The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 806: Summoning the Strong Generals in the War of All Realms

How could emperors in ancient times only have one heir, and Qin Shihuang was no exception, as he also had many heirs.

There are sons and daughters.

In history, after Hu Hai ascended the throne, he slaughtered all his brothers and sisters.

It can be said that the winner was almost destroyed by his own people.

"Reporting to your Majesty, according to the investigation by Wei Chen, Lord Guangyang killed six members of the Qi family and eighteen people, and kidnapped two daughters of the Qi family in order to obtain a treasure." Bao Zheng explained Lord Guangyang's crimes. Come on.

"And more than that, people like Lord Guangyang are imposing excessive taxes and doing whatever they want, which has made the people complain. I'm afraid if things continue like this, it will be detrimental to our Qin Dynasty." Bao Zheng also noticed that Fusu's face was getting darker and darker.

"You bastard, how dare you be so rampant?" Fusu suddenly became angry and slapped his hand directly on the nanmu table in front of him.

"Crack", there was just a crisp sound, and the entire nanmu table shattered.

Fusu's rage can also be seen from here.

"If what Bao Aiqing said is true, just do whatever you want. I want to give an explanation to the people of Da Qin and the people of the world." Fusu stood up and said to Bao Zheng.

He would never let such a person go.

"I obey the order." Bao Zheng couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief after receiving Fusu's order.

After all, Lord Guangyang is a relative of the emperor, so he can't just kill him at will.

"Is there anything else?" Fusu's face was very ugly. He had been fighting in the world, but he forgot to deal with the moths around him. Fortunately, there was an upright minister like Bao Zheng here.

Otherwise, you will definitely turn a blind eye and close one eye.

Everyone saw that Fusu's face was not very good-looking, so no one dared to speak.

"Okay, if nothing happens, you can go back." Fusu waved his hand, seeming very angry.

"Yes", everyone quietly retreated.

After walking out of the hall, everyone started to explode.

"I'm telling you, Bao Heizi, you just turned a blind eye and let things go by. If you insist on causing trouble, you really want to kill Lord Guangyang." Li Si looked at Bao Zheng and couldn't help but be speechless.

"Since I hold an important position, I must be worthy of the black gauze hat above my head." Bao Zheng didn't think it was a big deal.

The worst case scenario is death.

But he will not give in to evil.

The sky is vast and the earth is vast, and truth is the greatest. Only reason exists forever between heaven and earth.

"You, what should I say about you?" Jia Sixie also shook his head.

He originally wanted to tell Fusu the good news that tomatoes had been cultivated, but seeing that Fusu was in a bad mood, he did not dare to say anything more and instead put down the memorial.

"My lords, I promise that I still have something to do, so I'll take my leave first." Bao Zheng bowed his hands to everyone and strode away. The next thing he had to do was to arrest Lord Guangyang.

"Your Majesty, are you okay?" At this time, Ehuang and Nuying walked out of the side hall.

Because the two people looked exactly the same, Fusu sometimes couldn't tell them apart.

"It's okay." Fusu rubbed his temples with a headache. It really gave him a headache.

Ehuang and Nvying came to Fusu's side. Ehuang squeezed Fusu's shoulders, while Nvying beat Fusu's legs.

"Your Majesty, don't think too much. To complete an empire, you must have experienced a lot of things, and you will experience more in the future. If you take it too seriously, you will definitely hurt your body," Ehuang said with a smile.

"Well, you are right." Fusu couldn't help but nodded.

"The establishment of an empire must go through many tests. I don't want the collapse of the empire to be caused by internal moths." Fusu clenched his fists tightly.

This matter must be severely punished.

Kill one to serve as a warning to hundreds.

After Bao Zheng returned, he immediately summoned everyone.

Dynasty Mahan, Zhang Long and Zhao Hu are on both sides. On the other side, Zhan Zhao is standing in the upper left corner.

Originally, the Five Rats should also be here, but Bai Yutang was sent by Fusu to investigate the Zajia affairs, and the Four Rats who were better than him were on the battlefield, so they were not here.

"Okay, Zhan Zhao, listen to the order," Bao Zheng shouted directly to the summons.

"My subordinate is here." Zhan Zhao stood straight. He had never thought that even in the court, he could still act chivalrously, punish evil and promote good.

Now, he hopes more and more to cooperate with Bao Zheng!

Chapter 1144 The sky has eyes to apprehend the criminals

Bao Zheng looked at Zhan Zhao and felt grateful to Fusu.

He was grateful to Fusu for arranging Zhan Zhao by his side.

Zhan Zhao himself was Fusu's bodyguard, and was later arranged by Fusu to be with Bao Zheng. At first, Bao Zheng refused, not understanding what Fusu meant.

But after getting along with Zhan Zhao for a long time, Bao Zheng really felt that Fusu's decision was the right one.

It has been so convenient to have Zhan Zhao by his side these years.

Not only did he save himself several times, but he also helped him catch some extremely vicious criminals, allowing him to bring them to justice and have them severely punished by the law.

During this incident, Bao Zheng got to know Zhan Zhao more and more, and became more and more involved in it.

"Zhan Zhao, I will leave this matter to you. You will lead the dynasty Mahan, Zhang Long and Zhao Hu to bring the murderer, Lord Guangyang, to justice." Bao Zheng looked at Zhan Zhao and said.

"I accept your order," Zhan Zhao shouted loudly, holding the Tianlong Sword in his hand.

"You all come with me," Zhan Zhao said to the Dynasty Mahan behind him, Zhang Long and Zhao Hu.

"Yes", the four people took weapons and then a group of soldiers and headed towards Lord Guangyang's government office.

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