The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 862: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

The last Zhang Zhongjian, Tang Bohu said he didn’t know him!

If Zhang Zhongjian knew Fusu's thoughts, I wonder if he would cry.

In Qi State, the palace of King Qi was filled with a solemn atmosphere.

King Qi sat on the throne and looked at the ministers below.

"My dear friends, tell me, what is King Qin's plan? Is the other party going to fight or make peace?" King Qi couldn't help but ask the ministers below.

It was silent down below.

The ministers were also very puzzled.

What do you want to do? Give me a message.

"You guys are talking." King Qi was a little angry. No one spoke. What did he mean?

"Your Majesty," at this moment, a minister stood up.

"Basically, judging from the character of King Qin, our country of Qi has only two ways to go now, one is to fight, and the other is to surrender. King Qin will never let our country of Qi go," the minister said to King Qi.

"If we want to fight, why doesn't the other side send troops? If we want peace? Do we need to surrender first? Impossible." King Qi shook his head.

At this moment, a soldier rushed to deliver an urgent report.

"Report..." The soldier rushed in directly with the command flag.

"Report to your Majesty, according to the news from Qin's spies, King Qin sent his cabinet minister, Li Si, with three treasures to come to Qi," the soldiers shouted.

Chapter 1205: Hibiscus emerges from clear water, naturally removing the carvings

King Qi's eyes lit up when he heard this.

"Oh, three treasures, what kind of treasures?" King Qi couldn't help but ask.

"This... subordinates don't know." The soldier was a little embarrassed. This didn't seem to be included in the news passed back.

"Yes," King Qi couldn't help but nodded, "I understand."

"Your Majesty, it seems that the State of Qin really wants to persuade our State of Qi to surrender. Your Majesty, you'd better be prepared in advance." The minister stood up and said to the King of Qi.

"Well, I understand. Let's see how sincere Qin is." King Qi nodded.

In the heart of King Qi, he was more inclined to "surrender".

"Xiao Guizi, ask the imperial kitchen to prepare a table of dishes and deliver them to Guanyue Pavilion," Fusu said to Xiao Guizi.

"Yes, Your Majesty," Xiao Guizi nodded, and then retreated. Then, Xiao Guizi called a young eunuch and asked him to deliver the message.

Such a thing does not require him to run errands.

Fusu enjoyed a warm dinner with the girls in the Close Moon Palace.

But in the morning, Di Renjie suddenly got up in a panic to report.

"Your Majesty, something bad has happened." Di Renjie looked anxious.

"Oh, what's going on?" Fusu was filled with confusion.

"That's it." Then Di Renjie told Fusu what happened recently.

It turned out that Di Renjie was investigating Lord Changping, but somehow Changping Lord found out about it.

Changping Jun immediately began to take action, on the one hand to eliminate the clues, on the other hand to prepare to abscond in fear of crime.

"What?" Fusu's expression couldn't help but change.

"Teacher, take my tiger talisman and go find Li Jing immediately and ask the army to surround me in the entire Xianyang. From now on, no one is allowed in, let alone out, and no one is allowed." Fusu Station He stood up and said to Di Renjie.

"I obey the order," Di Renjie's face became quite serious.

Di Renjie knew in his heart that a storm was coming.

"Here comes someone", then Fusu shouted loudly.

"Your Majesty," Xiao Dengzi came in.

"Go and notify General Yuwen and ask him to lead troops to surround Changping Jun's Mansion. Remember, don't let anyone leave," Fusu said to little Dengzi.

"Chang...Chang...Chang Pingjun", Xiao Dengzi's face couldn't help but change, "I obey the order", Xiao Dengzi hurriedly retreated.

Xiao Dengzi did not dare to ask, because he knew that this was forbidden.

"Remember, don't let the Queen Mother know," Fusu said to little Dengzi.


"Hmph, it seems I'm too kind." Fusu suddenly stood up.

"Your Majesty, have you encountered anything troublesome?" Xia Ji walked in with elegant steps.

In Xia Ji's hand, there was a tray with a pot of wine on it.

Chapter 1206 The storm is coming and the mountains are full of buildings. The Protecting Eagle

Fusu walked out of the hall, then took out the "Emperor Dragon Armor" from the summoning space and put it on himself!

The Emperor Dragon Armor was the armor worn by Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin when he was conquering the world. On top of the armor, there was a black dragon hovering, which was extremely defensive.

On the battlefield, I don't know how many lives I saved Zhao Kuangyin.

Fusu put on the God Dragon Armor, then took out the flying painting from the summoning space, and asked Huangfu Duan to lead the white dragon out.

He mounted his horse, whipped his whip, and headed out of the palace.

Di Renjie took Fusu's tiger talisman and quickly left the Qin Palace.

Then Di Renjie visited Li Jing with the tiger charm.

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