The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 813: Summoning the Strong Generals in the War of All Realms

"Okay, the logistics troops will stay. Now, everyone will follow me and charge." Ran Min yelled and left with his soldiers.

"Brothers, are we the strongest?" Lu Bu also walked out and shouted to his soldiers.

"We are the strongest."

"Since you are the strongest, then give me a hard kill. Why don't you take Wu Gou and wipe out the fifteen states of Chu? I wish you to temporarily go to the Heroes' Pavilion, and if you are a scholar, you can be granted the title of Wanhou." Lu Bu's words completely boosted morale. .


"Let's go." Lu Bu also set off with his soldiers.

"General, what should I do if the Qin army is chasing after me?" At this time, the soldiers came up again.

"Humph, if you keep chasing them, they will never come back." Chun Shenjun had already anticipated this outcome.

It would be outrageous if the other party didn't catch up.

"Yao Ye, come out here," Chun Shenjun shouted to a person.

"General", Yao Ye came out.

"Lead five thousand men and horses for me and ambush me on both sides of the road. When the Qin army comes, kill them hard." Chun Shenjun looked at Yao Ye and ordered.

"I will fight to the death to complete the mission," Yao Ye shouted loudly.

Yao Ye knew very well that they had been abandoned.

This time, there is death but no life.

But he was willing to die for his beliefs.

"Okay, you go ahead. The Chu State will remember your contribution." Chun Shenjun waved his hand and continued to walk forward.

"Yes", Yao Ye took a deep breath, turned and left.

The wind rustles and the water becomes cold, and the strong man will never return once he is gone.

Yao Ye looks a lot like Jing Ke back then.

"Quick, quick, ambush them all." Yao Ye knew that soldiers are valuable and quick, so after leading five thousand elite soldiers, he asked these soldiers to ambush and hide on both sides of the road.

But they underestimated the speed of Ran Min's arrival.

Before everyone could hide completely, Ran Min led the army to come.

Ran Min was wearing black armor, holding a hook halberd and a double-edged spear in his hand, and underneath him was a black dragon treading the snow.

The army led by Ran Min was not an ordinary army, but the soldiers of Qin who had been summoned by Fusu several times before.

In fact, he was a military soldier of Wei in history, but he was renamed by Fusu and became a soldier of Qin.

These Qin military soldiers have orders and prohibitions, and each of them can be worth ten.

"Hmph, if you want to ambush us, I know you will do this. Kill me." Ran Min roared and charged directly in.

"Brothers, don't let Ran Min take the credit. Kill him for me." When Lu Bu saw that there was an ambush, he immediately yelled and led his troops there.

The soldiers behind Lu Bu were all carefully trained by him - unparalleled cavalry.

It was formed through careful training by Lu Bu.

Together with Lu Bu, he is a supreme sharp knife on the battlefield.

"Kill", everyone shouted and charged towards the crowd.

When Ran Min and Lu Bu cooperated to pursue Lord Chun Shen, the fighting became more intense around Yingdu.

Xue Rengui, Hua Rong, Cheng Yaojin, Wang Bodang, Wang Jian, Ma Chao, Wang Bi, Guan Yu, Li Guang, etc., several generals joined together and attacked Yingdu bravely and aggressively.

At this moment, Chu State did not have many available soldiers.

The entire Chu State can be said to be in a precarious state.

"Kill me", a crazy dense mass of boulders landed, and Wang Jian used the Gongshu family's overbearing mechanism skills to directly rain meteorites.

Under the attack of boulders, the city wall directly became pitted with holes and flaws everywhere.

After a shower of meteorites, Wang Jian drew out his sword and launched the final attack.

Ma Chao took the lead and rushed out first.

Behind Ma Chao, Wang Ben followed closely.

"Shoot for me." Although they suffered heavy losses, the Chu army did not give up resistance, and bursts of arrow feathers poured down directly.

Ma Chao was in front, opening the way with the Eight Treasure Dragon Spear in his hand, and blocking the incoming arrows. However, the soldiers behind him did not have such good luck, and fell off their horses one after another.

"Humph", Uncle Wang was leading a group of soldiers behind. When he saw the opponent's bow and arrow attack, he immediately issued an order.

What Qin is best at is powerful crossbows to break formations and bows and arrows to kill enemies.

Following Wang Bodang's order, arrows were shot towards the city wall.

Suppress the opponent's firepower.

"Kill me." Wang Bodang took out his Haoyun Piaomiao Bow, and the white feather arrows were placed directly on the bow.

"Shoot", Wang Bodang also took action.

In Wang Bodang's hands, archery became an art, and every arrow took away a life.

Wang Bodang's attack speed was very fast, and within a short time, dozens of people fell into his hands!

Chapter 1153 Spring and Autumn Annihilation Slash, Chu State’s Destruction, Water War

On the other side, Guan Yu was holding the Qinglong Yanyue Sword. Beside him, Li Guang was holding the Lingbao Bow, shooting arrows without stone.

Li Guang is more ruthless than Wang Bodang. Even if you hide behind a rock, I will still shoot you to death.

If one arrow can't kill him, then two arrows will do the trick.

Li Guang has almost become the strongest sniper in the cold weapon era.

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