The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 817: Summoning the Strong Generals in the War of All Realms

"Okay, you're welcome." Fusu put down his white balls and immediately ate a large piece of Mrs. Xi's black balls.

"So, you regret it." Fusu smiled lightly.

"Your Majesty, please continue reading." Madam Xi smiled faintly and put down a piece in another place. A large piece of Fusu's white piece was immediately eaten up by Mrs. Xi's black piece.

"Oh, it's so hard to guard against." Fusu couldn't help but patted his head when he saw this.

"I didn't expect the madam to be so clever, and I was so clever." Fusu took a deep breath, and then shook his head helplessly.

He only cared about his immediate interests just now, and was actually taken advantage of by Mrs. Xi.

"Your Majesty, the same goes for managing a country. We can't just focus on immediate interests. We want long-term development," Mrs. Xi said with a smile.

"You're right." Fusu nodded in agreement.

There is a saying that goes well, if you are not careful, you will lose everything. Fusu paid the price for his stubbornness, and he lost.

And he lost completely.

Lost to Mrs. Xi's two sons.

"Your Majesty, let me rub your shoulders." Madam Xi stood up and helped Su massage her shoulders.

"Yes", Fusu closed his eyes and enjoyed it, feeling very at ease.

"My beloved concubine's craftsmanship is getting better and better," Fusu praised.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for the compliment." Mrs. Xi was also very happy!

"By the way, I heard from Xiao Guizi that a new group of dancers have come to the palace recently. How about it?" Fusu asked Mrs. Xi.

"Well, how should I put it? They are all good, but there must be a big gap between Sister Daji, Sister Feiyan, and Sister Xuenu. However, there is one person among them who impressed me very deeply." Mrs. Xi thought for a while and said .

"Oh, to be admired so much by my beloved concubine, I guess you must be very capable," Fusu thought.

"Yes, this girl is good at sword dancing. I was lucky enough to watch one of her performances. I was really shocked. She was so amazing." Mrs. Xi couldn't help but admire her.

"Oh, what's this person's name?" Fusu already knew who it was, but he didn't say it out loud.

"It seems that his surname is Gongsun. I don't know what his name is. Everyone calls him Gongsun Auntie." Mrs. Xi thought for a while and said.

"Oh, Mrs. Gongsun, that's interesting. I really want to meet her." Fusu suddenly became interested.

Aunt Gongsun, you finally appeared.

I would like to see what the best sword dancing in China looks like.

"Your Majesty, would you like me to make some arrangements?" Mrs. Xi looked at Fusu, and of course she understood what Fusu was thinking.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have to hang out in the harem.

"Okay, please make some arrangements. It's right here to relieve my boredom." Fusu nodded.

"Okay, Your Majesty", then Mrs. Xi walked out.

Following Madam Xi's order, several surrounding palaces also knew that Fusu was in Madam Xi's Taohuawu.

And we also want to see a sword-dancer named Gongsun Auntie.

After receiving the news, the girls had mixed reactions.

Fan Binbin, Yang Ying and others looked at each other and hurried towards Taohuawu.

Aunt Gongsun, a famous person through the ages.

To be able to see him dancing with his sword is to die without regrets.

In addition to Fan Binbin, Yang Ying, Yang Mi and others who knew Aunt Gongsun's name, there were also some people who planned to go to Taohuawu.

Xue Nu, Zhao Feiyan, and Da Ji are all great dancers, and they want to see how Gongsun Auntie dances.

So after a while, there were several more stunning beauties in the entire Taohuawu.

Fusu looked at the girls around him in shock.

On the left is Fan Binbin and on the right is Daji.

"What are you..." Fusu was a little confused, why are you here.

"Your Majesty, I heard that Aunt Gongsun came to dance the sword, and I also want to take a look," Daji said delicately.

"Your Majesty, so are we," Fan Binbin said with a smile.

"Oh", Fusu nodded.

Mrs. Xi looked at the people around her and couldn't help but smile bitterly. Her time alone with Fusu was gone.

However, Mrs. Xi was kind-hearted and did not have any strange emotions.

After a while, Aunt Gongsun walked in wearing sword dancing clothes.

Seeing this, Aunt Gongsun couldn't help being shocked. What's the situation, why are there so many people.

Aunt Gongsun has never encountered such a situation.

Except for King Qin, all of them are empresses.

"Aunt Gongsun pays homage to the King of Qin, and pays homage to all the empresses," Aunt Gongsun said to Fusu and everyone.

"Well, no courtesy, Madam Gongsun, I heard that your sword dancing is unparalleled in the world. I and my concubines want to see it. If you dance well, I will be rewarded." Fusu said with a smile.

"Yes, Your Majesty", what can Aunt Gongsun say? This is his profession.

"Come here, play some music," Fusu said with a look of anticipation on his face.

Aunt Gongsun’s sword dance blooms in this world!

Chapter 1157 Purple Lightning Blue Frost Dancing in All Directions

Aunt Gongsun took out two swords from her body and started to dance.

Aunt Gongsun's two swords are very ordinary blue steel swords. Compared with murder weapons, Aunt Gongsun's swords are lighter and not so heavy.

Dance with a sword, dance with a sword, not dance with an epee.

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