The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 852: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

Like Cai Wenji, Fusu also stayed at Pan Jinlian's place for a while, and then led everyone out.

Since the State of Zhao has been destroyed, only the State of Qi is left.

According to history, Qi has a seven-level chance of being persuaded to surrender.

Subduing the enemy's troops without fighting is the best result!

Chapter 1195 Shocking plan, landslides and earth shattering

Since the State of Zhao has been destroyed, a worthy person must be sent to govern it.

Then, Fusu sent Wang Anshi over.

In addition to Wang Anshi, there was also a newly emerged talent - Qin Hui. Fusu sent Wang Anshi there and appointed him as the prefect.

He was fully responsible for the affairs of the State of Zhao, and then asked Qin Hui to assist him.

Although Qin Hui is not a very good character, he is indeed talented.

Otherwise, he would not be able to sit in the position of prime minister.

Fusu can despise Qin Hui's character, but he cannot ignore Qin Hui's talent.

In addition to Qin Hui, Fusu also invited Cheng Yu and Wen Tianxiang out of the mountain, and then assisted Wang Anshi.

Within the Zhao Kingdom, Wang Anshi, Qin Hui, Cheng Yu, and Wen Tianxiang are all famous figures. Among them, Wang Anshi, Qin Hui, and Wen Tianxiang once had a status below one person and above ten thousand people.

In addition to the four of them, Xie Yi from the Xie family, Xie An's brother and the father of Xie Xuan and Xie Daoyun, was also sent there by Fusu.

Zhao Guo's talents improved instantly.

Then, Fusu left Wu Jianzhang, his father and his family in Zhao to garrison, and then dispatched Li Jing, Lu Bu, Ran Min and others back.

When conquering Handan City, Fusu had to mention a few people.

The first person is Black Whirlwind Li Kui.

The second person is the red-haired spiritual officer Shan Xiongxin.

The third person is Walker Wu Song.

The fourth person is Yang Liulang, the Yangmen Tiger General.

The four of them secretly planned a shocking plan in Handan, Zhao State.

It turned out that Li Kui traveled countless places in search of Xuanjian.

On this day, Li Kui came to Handan City.

Handan City is the capital of Zhao State, and Li Kui wanted to inquire about it to see if there was any news about Xuan Jian.

Li Kui walked into the Sifang Inn.

Ask the waiter.

But he didn't expect that the news Li Kui received completely confused him.

Xuan Jian had actually been captured by Xu Zhenqing and Wen Zhengming, and was imprisoned in the sky prison.

Li Kui couldn't accept it. Could it be that all his hardships were in vain and he went back in such despair.

How can I face the King of Qin who thinks highly of me?

Li Kui was very frustrated.

Then, Li Kui planned to rest in the city for a few days to see if there was any meritorious service.

Then, Li Kui unexpectedly met his brother.

Li Kui was angry and annoyed.

Didn't you let them go back?

How come it appears here?

After Li Kui knew that these brothers were worried about his safety, Li Kui's anger completely disappeared.

Li Kui is proud of having this group of brothers.

Then, Li Kui met the second brother Shan Xiong and Xin Shan.

Shan Xiongxin came to Handan to do something, and at the same time, it was also for a big event.

Beside Shan Xiongxin, there are two good brothers of Shan Xiongxin. One is Xingzhe Wusong, holding a pair of iron snowflake swords in his hand, and the other is Yang Yanzhao, holding a plain tassel dipped in gold spear. He is also a hero. hero.

It can be said that everyone hit it off immediately.

At this time, Li Kui knew that the original purpose of Shan Xiongxin's trip was to dedicate Handan City to the King of Qin.

Wu Song and Yang Yanzhao were both helpers called by Shan Xiongxin.

After Li Kui heard this, he screamed that he had always wanted to make a contribution, but now he finally had the opportunity.

Then, Shan Xiongxin, Li Kui and others discussed tactics while quietly waiting for the arrival of the Qin army.

At the same time, let members of the Listening organization secretly transmit the news secretly.

After Li Jing and others got the news, they were overjoyed.

Although there is a big killer like gunpowder, having an internal response is undoubtedly the icing on the cake.

If you use both, haha, absolutely awesome.

Then, Li Jing wrote to Wu Jianzhang and others, agreeing to attack the city together to avoid casualties.

A few days later, the entire city of Handan was ready, and was surrounded by the entire Qin army around the city wall.

After the Qin army repaired for a day, they launched an attack brazenly.

The densely packed crossbow arrows were like locusts, overwhelming the sky.

The Zhao army on the city wall suffered heavy casualties.

But more people are still hiding.

At this time, the Qin army began to attack.

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