The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 834: Summoning the Strong Generals in the War of All Realms

There are also legends that the two treasures in the tomb, the Qingzhi Sword and the Orb, have been stolen by thieves.

The thieves did not dare to take the land route when leaving Yu Yuan, because every pass out of Yu Yuan was related to the temple of Yinping's younger brother Guansuo, Guan Yu's third son.

Guan Suo has become a great god, who dares to take Miss Guan San’s treasure away? The thieves took the water route, but the boat capsized on Fuxian Lake in the southwest of Chengjiang County. The thieves drowned and the two treasures sank into Fuxian Lake.

Of course, legends are just legends and cannot be taken seriously.

Fusu looked at Qingzhijian and suddenly felt a little troubled.

Now that he has Soaring Sky and Huaying in his hands, he has no need to use Qingzhi Sword at all.

If the Qingzhi Sword was left in his hand, the pearl would undoubtedly be covered in dust.

"In this case, Zilong, don't let me down." Fusu decided to give the Qingzhi Sword to Zhao Zilong.

"Buzz", Fusu pulled out the Qingzhi Sword, and an autumn wave refracted directly from the sword body, emitting a dazzling light.

"What a good sword." Fusu secretly praised, and then put the Qingzhi Sword into the summoning system again.


Sixty-fifth time blank.

For the sixty-sixth time, Fusu once again summoned a character card.

This time, Fusu summoned a stunning beauty card.

In the upper left corner of the summoning card, there are four words written - Princess Shouyang!

There are twelve flower gods in China, namely: Plum Blossom in the first month - Princess Shouyang, Apricot Blossom God in the second month - Yang Yuhuan, Peach Blossom God in March - Madam Xi, Peony God in April - Lijuan, May The pomegranate flower god - Wei Zifu, the lotus god in June - Xishi, the sunflower god in July - Su Xiaoxiao, the osmanthus god in August - Xu Xianfei, the chrysanthemum god in September - Zuo Guibi, the hibiscus god in October ——Mrs. Hua Rui, Wang Zhaojun, the camellia god in November, Luo Shen, the narcissus god in December.

According to rumors, this Princess Shouyang was so beautiful and fragrant that she captivated the country.

On the afternoon of the seventh day of the first lunar month in the Southern Dynasties, Princess Shouyang, the daughter of Emperor Wu of the Song Dynasty Liu Yu, was playing with the maids in the palace.

After a while, Princess Shouyang felt a little tired, so she lay down under the eaves of Hanzhang Hall and took a nap.

At this time, a breeze happened to blow, causing the plum blossoms to fall one after another. Some of them happened to fall on Princess Shouyang's forehead. After being stained by sweat, they left faint flower marks like wintersweet flowers on the princess's forehead. , which cannot be wiped off, making Princess Shouyang look more delicate and charming.

When the queen saw it, she liked it very much and asked Princess Shouyang to keep it. She washed it off with water after three days.

Since then, Princess Shouyang, who loves beauty, often picked a few pieces of plum blossoms and pasted them on her forehead to improve her appearance.

When the maids saw it, they were all amazed and followed suit.

Soon, this kind of makeup was called "plum blossom makeup"

The way of dressing up became popular in the palace.

Later, "plum blossom makeup" spread further among the people and was loved by girls, especially girls from wealthy official families and kabuki dancers, who rushed to imitate it.

"Taiping Yulan·Chronological Department" quotes "Miscellaneous Five Elements Book": "Princess Shouyang, the daughter of Emperor Wu of the Song Dynasty, was lying under the eaves of Hanzhang Palace. Plum blossoms fell on the princess's forehead, and she had plum blossom makeup since then."

Princess Shouyang's life did not leave any more records in the history books, but because of that little plum blossom, her name was left in the plum forest with a faint fragrance.

She is among the many flower gods in China.

It is said that Princess Shouyang was transformed into the spirit of plum blossoms, so Princess Shouyang became the flower goddess of the first month.

Twelve flower gods, each one represents a kind of flower, each one represents a month, and each one is a stunning beauty in the world.

Chapter 1176 Plum Blossom Goddess Divine Horse——Lu

Fusu didn't know who Princess Shouyang was, he really didn't know.

There are thousands of beauties, and there are countless beauties who have left various legends.

Fusu couldn't possibly know everything.

But he had heard the story of the Twelve Flower Gods.

I just didn’t know that Princess Shouyang was one of them.

After Fusu read the introduction, he couldn't help but feel stunned.

He really couldn't wait to meet the rumored Princess Shouyang.

Fusu then crushed the summoning card.

He wanted to see how beautiful the rumored Princess Shouyang was.

Following Fusu's movements, a stunningly beautiful woman appeared directly in the palace.

Shine its brilliance.

Let the surrounding light dim instantly.

Beautiful, really beautiful.

Fusu looked at Princess Shouyang who appeared in front of him, his eyes full of admiration without any impurities.

Unlike other women.

The Princess Shouyang in front of her was wearing a red silk palace dress, with plum blossoms reflected on it. On her forehead, there was a plum blossom, giving people a very sacred feeling.

"Shouyang pays homage to the eldest son." After Princess Shouyang came out, she bowed to Fusu.

"Shouyang, please get up." Fusu helped Princess Shouyang up.

Then give birth to Shou Yang.

Fusu arranged for Shouyang to be the princess of Chu.

It’s not like it insulted Princess Shouyang’s name.

Sixty-seventh time blank.

The sixty-eighth blank.

For the sixty-ninth time, Fusu summoned a divine horse card.

Moreover, this divine horse has a great reputation in Chinese history.

Red Rabbit is because of Lu Bu and Guan Yu.

Wu Zui is because of Xiang Yu.

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