes of the Red Dust. The Three Heroes of the Fengchen refers to the three heroes in the late Sui and early Tang Dynasties. They are Zhang Zhongjian, the bearded guest. , Military God Li Jing and Red Fu Girl Zhang Chuchen.

Li Jing's personal history does not need to be introduced to you. At the end of the Sui Dynasty, he met Sikong Yangsu in Chang'an and fell in love at first sight with Yang Su's prostitute, Hong Fusuo.

It sounds a bit romantic. Later, Li Jing came out and met the heroic Zhang Zhongjian, also known as the Qiu-bearded guest, on the way. The two came to Taiyuan together and met Li Shimin through Liu Wenjing.

At that time, Zhang Zhongjian originally had the ambition to compete for the world. After meeting Li Shimin later, he felt that he was inferior to Li Shimin in every aspect. According to our modern terms, he was suppressed by Li Shimin's domineering aura. The domineering aura of Li Shimin Side leakage," Fusu said with a smile.

"So Zhang Zhongjian knew that he could not compete with him, so he devoted his family wealth to support Li Jing so that he could assist Li Shimin in his achievements.

Qiu-bearded guest is the third child in the family. He has a red beard like a Qiu, so he is called "Qiu-bearded guest".

It is said that he was originally the son of Zhang Jiling, the richest man in Yangzhou. When he was born, his father thought he was ugly and wanted to kill him.

At the critical moment, he was saved by a passerby, and this man not only saved Zhang Zhongjian, but also taught Zhang Zhongjian martial arts.

Later, Zhang Zhongjian came down from the mountain only after he accomplished his art.

Interestingly, Zhang Zhongjian is also very interested in Hong Fu Nu.

It's a pity that Zhang Zhongjian arrived late. By that time, Hongfu Nu had already married Li Jing.

However, although this Zhongjian is ugly, he is very open-minded.

He did not feel angry towards Li Jing because of this, nor did he try to rob her. Instead, he used his charm and personality to conquer Li Jing and Hong Fu Nu, so later on, the three of them became brothers and sisters.

Zhang Zhongjian later donated his family property to Li Jing and his wife.

According to rumors, after Zhang Zhongjian left, he organized a troop of soldiers and horses to attack the Fuyu Kingdom in the sea, destroy its power, and then proclaimed himself emperor and became an emperor.

Fuyu Kingdom was located in the northern part of the Korean Peninsula and was destroyed during the Northern Wei Dynasty.

Li Jing, Hong Fu and Qiu Beard are also known as the "Three Heroes of Feng Chen" by future generations.

Fusu said slowly to Liu Tao.

After listening, Liu Tao lightly covered his mouth, chuckled, and then looked at Fusu, "Husband, I find it is a pity that you don't tell stories."

Liu Tao said with a smile.

"What? How dare you make fun of me, let's see how I deal with you." Looking at Liu Tao's smile, Fusu immediately stretched out his sinful hand.

After a while, Liu Tao was panting and begging for mercy. Both of their clothes were a little messy.

Liu Tao rolled his eyes at Fusu and straightened his appearance, "I just know how to mess around, and I don't even care what time it is."

"You know how powerful I am," Fusu said proudly.

He took a huge advantage just now!

Chapter 895 Tea Sage——Lu Yu "Tea Classic"

Fusu couldn't help but feel happy when he saw Liu Tao's charming appearance, and then he crushed the summoning card of the bearded guest - Zhang Zhongjian in his hand.

After a while, a big man with a beard summoned the space to solidify.

The appearance is indeed a bit ugly. The beard on the face is curled around the cheek, which looks a bit scary.

If a child came over at this time, the bearded guest would definitely scare the child to tears if he glared at him again.

Looks real...

"Zhang Zhongjian pays homage to the eldest son, and pays homage to the madam." Zhang Zhongjian was a rough man, a hero like Qiao Feng, and his voice was as loud as thunder.

"Zhongjian, please get up quickly." Fusu stepped forward and helped Zhang Zhongjian up, because he knew that the man in front of him was an out-and-out master.

Zhang Zhongjian's strength is the strongest among the three heroes of the world.

"Thank you, eldest son." Zhang Zhongjian stood up straight, his body very strong and rough.

Liu Tao stood aside and did not come forward, just watching from the side.

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