The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 847: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

When Wang Jian and others saw what they saw in front of them, they couldn't help but be shocked. They didn't expect such a big scene.

Wang Jian clamped his legs on the horse's belly and moved forward quickly.

Wang Bi, Ma Chao and others were also very excited. They did not expect that they would receive such great treatment, and that an emperor would come to greet them in person.

Seeing Wang Jian speeding up, they had to speed up too.

Wang Jian came to Fusu and knelt down on one knee.

"My lord, Wang Jian, pay homage to the king." When he was approaching Fusu, Wang Jian jumped off his horse and then knelt down in front of Fusu.

"Old General Wang, please get up quickly." Fusu stepped forward and helped Wang Jian up.

"Here, bring the wine," Fusu grabbed Wang Jian's hand and shouted.

"Yes, Your Majesty." At this time, Xiao Guizi Courage Jiu came up.

On top of the tray sat a pure glass bottle, like half of a divine creature from heaven.

There is something inside, but I don't know what it is.

The surrounding ministers were a little curious, not to mention the people who were watching.

Fusu opened the glass bottle from the tray, and a strong aroma of wine emanated directly from the bottle and lingered inside.

This wine is the national tribute that Fusu took out from the summoning space - Moutai!

"Oh, what kind of wine is this? Why does it smell so fragrant?" one person couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Gudong, I can't help but want to drink." A minister couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

The entire surrounding was completely enveloped in the aroma of wine.

It's really so fragrant that it brings out the alcohol bug in some people.

Everyone looked eagerly at the Maotai in Fusu's hand.

Is there any better wine than nectar in this world?

How can it be!

In their understanding, wine is already the best wine in the world.

Fusu didn't care what everyone thought.

At this time, Fusu poured two glasses.

"Old General, I'd like to toast you with this glass of wine." Fu Su picked up the wine.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Wang Jian picked up the wine glass and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Then, Wang Jian drank it all in one gulp!

"Ah, good wine, good wine!" Wang Jian shouted, and then laughed heartily.

Then, Fusu looked at Guan Yu and others!

Chapter 1190: Giving birth to a son is like winning Fusu. Queen Zheng’s purpose of coming

"My dear friends, I dedicate this glass to you for your hard work." Fusu asked Xiao Guizi and Xiao Dengzi to pour wine for Guan Yu, Li Guang, Ma Chao, Wang Bi and others to welcome them back in triumph.

"Thank you, Your Majesty", everyone shouted loudly.

Guan Yu looked at the wine in front of him that was as pure as water, but exuded a strong aroma, and his throat couldn't help but feel a little dry.

He couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

Ma Chao, Li Guang, Wang Ben and others were no exception. They stared at the wine glass in front of them, their eyes full of desire.

"Come on, let me finish this glass." Fusu drank it all in one gulp.

Seeing Fusu drinking, everyone couldn't wait to drink the contents of the wine glass in one gulp.

"Ah", after drinking, everyone just felt comfortable all over their bodies.

This wine is really delicious.

It really leaves a lingering fragrance in your teeth and makes you feel ecstatic!

After Guan Yu drank Moutai, his already red face turned even redder.

"I thank you all for the demise of Chu State," Fusu said sincerely.

"I hope that one day, with your help, the Qin Dynasty will enjoy long-term peace and stability, unify the seven kingdoms, and allow all people in the world to live in peace. The journey of the Great Dao also means that the world is for the common good, select talents and capable people, and cultivate trust and harmony. , the old man does not only care for his relatives, nor does he only have children for his children, so that the old will have their end, the strong will be useful, the young will be prosperous, the widowed, widowed, lonely and sick will all be supported; the male will have a share, the female will return, and the goods will be abandoned on the ground. There is no need to hide it from oneself, and it is not necessary to do it for oneself, because it does not come from oneself, and it does not need to be done for oneself. It is because of plotting and not prospering, and because of stealing and chaos, it is not done. Therefore, it is not closed to outsiders. I am here to ask you all." Fu Su said Bowed to everyone.

"Long live, long live, long live..."

Seeing this, the eyes of the surrounding people were moist, and the hundreds of thousands of soldiers were even more excited beyond words.

Some even shed tears.

I don't know who among the crowd shouted "Long live".

Then, like a chain reaction, everyone started shouting.

The sound of "Long Live" resounded from heaven to earth and soared into the sky.

At this moment, all the people are surrendered and the world is at home. With such a grand scene, there is no need to worry about the injustice of the world.

Among the soldiers, among the people being escorted.

A minister of Chu State sighed inexplicably when he looked at this prosperous time.

"Hey, our Chu State was not unjustly defeated. This time, I am convinced of the defeat. With Da Qin having such a son, why worry about the Qin State not being strong and prosperous?"

The minister's words obviously resonated with other people.

"Yes, it would be great if this person were the son of our Chu State."

"Having a son is like winning Fusu." King Chu looked at Fusu in the distance and couldn't help but sigh inexplicably.

Among the concubines and young masters in the harem, the girls looked at Fusu, their eyes filled with a different light.

"Is this Fusu? What a king." A young woman couldn't help but secretly praise him.

"My cousin is so majestic. I wonder how he will treat us." A woman wearing a palace glazed skirt thought to herself as she looked at Fusu in the distance.

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