The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 858: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

"You have found out clearly," Fusu looked at Di Renjie and asked softly.

At this time, apart from Fusu, there was only Di Renjie in the palace.

Dian Wei and Xu Chu stood guard outside the door, watching the situation around them. They were two peerless masters. Not even a fly could fly past their eyes.

"Yes, Your Majesty, but now, there is still an important piece of evidence missing," Di Renjie thought for a while and said.

"No need," Fusu waved his hand.

"No definite evidence is needed. Even if there are signs, I have enough reasons to punish him." A cold light appeared in Fusu's eyes.

"But Your Majesty, he... is your uncle after all. The Queen Mother..." Di Renjie didn't say it clearly, but the meaning was very obvious.

"I will tell you about the Queen Mother. I think the Queen Mother will understand." Fusu would never allow such a thorn in the empire.

"My lord, I understand." Di Renjie lowered his head.

"Now is not the time to deal with Lord Changping, teacher. Please continue to collect evidence during this period. I will let the Listening Organization cooperate with you," Chu Yunqiu said to Di Renjie.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

After Di Renjie left, Fusu asked to the empty room.

"Fengxiao, what do you think about this?"

"Hasn't the king already made up his mind?" A faint business message came from the air.

"That's right." Fusu couldn't help but chuckle.

The person hiding in the secret is Guo Jia and Guo Fengxiao.

After the fall of the Yan Kingdom, he traveled westward and returned to Xianyang.

Fusu recognized this palace maid as the little palace maid next to Chen Yuanyuan.

"My maid pays homage to the king." The little maid saluted Fusu directly.

"Why are you here? What's wrong with Yuanyuan?" Fusu couldn't help but ask.

"Reporting to your Majesty, your Majesty has something to ask of your Majesty." The little maid did not hesitate and told Fusuming directly.

"Tell me, what's the matter?" Fusu nodded.

"Reporting to the king, the empress asked her servant to tell the king that Wan Erniang's son has been found."

"Well, I already know about this matter." Fusu nodded. Liu Yong had told him about this matter.

"Besides, in order to thank the king, Wan Erniang specially found a woman for the king. My mother-in-law didn't dare to make a decision, so she came here to ask the king for instructions." The palace maid lowered her head.

"Oh, there is such a thing, let's go and have a look." Fusu became interested in the peerless beauty mentioned by the palace maid.

Moreover, he also wanted to see how Wan Erniang thanked him.

"Yes", the palace maid's eyes lit up when she heard Fusu's words.

Then, Fusu went directly to Chen Yuanyuan's Hongyan Palace.

At this moment, in addition to Chen Yuanyuan, there were two other people in Chen Yuanyuan's beauty palace.

The beautiful woman is none other than Wan Erniang, and the woman beside the beautiful woman is none other than a famous figure in history, and she is the character just summoned by Fusu - Li Shishi.

Master Li unexpectedly appeared in the hands of Wan Erniang, and even entered the palace in this way!

Chapter 1201 Chen Yuanyuan’s Purpose Stunning Li Shishi

Wan Erniang looked at Chen Yuanyuan, her eyes filled with gratitude.

"Yuanyuan, Er Niang is really grateful. If it weren't for you, Er Niang might not be able to reunite mother and son in this life." Wan Er Niang looked at Chen Yuanyuan in front of her, with tears in her eyes.

In Wan Erniang's heart, except for her dead husband, she relied entirely on her son.

Her son was everything in her life.

If she could, she was really willing to give her life for her son.

Chen Yuanyuan helped him realize this dream, and Wan Erniang's gratitude can truly be said to be beyond words.

"Er Niang, you are too polite. If it weren't for you, I would have starved to death a long time ago. You can be said to be my savior. In my heart, I have always treated you like a mother." Chen Yuanyuan looked at the person in front of her. Wan Erniang smiled and shook her head.

Although Wan Erniang looks young, she is not young at all.

Wan Erniang has a son who is about the same age as Fusu. If it were not for practicing the "Ten Thousand Poisons Fragrance Sutra", Wan Erniang would never be so young.

The inner strength of his body is even more terrifying.

"In any case, you have helped Er Niang fulfill her long-cherished wish, and you are Er Niang's benefactor." Wan Er Niang looked happy.

"If Er Niang really wants to be grateful, just thank the King. If it were not the King, I would be powerless even if I wanted to help Er Niang."

"Yes, yes, Yuanyuan is right, it's all the king's credit."

"Er Niang, this sister is..." Chen Yuanyuan put her eyes on Master Li, her eyes full of doubts.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to introduce you, Yuanyuan, this is the most outstanding sister of our Wanxiang Pavilion after you left, called Master Li. Master, I haven't met my sister yet." Wan Erniang looked at Master Li .

"Master, meet my sister." Master Li stood up and bowed to Chen Yuanyuan above.

"Sister, please wake up. We are all sisters, no need to be polite." Chen Yuanyuan looked at Master Li in front of her and nodded.

"Er Niang, this is what you helped me find." Chen Yuanyuan couldn't help but look at Wan Er Niang.

This is the helper Chen Yuanyuan asked Wan Erniang to help him find.

"Yes." Wan Erniang nodded.

"Master is our Wanxiang Pavilion. The most outstanding woman besides you was specially found by Erniang." Wan Erniang nodded.

Just when Chen Yuanyuan was about to say something, a voice suddenly came directly, "The king has arrived."

Xiao Guizi's voice shouted.

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