The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 819: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Aunt Gongsun knelt down, her face full of excitement.

She liked Zidian and Qingshuang from the bottom of her heart.

"Congratulations, sister." At this time, Daji stood up from above and said with a chuckle.

"Yes, my sister's sword dance is truly unique in the world. Being able to witness such a dance is truly a life worth living." Fan Binbin also stood up from his seat.

"Thank you two ladies for your compliments," Mrs. Gongsun lowered her head.

"Sister, I wonder if Xue'er can ask a question?" Xue'er couldn't help but stood up and asked.

"Your Majesty, please speak." Aunt Gongsun looked at Xue Nu.

"Did you create this dance yourself?" The snow girl was very concerned about this question.

"Reporting to the Queen, this dance is called sword dance. It was created by me in my spare time. If you want to practice sword dance well, you must have good flexibility and ductility. It is best to be proficient in basic skills such as dance and swordsmanship. "Aunt Gongsun told the story about the sword dance.

"You actually created it." Hearing this, not only the snow girl was surprised, but the rest of the people couldn't help but take a breath.


"Sister is really amazing, she deserves to be famous among everyone," the snow girl said with admiration.

"Your Majesty, thank you." Aunt Gongsun lowered her head.

"Okay, don't ask anymore. You will have plenty of opportunities to get along in the future." Fusu smiled lightly.

"Mimi, I just saw you mumbling to yourself there alone, what did you say?" Fusu looked at Yang Mi.

"Ah", Yang Mi couldn't help being startled. She raised her head and saw Fusu's questioning eyes.

"Mimi", Liu Yifei beside Yang Mi couldn't help but feel anxious and gently pulled her down.

"I was just thinking about a poem," Yang Mi said after being pulled by Liu Yifei.

"Oh, a poem, I wonder what it is?" Fusu couldn't help but be curious, "Read it out for everyone."

"I really need to read it." Yang Mi felt very embarrassed, because this poem was not written by her, but belonged to someone else.

"What? Is there something unspeakable? Oh," Fusu seemed to have thought of something, "Don't worry, I will make the decision for you. No one will dare to laugh at you." Fusu thought that Yang Mi was a little embarrassed.

"Mimi, read it. Let us listen to it too," Liu Yifei looked at Yang Mi in front of her and joked with a smile.

"It's Mimi, I've never heard you read a poem before," Yang Ying also started making noises from the sidelines.

"Then I'll read it," Mimi stood up and began to read.

“Once upon a time there was a beautiful woman named Gongsun. She moved her sword in all directions with her sword dance.

The viewer is as depressed as the mountains, and the heaven and earth are depressed for a long time.

Huo Ruyi shoots at the nine sunsets, as powerful as the dragons flying among the emperors.

It comes like thunder to absorb its wrath, and ends like the clear light of the river and sea.


After hearing this poem, Chu Yunqiu, who was drinking tea, burst into tears instantly.

"Your Majesty, what's wrong with you?" Daji, who was next to Fusu, suddenly looked concerned when she saw Fusu's appearance.

"It's okay, I choked on the water." Fusu waved his hand.

At this time, Fusu only had one thing in his mind to say to Yang Mi, "Awesome!"

Chapter 1159 Summoning Reward: Longevity Pill Start Summoning

After Mimi finished reading a poem, the whole hall was silent.

"Okay", Yang Ying looked at everyone's stunned look, shouted, and then clapped.

"Okay." Immediately afterwards, everyone applauded.

Fusu was speechless. Just when he was about to say something, Fusu's expression suddenly changed and he swallowed what he originally wanted to say.

"Aunt Gongsun, from now on, you can choose a hall to live in Afang Palace," Fusu said to Aunt Gongsun.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Aunt Gongsun understood what Fusu meant.

"Yes." Fusu nodded with satisfaction.

The girls looked at Aunt Gongsun below, wondering what they were thinking.

In the evening, Fusu returned to his palace, feeling extremely excited because he had just received the news.

The state of Chu was destroyed.

Chu State was finally destroyed.

Fusu wanted to look up to the sky and scream.

The king of Qin swept Liuhe, what a majestic sight!

Slash the floating clouds with your sword, and all the princes will come to the west!

Once Chu was destroyed, only Zhao and Qi were left.

"The unification of the world by a few people is just around the corner." Fusu was very excited.

After unifying Kyushu, Fusu would rest and recuperate for a few years, strengthen internal governance, and let people all over the world live a happy life.

Also, eliminate rebellion and hostile forces.

Ensure the long-term peace and order within Da Qin.

Once you have accumulated enough strength, you will begin to expand your territory.

"Mr. Changping, don't blame me." At this moment, Fusu wanted someone, and his eyes couldn't help but feel cold.

He would never let anyone threaten Great Qin's imperial hegemony.

His own uncle was no exception.

(Uncle is made up. After checking some information, some people say it is uncle, some people say it is grandpa. I choose uncle here)

Then, Fusu started to have a headache.

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