The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 682: Summoning the Strong Generals in the War of All Realms

Fusu started summoning again.

For the nineteenth summons, Fusu had already planned to get a bye, but he didn't expect that there would be no bye for the nineteenth time, and a "foreign object" summoning card was actually summoned.

The crop on the summoning card is none other than tea tree.

And it’s still the best Longjing tea tree.

When Fusu saw the tea leaves, he couldn't help but feel excited. Lu Yu, a tea saint who had just been summoned some time ago, had now summoned a tea tree, and it was a Longjing tea tree.

Longjing tea is one of China's traditional famous teas and green tea.

In his previous life, Fusu often liked to drink a cup of green tea while sitting in the office.

The origin of Longjing tea is also very particular. It is produced in the Longjing Village area of ​​West Lake. Longjing tea is green in color, rich in aroma, mellow and refreshing, and shaped like a bird's tongue. It has the four unique characteristics of "green color, rich aroma, sweet taste, and beautiful shape" .

Tea picked before Qingming is called "Mingqian tea", and tea picked before Grain Rain is called "Yuqian tea". There is a saying that "before it rains, it is of high quality, and before it starts to shine, it is treasure", and there is also a saying that "if you pick it early, it will be a treasure, and if you pick it late, it will be grass". When Longjing tea is brewed, the buds are upright, the soup is clear, and the fragrance is overflowing. Especially the one with one bud and one leaf, commonly known as "one flag and one gun" is the best.

Previously, this tea was divided into eight levels according to the production period and the tenderness of the buds and leaves, namely "Lotus Heart, Bird's Tongue, Best Quality, Mingqian, Yuqian, First Spring, Second Spring, and Big Growth". It is divided into eleven levels, namely special level and levels one to ten. One pound of super-grade Longjing contains about 80,000 tea buds.

Longjing tea is named after Longjing. Due to its different production areas, it is divided into three types: West Lake Longjing, Qiantang Longjing, Yuezhou Longjing and Shengzhou City. Among them, Yuezhou Longjing is the best.

West Lake Longjing is one of the top ten famous teas in China.

When Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty visited West Lake in Hangzhou, he praised Longjing tea highly and named the eighteen tea trees in front of Hu Gong Temple at the foot of Shifeng Mountain as "Imperial Tea".

Longjing, formerly known as Longhong, is a round spring pool that never dries up during severe droughts. The ancients believed that this spring was connected to the sea, and there was a dragon in it, so it was called Longjing. It is said that Ge Hong of the Jin Dynasty once made elixirs here.

Fusu looked at the summoning cards in his hand. There were the same number of "Imperial Tea" cards in front of Hu Gong Temple at the foot of Shifeng Mountain, a total of eighteen.

Every tree grows vigorously.

And this time is different from the previous times. In the previous times, "seeds" were given. This time, the system actually gave the finished product directly.

The roots are deep and luxuriant every moment. As long as you choose a good place to plant it, it can take root and survive.

Chapter 1009 The Lingbao Bow has no stone arrows "Dragon Eight Sounds" Da Qiao Xiao Qiao

There are a lot of things to pay attention to when it comes to Longjing tea. In addition to paying attention to the weather when picking, the production process is also very particular. The frying process includes shaking, stiffening, buckling, grabbing, pressing, grinding, lapping, pressing, stretching and throwing. Wait for the top ten techniques.

The operation is so varied and amazing.

It can be said that if you want to taste the truly authentic and top-quality Longjing, you must pay attention to "the right time, the right location, and the right people". All three are indispensable.

The weather refers to the picking time, which must be controlled well; the geographical location refers to the place where Longjing tea trees are planted, which must be suitable for the growth of Longjing tea trees, so that perfect Longjing tea can be grown; and finally, the people and people refer to the tea-frying process, which requires experienced craftsmen. Without good tea-frying skills, even the best tea will be ruined.

That’s why the really good Longjing is so expensive.

Fusu did not crush the summoning card, so he should let it stay in the summoning card space for a while. After he met Lu Yu and found a good place to plant Longjing, he would take it out. Otherwise, eighteen Longjing tea trees take up a relatively large space.

Fusu looked at the summoning card in his hand, put it into the summoning space, and continued the summoning.

In the twentieth summons, Fusu summoned a blank summoning card. The same was true for the twenty-first and twenty-second summonses, until the twenty-third summons, when Fusu summoned a divine weapon summoning card.

On the summoning card of the divine soldiers is a divine bow - the Lingbao Bow, which is the divine bow of Flying General Li Guang.

"Interesting, it seems that this is the time to equip Li Guang with weapons." Fusu looked at the Lingbao Bow summoning card in his hand and couldn't help but feel happy.

"Click", following Fusu's movements, the summoning card was directly crushed by Fusu.

Only a bow and three arrows appeared in Fusu's hand.

This bow is - the Lingbao bow, and this arrow is - no (mo) stone arrow. As mentioned in the previous article, in the legend, Li Guang shot the tiger, but he didn't expect the arrow to shoot into the tiger's body. Among the stones, this "stoneless arrow" got its name from then on.

According to rumors, the Ling Bao Bow was made from a piece of fine copper from the sky.

According to rumors, the Queen Mother held a peach fairy party and invited many immortal ministers to drink and party.

At the Peach Conference, Lingbao Tianzun drank too much and knocked the bronze lamp off the table with his hand.

The bronze lamp fell directly from the sky.

Later, during the process of descending to the earth, the bronze lamp came into contact with the air of the world, and the treasure was covered with dust.

Later, an old Taoist priest discovered this dusty treasure, took it back, and refined it into a long bow.

This long bow is the Lingbao Bow.

Fusu looked at the Lingbao Bow and Wushi Arrow in his hand, pondered for a moment, then threw the Lingbao Bow and Wushi Arrow in his hand, and under his control, gave the Lingbao Bow directly to Li Guang.

"Li Guang, I have given you your magic weapon, don't let me down," Fusu thought silently in his heart.

Fusu clasped his hands behind his back.

I don’t know if it was because he ran out of luck earlier or something else, but it wasn’t until the twenty-eighth time that Fusu’s hand attack exploded.

This time, Fusu summoned a martial arts secret book, and it was also a summoning card about piano music.

Fusu looked at the martial arts secret book summoning card in his hand with a wry smile on his face, "It turned out to be Tianlong Bayin. I don't know if Nongyu likes it or not." Fusu still remembers that Nongyu wanted to get a secret book about Qin music. .

Unexpectedly, he actually summoned "Dragon Eight Sounds".

Looking at the murderous music score in his hand, Fusu had a wry smile on his face.

The secret book of "Tianlong Bayin" is the unique skill of "Six-fingered Piano Demon", which can be said to kill people without blood. It can send out sonic attacks from a hundred meters away and take the heads of others.

And its lethality is extremely strong.

Fusu looked at the "Tianlong Bayin" in his hand. He didn't know whether Nongyu would like it. It was better than nothing at the time. He would see Nongyu's decision later.

In fact, the piano music Fusu was most looking forward to was not an aggressive piano music. He hoped to summon a auxiliary piano music, but the reality was a bit cruel.

"Forget it, don't think about it anymore." Fusu crushed the summoning card, and a secret book appeared in Fusu's hand.

It is really the martial arts secret book of "Dragon Eight Sounds".

Fusu put it into the summoning space and continued the summoning.

Fusu's luck did not stop there, but his luck broke out again.

This time, Fusu summoned the friends and relatives summoning card.

There are two people on the summoning card, and they are also a pair of sisters. The popularity of this pair of sisters in Chinese history is also very high.

This pair of sisters is none other than Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao, who are "locked in two Qiaos in Tongquechun".

Fusu looked at the summoning card in his hand, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

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