The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 673: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 998 Daughter of the God of War——Lv Qiling Instant Kill

Mu Guiying's four women lined up in a row, riding on tall horses, looking at the people in Bailong Village.

"Listen to me, people inside, surrender immediately. If there are any resisters, they will be killed on the spot." Mu Guiying came out on a rouge horse and shouted to everyone inside.

The women behind Mu Guiying cooperated very well with Mu Guiying. After Mu Guiying said to kill on the spot, the tens of thousands of troops instantly burst out with a powerful roar.

"Kill...kill...kill..." Three shocking murderous auras shot straight into the sky, and their momentum was no worse than that of a man.

The three masters of One-eyed Dragon, Poison Dragon, and Scorpion Dragon saw this scene and their eyes widened.

"What a strong bunch of girls, what's going on here?" The one-eyed dragon turned his attention to the second master, Poison Dragon.

The three leaders have a clear division of labor.

The first master is responsible for leading the brothers to charge into battle and rob homes and houses, while the second master is responsible for intelligence and asking which wealthy businessmen are passing through here.

The third master is responsible for logistics and defense.

After the first master leaves the village, the third master Scorpion Dragon will be responsible for protecting his lair.

There are three bosses with a clear division of labor, so more and more people are joining us.

"Brother, there is only one army in the world for someone who can be so powerful." The second master looked at Mu Guiying and the four girls with fire in his eyes.

"Oh, what kind of army?" The first master was curious, and the third master also pricked up his ears.

"Mu Guiying's mother-in-law-jun", the second head came out word by word.

"Detachment of Women? Mu Guiying? This name seems familiar." The leader held his chin, seeming to be thinking about something.

"Mu Guiying is a wife whom Fusu values ​​​​and dotes on very much. She is also deeply loved by everyone in the harem." When he said Mrs. Fusu, the second master clenched his fists tightly and his eyes were filled with fire.

"What, it's Fusu's woman, hahaha." The one-eyed dragon looked at Mu Guiying, and his eyes changed. At this time, he was no longer afraid.

"I have tasted so many women, but I have never tasted the taste of a queen. Second brother, you must find a way to get these girls over to me." The one-eyed dragon turned to look at the second master Poison Dragon and demanded.

"Brother, don't worry, leave it to me." Du Long, the second boss, gave an inscrutable smile.

Mu Guiying shouted a few times, but found that the other party had no response or was a little angry. Then he would launch the women's army and attack the city. With these people, it would not be easy to break through some small strongholds.

What's ridiculous is that these bandits still want to get Mu Guiying and others without knowing it.

"Everyone, wait a minute, let me come." At this moment, Lu Qiling walked out of the crowd riding her red fire pony and holding her magic weapon - the Half-Moon Thunder Halberd.

"People inside, listen to me. Auntie, I'm waiting for you here. Those who have the guts come out to fight. Those who dare not come out are the turtle bastards." After Lu Qiling came out, she pointed in the direction of the village with her half-moon thunder halberd. Swearing.

"Grandma, I'll go take a look at this little bitch." When the boss, One-Eyed Dragon, saw this, he was immediately angry. A little bitch could be so arrogant.

"Come here, bring me my horse." The boss stood up directly.

After a while, the city gate opened, and a one-eyed dragon came out on horseback with more than fifty young men. On top of the stronghold, his bow and arrows were spread out, as if he was afraid that the other party would charge.

"Hahaha, little lady, I advise you..."

"Watch the move", Lu Qiling would not give the opponent a chance to speak. When she saw the opponent coming out, she clamped her legs on the horse's belly and attacked directly.

"I'll go", the one-eyed dragon was shocked. He didn't expect that he would do it just as the other party said, and the speed was not slow.

But the one-eyed dragon was also a tough figure, and the machete in his hand slashed directly at Lu Qiling.

Although this one-eyed dragon is not very good at martial arts, he has a lot of strength. This is also the reason why the opponent can become the boss. He fights without his life and relies on charging.

With his fierce strength, he defeated countless opponents.

This time, the same goes for the one-eyed dragon.

"Dang", the one-eyed dragon's nine-ring machete struck directly on Lu Qiling's Half-Moon Thunder Halberd.

But what shocked the one-eyed dragon was that after the nine-ring machete was stuck by Lu Qiling's Half-Moon Thunder Halberd, it was unable to move forward at all.

"Such a lot of strength." The one-eyed dragon's eyes widened. He didn't expect that such a thin little lady had strength that was not weaker than his own.

"Humph", looking at the one-eyed dragon's surprised look, Lu Qiling couldn't help but feel extremely proud.

"Go to hell!" Lu Qiling roared, and the Half-Moon Thunder Halberd in her hand drew a semicircle and attacked directly towards the opponent.

"Not good." The one-eyed dragon's eyes widened, but he was helpless and watched helplessly as Lu Qiling's Half-Moon Thunder Halberd scratched his neck.

"Uh..." The one-eyed dragon's eyes widened and he fell to the ground unwillingly.

Instant kill, he was actually killed instantly by a little girl he looked down on, and he refused to accept it!

Chapter 999 The tiger comes out of the cage and hides the treasure house

Mu Guiying couldn't help but feel excited when she saw Lu Qiling killing the one-eyed dragon so easily.

"Sisters, charge forward." Mu Guiying took the lead in charging forward with her pear blossom gun and riding a rouge horse. "Cousin, wait for me." Li Xiuning was not to be outdone. He took his own iron-blooded divine spear and rode the white phoenix chasing the wind. He took the lead and was even faster than Mu Guiying.

Hu Sanniang rode a peach blossom horse, holding the sun and moon swords in her hands, slashing left and right as she moved forward.

The four people went directly to the entrance of the cottage.

"Not good." The second master, Du Long, didn't expect that the other party was so powerful. He originally thought that they were just a group of girls, and he waited for others to take action.

The second master looked at the charging women, rolled his eyes, and was about to run away, but before that, he had to find a reason.

"Bang", at this moment, the wooden door blocking the city gate was blasted open by a powerful external force.

Then, a woman was seen riding a fiery red horse, holding a half-moon halberd in her hand, charging towards her, and killing everyone who stood in front of her.

The second master and others were stunned, and then everyone started to run away.

Immediately afterwards, the three women of Mu Guiying led the large force to charge, and tens of thousands of female soldiers poured in directly.

By chance, the third master Scorpion Dragon met the charging Hu Sanniang, and was directly caught by Hu Sanniang.

Hu Sanniang looked at the scorpion dragon in front of her. She was naked and had a huge scorpion tattooed on her body. She looked very ferocious. She was holding an ax in her hand and was fighting with several sisters to keep from falling.

"Let me come." Hu Sanniang rushed in with the sun and moon swords in her hands, and greeted the scorpion dragon directly with the sun and moon swords in her hands.

The Scorpion Dragon looked at Hu Sanniang who was coming towards him, and of course he wanted to resist. The big ax in his hand went directly towards Hu Sanniang.

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