The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 821: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

Sun Shangxiang also relied on the fact that she was Sun Quan's sister. She was arrogant and arrogant, and often led the Wu officials and soldiers under her to act arrogantly. Liu Bei ordered Zhao Yun to manage internal affairs because of Zhao Yun's solemnity.

Soon after, Liu Bei built a city in Xiaoling west of Gong'an City, called "Xiling City" or "Mrs. Sun's City", and let Mrs. Sun live with her maids and guards.

There is also a saying that this city was built because Mrs. Sun was jealous of Liu Bei, so she built the city herself instead of living with Liu Bei.

In the 16th year of Jian'an, Sun Quan heard that Liu Bei had entered Shu, so he sent a large number of boats to welcome his sister. Mrs. Sun herself planned to take Liu Chan away with her, but was intercepted by General Yamen Zhao Yun and Zhang Fei on the river, and took Liu Chan back. .

Three years later, after Liu Bei settled in Yizhou, Liu Bei officially married Wu Yi's sister as his wife, and his deeds after that are unknown.

Folks call Sun Shangxiang Xiaoji, Xiaoji Empress, and also call her Mrs. Lingze.

Fusu still knew a lot about Sun Shangxiang.

He liked Sun Shangxiang's integrity, his intelligence, and of course, his beauty.

Fusu looked at the Sun Shangxiang summoning card in his hand and crushed it directly.

After a while, Sun Shangxiang was summoned.

Fusu thought for a while and gave birth to Sun Shangxiang into the harem of Chu State as a princess of Chu State.

Then, Fusu used the last reward of the hidden mission - the designated character summons.

"Summoning——Zhang Juzheng".

Fusu shouted loudly in the summoning space.

Zhang Juzheng was the figure sent by Fusu to govern the Chu State.

Fusu has been fascinated by Zhang Juzheng for a long time.

Zhang Juzheng was the chief minister of the Ming Dynasty cabinet, a famous politician and reformer. Zhang Juzheng was also known as Shuda and Taiyue, and was also known as Zhang Jiangling at the time.

Assisted Wanli Emperor Zhu Yijun to create the "Wanli New Deal".

Zhang Juzheng, also known as Zhang Shoufu, has a political talent that can be counted even in the entire history of China.

There are only a few famous internal affairs talents in China.

Guan Zhong in the Qi Huangong period, Xiao He in the early Han Dynasty, Xun Yu in the Three Kingdoms period, Changsun Wuji in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, Zhao Pu in the Song Dynasty who ruled the world with half of the Analects, and Zhang Juzheng in the Ming Dynasty.

Of course, there are many more.

But when it comes to the most outstanding internal affairs talents in each dynasty, they are undoubtedly them.

Among all the people, Zhang Juzheng’s contribution has not been overshadowed.

It can be said that the Ming Dynasty was headed by two emperors, one was the founding emperor Zhu Yuanzhang, and the other was the founder of the Ming Dynasty Zhu Di. Other emperors were not good.

Under this situation, Zhang Juzheng created the "Wanli New Deal".

Chapter 1161 The Chief Assistant of the Ming Dynasty——Zhang Juzheng Little White Elephant

Zhang Juzheng was born in the family of a scholar in Jiangling County, Jingzhou Prefecture. His great-grandfather had a dream in which the moon fell in a water urn, and then a white turtle floated up from the water. Therefore, his great-grandfather gave him the nickname "Bai Gui" and hoped that he would be able to honor his ancestors in the future.

Bai Gui was extremely intelligent and became a well-known child prodigy in Jingzhou Prefecture at a very young age. According to rumors, Zhang Juzheng was literate at the age of five, could understand the Six Classics at the age of seven, passed the scholar examination at the age of twelve, took the provincial examination at the age of thirteen, passed the imperial examination at the age of sixteen, and passed the Jinshi examination at the age of twenty-three.

Later, Zhang Juzheng served as the left minister of the Ministry of official affairs and the bachelor of Dongge University.

Later, he was moved to the position of Second Assistant to the Cabinet, Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, and Bachelor of Jianji Palace.

In the sixth year of Longqing, after Emperor Wanli ascended the throne, Zhang Juzheng replaced Gao Gong as his chief assistant.

At that time, Ming Shenzong Zhu Yijun was young, and Zhang Juzheng presided over the decision on all major military and political affairs.

Zhang Juzheng implemented a series of reform measures during his ten years as chief minister of the cabinet. In terms of finance, the Qing Dynasty controlled the land and implemented the "one whip method". All taxes and labor were paid in silver. "Taicang millet can be used for ten years, and Zhou Temple has accumulated gold to more than four million." In the military, famous generals such as Qi Jiguang and Li Chengliang were appointed to the north of the town, and Ling Yunyi, Yin Zhengmao and others were used to quell the southwest rebellion. In the administration of officials, a comprehensive examination of names and facts is implemented, and officials at all levels are evaluated by the "examination method". "Although they are thousands of miles away, they will be implemented day and night", and the political system is solemn.

Zhang Juzheng worked day and night on state affairs. In the fifth year of Wanli, his father Wenming, whom he had not seen for many years, passed away. According to the ancestral system, court officials must return to their ancestral home to serve for twenty-seven months after their parents pass away, and then resume their official duties at the end of the period.

Zhang Juzheng's reform has just begun. Leaving at this time will inevitably make the reform fail. He made the only choice: to seize love.

At that time, the Ming Dynasty scholar-bureaucrats had a deep-rooted concept of loyalty to the emperor and filial piety. How could they be loyal to the emperor if they failed to fulfill their filial piety.

Yang Tinghe, a great scholar in the Wu Zong Dynasty, was also a famous assistant of the generation. After receiving his father's obituary, he returned home to observe the order. As a result, the situation was fierce, and both the imperial censor and the officials of the six ministries asked Juzheng to abide by the system, which brought a lot of trouble to Juzheng.

At this time, Shenzong could not personally govern, and all major national affairs needed to be decided by Ju Zheng, so he did not want Ju Zheng to go home to observe his filial piety. In the end, Shenzong issued an edict to all the ministers, and Zhang Juzheng, the person who stole love, was punished without mercy, and the criticism stopped.

On June 20, 1582, Ju Zheng died of illness. Shenzong resigned from the court in honor of him and presented him to Shangzhu Kingdom, with the posthumous title of "Wenzhong".

Zhang Juzheng had been in power for ten years, and the power he had assumed was the power of Shenzong. This was Zhang Juzheng's need to serve the country, but his rise to power meant that Shenzong lost his throne.

In terms of power, Juzheng and Shenzong became opposites. Zhang Juzheng's loyalty to state affairs and sole control of power was a manifestation of contempt for the Lord in Shenzong's heart.

On the fourth day after Zhang Juzheng's death, the imperial censor Lei Shiji and other seven famous officials impeached Pan Sheng, and Shenzong ordered Pan to become an official.

Pan Sheng was recommended by Zhang Juzheng during his lifetime. His resignation marked Zhang Juzheng's fall from favor. Yan Guan also pointed the finger at Zhang Juzheng. Shenzong then ordered his family to be raided, and his palace rank was reduced. He also took away the seals and imperial edicts given to him during his lifetime, and showed his guilt to the world. Moreover, Zhang Juzheng also narrowly escaped having his coffin opened and his body whipped.

The family members starved to death or were exiled. Later Wanli stopped further persecution under pressure from fishing boats. During Zhang Ju's lifetime, some of the officials he employed had their posts reduced and some abandoned their positions.

In the second year of Tianqi, Emperor Tianqi reinstated Zhang Juzheng.

He was tabooed by Wanli and his home was confiscated after his death. His reputation was restored in the second year of Tianqi of Emperor Xizong of the Ming Dynasty. He is the author of "Zhang Taiyue Collection", "Shu Jing Direct Interpretation", "Emperor's Illustrated Commentary", etc.

Following Fusu's movements, Zhang Juzheng's summoning card appeared in front of Fusu.

It was Zhang Juzheng.

Fusu crushed the summoning card in his hand and summoned Zhang Juzheng.

A white light curtain appeared, and then a figure walked out of the light curtain.

I saw Zhang Juzheng wearing official uniform and a black gauze hat on his head.

There are two beards on his face, sharp eyes, and his whole body is full of the style of a great scholar.

"Your Majesty, Zhang Juzheng, pays homage to the Young Master." After Zhang Juzheng came out, he saluted and paid homage to Fusu.

"Ju Zheng, please get up quickly," Fusu helped Zhang Juzheng up.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhang." Zhang Juzheng stood up.

Then, Fusu arranged for Zhang Juzheng to be his teacher. He returned to the countryside because of his mother's death and the filial piety period had just passed this year.

Return to Daqin again.

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