The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 843: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 1185 Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao, the Four Beauties of the Spring and Autumn Period—Xia Ji

Zhang Juzheng couldn't help but nodded when he heard Xun's Eight Dragons.

"Well, if it's them, it's really good. The Eight Dragons of the Xun family are of the same origin. It is said that they are eight brothers, and they are all juniors of Xunzi, a Confucian scholar." Zhang Juzheng knew something about the Eight Dragons of the Xun family.

"Okay, I agree to this." Zhang Juzheng thought about it for a moment and nodded.

Zhang Juzheng also wanted to make his own contribution to his students and contribute to Daqin.

"That's great, thank you teacher", Fusu was so happy.

"Hey, this is what I should do", Zhang Juzheng waved his hand.

"Fusu, I watched you grow up, and I know your talent. I know that you have been very determined since you were a child and want to dominate the world. Don't miss this person." Zhang Juzheng made a gesture to Fusu. wink.

Of course Fusu knew about Xie An's talent, and he also knew about Xie Xuan and Xie Daoyun, as well as the Beifu soldiers and the battle of Feishui.

"Teacher, I was just about to say something." Fusu looked at Xie Xuan.

"Mr. Xie, I would like to ask you to become a cabinet minister of the Qin Dynasty," Fusu looked at Xie An and said.

"What!" Xie An, Qiao Xuan, and even Zhang Juzheng were shocked when they heard Fusu's words.

Cabinet ministers, that is where the King of Qin handles national affairs.

Since the establishment of Fusu, there have been several people, including Xun Yu, Li Si, Wang Meng and others.

Every cabinet minister is a celebrity in the eyes of King Qin.

Xie An also didn't expect Fusu to think so highly of him.

"I'm afraid," Xie An stood up directly.

"Okay, it's settled, I'll stick to my word." Fusu stood up.

"This..." Xie An couldn't help but pause, "I obey the order."

"Lao Xie, yes, he became a cabinet minister in an instant. Fu Su, you made Lao Xie a cabinet minister, why not let Qiao Xuan become the head of the state," Zhang Juzheng said with a smile.

Although Zhang Juzheng had met Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao, Fusu had not.

Zhang Juzheng said this in a joking manner.

But unexpectedly, Zhang Juzheng's eyes couldn't help but light up.

"Teacher, you are right, Mr. Qiao. I have decided to marry Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao into the palace and make Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao noble concubines," Fusu said with a smile.

"Ah..." Qiao Xuan was a little confused.

"Yes, I obey the order," Qiao Xuan reacted and could only agree.

What could he say? I can only agree!

After Fusu came back from Zhang Mansion, it was already very late.

The affairs of Zhang Juzheng and Xie An will be announced tomorrow.

Fusu didn't know if he didn't ask, but he was shocked when he asked.

Xie Yi, Xie An, Xie Xuan and Xie Daoyun of the Xie family are quite famous in Xianyang City.

After asking around the city, nine out of ten people knew about the Xie family.

Moreover, the Xie family's reputation is very good and resounding.

Fusu couldn't help but sigh again.

The system is awesome.

Chapter 1186 Peerless Xia Ji Tang Bohu’s request for help

Far away on the border of the Han Kingdom, seven people, Bai Feng Mo Ya, Bai Yu Tang, Shi Qian, Sikong Zhaixing, Tang Bohu, and Zhu Zhishan, after the last "burning of the manor" and "forced confession".

Got some things about "Miscellaneous Family".

But the situation of the Zajia is more complicated than they imagined, and it is also much stronger than they imagined.

If we prepare for the worst, the Za family will have six masters.

They are the two protectors and the four heavenly kings.

The strength position of the two guardians, but since they can become guardians, their strength must be very strong.

There are also four heavenly kings, they have already fought against the man in green.

Several of them besieged him, but they actually allowed the other party to escape.

This shows the strength of King Sha.

It's really surprising that there are three masters like Sha Tianwang.

Although there are seven of them.

But Shi Qian and Sikong Zhaixing were both thieves and their martial arts were not very good.

In other words, they only have five people available, including Mo Crow, Bai Feng, Bai Yutang, and Tang Bohu, Zhu Zhishan.

He is no match for the six masters of the Zajia family.

What's more, in addition to the six masters of the Zajia family, there are also many peripheral personnel.

There are also good players among them.

After the seven people discussed it, they immediately decided that in the long run, His Highness the King of Qin must send reinforcements to themselves and others.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to eradicate the miscellaneous family.

Later, after Fusu received news from Tang Bohu and others, he sent out the secret guard Zhang Han, Baozhilin Huang Feihong, the bearded guest Zhang Zhongjian, as well as Xu Zhenqing and Wen Zhengming who had returned from arresting Xuanjian.

Then Shi Qian and Sikong Zhaixing were dispatched back.

With Zhang Han here, Sikong Zhaixing and Shi Qian can also come to help him.

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