The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 865: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

At this time, there were shouts of killing one after another.

How could the nursing home in the Changping Lord's Mansion be compared with regular soldiers?

The number keeps decreasing.

Only the dead soldiers raised by Lord Changping could pose a threat to these soldiers.

But don't forget that there are two great killing gods, Dian Wei and Xu Chu.

Dian Wei's bloodthirsty double halberds, Xu Chu's elephant-trunk ring-headed sword.

A wild halberd fighting method and a tiger-elephant sword fighting method.

And the two of them also have a unique combination.

However, it is obviously useless to deal with these dead soldiers.

Seeing Yuwen Chengdu take action, Fusu also attacked Lord Changping.

"Uncle, come on, let me see your true strength," Fusu said, looking at Lord Changping in front of him.

"Okay", Mr. Changping nodded solemnly.

"Fusu, you have really grown up." Changping Jun showed a look of relief on his face.

"Come on," Changping Jun looked at Fusu. At this moment, he was no longer hiding, and a powerful aura burst out directly.

That kind of momentum is like a small human being facing a fierce tiger.

Seeing this, Fusu no longer suppressed himself.

"Emperor Dragon Code of the Zodiac", a golden light bloomed in Fusu's body, and then, a golden dragon hovered around Fusu's body.

"Roar", the faint sound of dragon roar came from the sky, just like the voice of heaven.

"Come on, Three Emperors Sword Technique", Fusu drew a shadow with his left hand, and flew into the air with his right hand, accompanied by the sound of dragons roaring and tigers roaring, like gods.

At this time, Fusu really transformed into the emperor.

Punishment on behalf of Heaven, governance on behalf of Heaven.

"I'm not polite anymore, Qiankun Sword Technique." The divine sword in Lord Changping's hand seemed to be about to fly away.

"Whoosh", I saw two rays of light penetrating directly into the void.

Then collide together.

Everyone knew that at this moment, something big happened in Changping Lord's house.

Such a large-scale military mobilization cannot be concealed even if it is wanted.

Some people were secretly surprised. They never thought that the target of Fusu's attack was Lord Changping.

what happened?

A thick question mark arose in everyone's heart.

Why did Fusu do this? Did Lord Changping do something treacherous?

Some people began to speculate, and for a while, there were different opinions!

But no matter what, things have happened and they need to observe secretly.

The bloody storm in Changping Jun's Mansion has begun.

All the guards and dead soldiers were killed.

As for the palace ladies, because they had no power to tie the chicken, they could only hide in the corner and tremble.

But because of this, they managed to survive and had to lament that fate was unpredictable.

As for those who had weapons in their hands and wanted to resist, unfortunately, they were all killed.

The entire Changping Lord's Mansion was dyed red with blood, and corpses were piled up together.

Like a mass grave.

After cleaning up the die-hards, Dian Wei and Xu Chu began to lead their men to search the entire Changping Palace.

The two soldiers divided into two groups and led the search.

Dian Wei led his soldiers to a courtyard in the capital, and heard the sound of playing a musical instrument coming from the courtyard.

"Ding-a-ling-ring...dong-dong-dong..." The sound of the piano is beautiful and sweet, sometimes like mountain running water, spring water tinkling, sometimes like the breeze blowing on the face, warm as spring, Dian Wei's originally violent heart is cleared and calmed. .

"What's going on? Someone is actually playing the piano?" Dian Wei couldn't help but ask the soldiers around him.

"Sir, we don't know." Everyone shook their heads.

"This person is either stupid and bold, or he is arrogant. Everyone, please be careful and be careful of ambush," Dian Wei said to everyone.

"Yes", everyone couldn't help but become nervous and moved forward cautiously.

But what left Dian Wei and others speechless was that nothing happened.

There is no ambush.

"Is this really stupid and bold? I want to see who dares to tease us like this." Dian Wei suddenly became angry and opened the door directly.

But the invitation inside completely stunned him.

They saw a stunning woman facing them in the room, playing the piano with one hand and crying at the same time.

The strings jingled, and the tears were like beads.

I saw this peerless woman, her hands were like catkins and her skin was like gelatin. The collar is like a caterpillar, and the teeth are like rhinoceros. The little girl has a beautiful eyebrow, a charming smile, and beautiful eyes. The cheeks are freshly peeled, the nose is greasy with goose fat, the eyebrows are curved like a frown but not a frown, and the expression is full of sorrow, and the disease is all over the body, and there are a few tears. Quietness is like a delicate flower shining on the water, action is like a weak willow supporting the wind. The heart is one more orifice than the stems, and the disease is like Xizi, which is three points better.

When Dian Wei saw the woman, he couldn't help but be shocked.

"Second...Second Miss..." Dian Wei was not because of the other party's beauty, but because of the other party's identity. He never expected that he would see the Second Miss here.

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