The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 850: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

"Yes, yes, my sister is right." King Chu nodded in panic.

Fusu didn't expect it to go so smoothly.

This was his original idea, to get Princess Shouyang and Sun Shangxiang into the palace first, and then cultivate their relationship.

Unexpectedly, it was the direct order of parents and the words of matchmaker.

Everything is given.

Fusu was still a little happy.

Queen Zheng stayed here for a long time. In the afternoon, Queen Zheng took Princess Shouyang, Sun Shangxiang and others out.

Fusu also left the compound.

"Mother, please go back to the palace first. My son has some things to do," Fusu said to Queen Zheng.

"Okay, let's go first." Queen Zheng nodded, then got on the carriage and followed the team.

Fusu watched the convoy leave, then tidied his clothes and said to Dian Wei and Xu Chu behind him.

"Let's go, follow me." Fusu took Dian Wei and Xu Chu directly to the place where Fusu's golden house hid his beauty.

It is the place where the concubines and beauties of Han State live.

Fusu knocked on the door three times and waited quietly!

After a while, the door was opened and a man stuck his head out.

Seeing that it was Fusu, the man couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and opened the door of convenience, "I will pay my respects to the king."

"You're welcome, let's go in." Fusu waved his hand and led Dian Wei and Xu Chu directly into the courtyard.

"Your Majesty," at this time, a beautiful lady who looked like a character walked up with elegant steps!

"Yanling Ji", Fusu's eyes couldn't help but light up when he saw this girl.

This beauty was solved in a dungeon after he conquered Xinzheng, the capital of Han.

Chapter 1193 The Destruction of Zhao Kingdom Two Gifts

Zhao State is in danger with the reinforcements coming from Wei State and Yan State.

Zhao State has only one god of war, Li Mu, but the powerful Qin State has many talents.

Two fists are no match for four hands.

Li Mu was worthy of being the iron wall of Zhao State. He defended Zhao State tightly and blocked Li Jing from the country, but he was powerless in the other two directions.

The State of Zhao continued to suppress the army led by Lu Bu, Ran Min and Wu Jianzhang.

One battle after another, Zhao Guo was no match for Qin.

Seeing that Handan, the capital of Zhao State, was in danger, Li Mu had no choice but to retreat to defend the royal city.

But this move isn't great.

Li Jing directly seized the opportunity and inflicted heavy damage on Li Mu in a place called Luoshen Valley.

Later, under the desperate protection of the soldiers, Li Mu escaped and disappeared.

Li Mu's failure also caused the Zhao State to lose its last support. In a short period of time, soldiers surrounded Zhao State's Handan in three places.

The Zhao army collapsed at the first touch, and they were already afraid of being killed.

Three days later, Zhao State was destroyed.

The capital Handan was captured by the Qin army and the black dragon flag of "Great Qin" was planted.

And just when the Qin Dynasty conquered the State of Zhao, God also sent two great gifts to Fusu.

The first gift was that Concubine Yan was pregnant again. In addition to Concubine Yan, Mrs. Xi, Xi Shi and Luo Shen were also happy.

The second big gift, after it was found out that several people were pregnant, Cai Wenji and Pan Jinlian were about to give birth.

Fusu also saw Cai Wenji's cousin Zhuo Wenjun here.

Cai Wenji and Pan Jinlian gave birth at the same time, and the four great doctors acted at the same time, waiting quietly outside.

Several midwives were busy inside.

Fusu waited anxiously outside.

I pray that mother and son will be safe and that what happened to Zhao Ji will not happen.

With a cry, a person gave birth to a child first.

"Who? Whose husband is it?" Fusu couldn't help but ask.

At this moment, a wail came in.

Another child was born.

"Hahaha, great, great," Fusu felt so happy in his heart.

There are really so many beauties around Fusu.

After the girls learned that Pan Jinlian and Cai Wenji had given birth, they all came to accompany them.

Daji, Xishi, Zheng Dan, Zhao Feiyan, Zi Nu, Nong Yu, Chi Lian, Empress Xiao...

At this moment, a midwife suddenly ran out of a room.

With a smile on her face, "Congratulations, Your Majesty, Congratulations, Your Majesty, Madam Pan has given birth to a boy," the midwife said happily.

"Oh", Fusu nodded after hearing this.

At this moment, a stable woman ran out.

Fusu knew clearly that she should be Cai Wenji's midwife.

"Your Majesty, Empress Cai has given birth to a daughter." The midwife secretly glanced at Fusu's face.

"Okay, okay", Fusu also nodded.

"There's a reward for everything, little Dengzi, take the midwife down to receive the reward," Fusu said to little Dengzi.

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