The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 874: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

"Yes, it was your drum, urn, and golden hammer that was obtained by chance." Fusu smiled and nodded.

Li Yuanba held the drum, urn and golden hammer in his hand and waved it in the summoning space.

Tsunade-hime watched all this from the side, her eyes widened.

"This person's strength is actually greater than mine." You can imagine the shock in Tsunade's heart.

Li Yuanba's strength has been described as "the strength of four elephants". In classical novels, the strength of one elephant is 12,500 kilograms, and the strength of the four elephants combined is more than fifty thousand kilograms, more than fifty thousand kilograms.

Although it is a bit exaggerated, it can also be seen that Li Yuanba is awesome.

Fusu looked at Li Yuanba and was even more surprised.

Li Yuanba didn't disappear?

Shouldn't Li Yuanba be born at this time?

Fusu had arranged Li Yuanba's identity.

Li Yuanba is too strong and is the only one who is free from the constraints of the system.

He is worthy of being the most powerful general in the world.

Afterwards, Fusu gave birth to Li Yuanba, and gave Fusu the identity of his sworn brother, who was named King Zhao.

This time, he accompanied Li Si as an envoy to the State of Qi.

"Who was that person just now?" Tsunade Ji came to Fusu's side and asked with a shocked look on her face.

She actually felt a fatal threat from Li Yuanba.

"He is Li Yuanba, my sworn brother," Fusu said with a faint smile.

Then, Fusu turned his attention to the system again.

"System, I want to use the beauty summoning privilege." Use it sooner or later, use it sooner or later.

Fusu needs to use it now.

Following Fusu's order, the system once again sent a summoning card!

Fusu stretched out his hand and took the summoning card.

"Huh?" Fusu's eyes couldn't help but light up when he saw the name above.

"Did I get into trouble with Li Shimin? First, it was Li Shimin's younger brother Li Yuanba, and now he even summoned Li Shimin's queen, Changsun Wugou. I wonder if Li Shimin will kill me when he finds out, but..." A lewd smile appeared on Fusu's face, "I like it."

Changsun Wuji is known as the virtuous queen of the generation and Changsun Wuji’s biological sister!

Known as Queen Wende, a native of Luoyang, with the small name Guanyin Maid, she is the daughter of Sun Sheng, the general of the Youxiao Guard in the Sui Dynasty, the sister of Sun Wuji, the prime minister of the Tang Dynasty, and the queen of Tang Taizong Li Shimin.

His father died when he was eight years old, and he was raised by his uncle Gao Shilian. He married Li Shimin at the age of thirteen and was named Princess Qin in the first year of Wude.

Thirteen years old, a primary school student!

It's simply a beast!

Fusu really couldn't imagine that kind of scene.

It's just too... too brutal.

Fusu couldn't bear such a hand.

The eldest grandson Wugao was canonized as queen thirteen days after Li Shimin ascended the throne. When he was in the throne, he was good at using the past to describe the present, correcting Li Shimin's political mistakes, and protecting loyal and capable ministers. Li Shimin gave birth to three sons and four daughters.

In June of the tenth year of Zhenguan, Changsun died in the Lizheng Hall at the age of thirty-six. She was posthumously named Queen Wende and was buried in Zhaoling of Tang Dynasty in November.

In the fifth year of Xianheng's reign, she was given the posthumous title of Queen Wende. In the eighth year of Tianbao's reign, she was given the title of Holy Queen Wen Deshun.

Li Shimin praised him as "Jia Ou" and "Liang Zuo" and built a mausoleum to commemorate him.

Empress Changsun is simple by nature and doesn't like waste. She only needs enough for what she needs. The requirements for the prince are also very strict. She often admonished the princes and asked them to put humility and frugality first. Even for your own biological children.

Li Chengqian, the eldest son of Empress Changsun, was established as the prince at an early age, and his wet nurse, Mrs. Sui'an, took charge of the daily expenses of the East Palace. Mrs. Sui'an was very concerned about the prince and felt that the utensils in the East Palace were not enough, so she repeatedly asked for more money in front of Queen Changsun.

Although Empress Changsun loved her son, she did not want to encourage the extravagance of the East Palace. She said to Mrs. Sui'an: "As a prince, the patient's morality is not established and his reputation is not well-known. Why bother with the shortage of utensils and insufficient expenses!" So she rejected Mrs. Sui'an's request.

Empress Changsun has always fully supported Li Shimin's career. As a queen, it goes without saying that she is excellent in the management of the inner palace.

He was very outstanding in protecting Zhongliang and supporting the imperial rule. Empress Changsun knew Taizong very well. She knew that it was not easy for her husband to be the king. Although Li Shimin had done an excellent job in accepting advice, there were always some oversights, and it was not easy for anyone to start well and end well.

So she often advised her husband to always remember to tolerate good words.

Empress Changsun once used Changle Princess Li Lizhi's dowry to give advice. She believed that "Han Fei said it was difficult to say, Dongfang Shuo said it was not easy." Good advice is hard to hear but good to practice. The most important thing for those who shoulder the responsibility of the country and the country is to tolerate honest advice.

"If you accept it, the world will be governed; if you reject it, it will lead to political chaos."

When he was dying, he still told his husband to trust gentlemen, stay away from villains, tolerate the good advice of loyal ministers, not listen to slanderous words, and stop hunting and labor.

The poem says, "The gangsters work hard all day and night to serve one person." This is what it means.

Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty found a virtuous queen as a match. In the Tang Dynasty, there was such a queen who dared to give advice and had great foresight. Empress Changsun really helped a lot with the emergence of the Zhenguan rule.

Chapter 1218 Secret Treasure - Qitou Shoe, the Stunning Queen Changsun

Changsun Wujia left behind many legends.

Fusu also respected his eldest grandson Wugou very much.

If the eldest grandson Wugou had been summoned by him earlier, Fusu would even be willing to let the eldest grandson Wugou become his queen and become the future queen of the Qin Dynasty.

Unfortunately, there is no if.

Changsun Wugou did not come out before.

It is impossible for Fusu to depose Concubine Yan for the sake of his eldest grandson Wugu.

Although Concubine Yan is not as good as Changsun Wugu, she is not bad either.

More importantly, the relationship between Fusu and Concubine Yan is very good.

Fusu looked at the summoning card of Changsun Wugou in his hand. He looked at the back of the summoning card and saw the life story and legend of Changsun Wugou!

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