The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 803: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

And he and the others divided into two groups and headed to another place.

A few days later, Fusu came to the foot of a mountain and looked at the rolling mountains and lush pines and cypresses.

"Zi Nu, look at this, have you thought of anything?" Fusu stopped his horse and asked Zi Nu beside him.

"Your Majesty, the purpose of your trip is probably for Wei Wuya," Zi Nu said with a smile while looking at the rolling mountains.

"Hahaha, the one who knows me is Zi Nu. Yes, it's just for Wei Wuya." Fusu was very satisfied when he heard Zi Nu's answer.

Today he brought Concubine Yuan Mu Qingcheng to Dese.

By the way, this scourge was solved.

When Mu Qingcheng heard this, she couldn't help but feel moved. Now she finally understood why Fusu brought him here. It turned out to be this.

"Let's go." Fusu rode his horse and rode Juechen towards Liu Mansion.

Behind Fusu, Zi Nu and Mu Qingcheng also chased after him.

Dian Wei and Xu Chu looked at each other and followed closely.

After a while, several people arrived in front of Liu Mansion.

Compared with before, there is a lot more vitality here. There are more green bamboos and willows on both sides. The original weeds have also been cleared away, making it look tidy.

In the Liu Mansion, smoke was rising from the kitchen, as if a fire was being lit for cooking.

"Haha, we're here, let's go." Fusu led everyone to dismount and walk towards Liu Mansion.

"You are... my benefactor!" When a woman who was cleaning the courtyard saw Fusu, her face showed confusion at first, and then she was filled with surprise.

"Oh my god, it's really my benefactor. Sisters, come out quickly. My benefactor is here. My benefactor is here." After confirming Fusu, the woman quickly ran inside to tell him the good news. Everyone.

Fusu had a smile on his face and did not stop him.

After a while, everyone who got the news came out, Yingying Yanyan, all women.

"Meet my benefactor." When they saw Fusu, everyone was very excited and paid their respects to Fusu.

If it weren't for Fusu, they would have turned into a pile of bones at this moment.

"Everyone, please get up," Fusu waved his hand.

Mu Qingcheng looked complicated. On the way, she had already asked Zi Nu about what Wei Wuya had done. It was really outrageous!

Chapter 1140 Meeting and humiliating Wei Wuya

Fusu looked at the girls in front of him and stepped forward.

"Yun Niang, Wei Wuya was not tortured to death by you, right?" Fusu asked the woman at the front.

"My benefactor, we have never targeted him since the last time we said goodbye." Although they were very angry with Wei Wuya and wanted to eat his flesh and drink his blood, they were afraid of affecting major events in Fusu, so Wei Wuya was no longer tortured as before.

Because they knew that if they didn't stop, Wei Wuya would really be tortured to death.

"Well, let's go and take a look." Fusu nodded. The purpose of this trip was for Wei Wuya.

He promised the other party that before the other party died, he would meet Yuan Fei Mu Qingcheng.

"Yes, benefactor, come with us." Yun Niang nodded.

Then, Fusu and the others followed Yun Niang and walked towards the dungeon.

As Zi Nu walked, she observed the surrounding situation. Compared with before, this place was obviously more natural.

Fusu and others came to the dungeon again and looked at Wei Wuya lying in the haystack in front of him.

Wei Wuya's martial arts skills were disabled by Fu Su, and he can be said to have become a useless person.

Moreover, Fusu used other means to restrain him.

There is no chance to resist.

Wei Wuya now understood that it was better to die than to live. He lay on the haystack just to wait for Mu Qingcheng to come and see him for the last time.

At this moment, Wei Wuya suddenly heard footsteps.

"What's going on? Isn't it time for dinner yet?" Wei Wuya was a little curious.

When Wei Wuya raised his head, he was stunned.

His eyes were fixed on one direction, one person to be exact.

"Qingcheng..." Wei Wuya was completely stunned at this moment, as if he couldn't believe it. He rubbed his eyes. Then, when Wei Wuya opened his eyes, the scene in front of him was still the same.

At this time, he could be sure that everything in front of him was true.

"Qingcheng!" Wei Wuya's face was completely excited and he wanted to stand up and walk towards Mu Qingcheng.

But he found that his leg was broken and he couldn't stand up at all.

This is not Fusu's work, but the methods of these women.

Although these women are all gentle and weak, they can be fierce and make men afraid.

Mu Qingcheng looked at Wei Wuya in front of him with a look of disbelief on his face.

He couldn't believe that the person in front of him was Wei Wuya, the youngest son of King Wei.

"Wuya, how could you become like this?" Although Mu Qingcheng was very disgusted with Wei Wuya, after all, she had watched him grow up.

"Empress Yuan Fei, it's really, hahaha, it's really you. I never thought I would see you again in my lifetime. I will die with no regrets. I will die with no regrets." After confirming that it was really Mu Qingcheng, Wei Wuya cried and laughed in the dungeon.

Like a madman.

"Wei Wuya, I didn't lie about my promise to you. Also, I have good news for you. The Kingdom of Wei has been destroyed by our Great Qin," Fusu said with a smile.

"In other words, the land of your Wei State already belongs to our Qin State," Fusu said with a chuckle.

"Hahaha, so what, just destroy it and let Wei Guo and I be buried together." Wei Wuya had no feelings for Wei Guo, the King of Wei, etc.

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