The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 809: Summoning the Strong Generals in the War of All Realms

The Qi sisters were desperate to die. At this moment, they thought of Bao Zheng.

Bao Zheng is famous for his uprightness and the great master of Qingtian.

And more importantly, Bao Zheng held a high position and was highly regarded by Fusu, and he also had the "Shang Fang Sword" in his hand, a powerful weapon.

Those who can manage, dare not, and those who dare, cannot. Only Bao Zheng meets both conditions.

The Qi sisters planned to complain to Bao Zheng of Xianyang Prefecture.

Unexpectedly, it actually succeeded.

At that time, the servant deceived Lord Guangyang and said that he had been killed, which made Lord Guangyang relax his vigilance.

After a while, two women who looked exactly the same came up, both in their twenties and eighties, and more importantly, they were twins.

No wonder Lord Guangyang was moved.

At this time, the onlookers began to talk again.

"Oh, you beast, you are such a beast," an old man couldn't help but cursed when he saw this.

"The massacre of the Qi family turned out to be the work of Lord Guangyang. How cruel."

"Such a lovely girl had the heart to kill him. She must kill him and pay with blood."

When they heard that Lord Guangyang had destroyed the Qi family, the people suddenly became furious.

Because they are afraid that they will become the second Qi family.

"Meet Master Bao", the Qi sisters were very grateful to Bao Zheng.

"Well, do you know the person in front of you?" Bao Zheng asked the two women to identify the woman in front of them.

"Return to your lord, even if this person turns to ashes, we all know that he is the murderer who destroyed our Qi family. My seven-year-old brother was killed by this person, and this person kidnapped our sisters to After entering the house, he humiliated us in every possible way, played with us, and did not treat us as human beings. I will never forget this person until I die." The Qi sisters had angry looks on their faces.

"彷 are talking nonsense, I don't know you at all." Guangyang Jun knew in his heart that he could not admit it until he died.

Guangyang Jun is aware of his eldest brother's methods.

There was a real possibility that he would execute himself.

"You don't know us, but we know you." The Qi sisters did not expect Lord Guangyang to be so shameless and refuse to admit it.

"If you don't know me, you don't know me. Who can prove that you know me? I still suspect that you want to blackmail me." Guangyang Jun refused to admit it.

Bao Zheng frowned.

"Do you have any concrete evidence that you know him?" Bao Zheng couldn't help but ask.

A person with Guangyang Jun's status must have all the witnesses and physical evidence, otherwise the other party cannot be convicted.

The Qi sisters are the best witnesses.

"Master Bao, we have evidence to prove that this person knows us. There is a round birthmark on this person's butt. If you don't believe it, you can check it. This is when this person asked our sisters to serve him. I accidentally "I found it when I was young," the sister of the Qi family said in a low voice.

When Lord Guangyang heard this, his expression changed drastically.

"Oops", I can't deny it even if I want to!

Chapter 1147. All the witnesses and material evidence are there, and the leader is at your service.

When Bao Zheng heard what the Qi sisters said, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Come here, please verify your identity for me," Bao Zheng shouted.

"No, no, get out of here, get out of here, ah... let me go, let me go quickly..." Looking at Zhang Long and Zhao Hu walking up, Guangyang Jun suddenly collapsed and shouted, I don’t want the two people to get close, but how is that possible?

Zhang Long and Zhao Hu grabbed Guangyang Jun's arm and began to take off his pants.

"Oh, what are you doing?" An old woman in her sixties closed her eyes shyly, with a coy look on her face.

"Take it off quickly, take it off quickly." On the contrary, some other men were so excited. They had never seen the butts of princes and nobles.

Of course, there were also some young girls who turned their heads to the side with blushing faces.

Seeing Mr. Guangyang's pants being taken off, Mr. Guangyang suddenly became anxious.

"I admit, I know them, I know them," Guangyang Jun immediately shouted.

For Guangyang Jun, face is more important than life. He represents the Ying clan. He is the son of Ying Zheng and the younger brother of Fusu.

If someone really takes off his pants and loses his face, then even if he survives, his end will come.

Losing the dignity of the Wang family will be more uncomfortable for you than death.

"Okay", Bao Zheng shouted and stopped Zhang Long and Zhao Hu.

Bao Zheng didn't dare to go too far.

A trial is a trial, but if the majesty of the King of Qin is lost because of the trial, then where is the face of Da Qin?

Bao Zheng also wanted to gamble.

He can kill Lord Guangyang, but he will definitely give him a decent death and will never let him be humiliated.

The people watching couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Of course, there were also some who were disappointed.

They really want a guarantee that it can continue.

"Since you admitted that you met them just now, why did you lie just now?" Bao Zheng asked with wide eyes.

Coupled with the crescent moon on Bao Zheng's forehead, he is really full of majesty.

"I...this...that..." Mr. Guangyang was a little incoherent and didn't know what to say, "I'm happy, can you handle it?"

Finally, Lord Guangyang became a little angry, glared at Bao Zheng, and said loudly.

"Humph, let me tell you your purpose. Do you think you have killed someone and silenced him? Come here and bring Wang Wu." Bao Zheng once again brought a witness.

It was the servant who was ordered to kill the Qi sisters and then let them go.

"Wang Wu, it's you, you rip-off bastard." Seeing Wang Wu's appearance, Guangyang Jun suddenly became angry, staring with big eyes, wanting to go up and eat him.

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