The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 902: Summoning the Strong Generals in the War of All Realms

When King Qi saw it, Li Yuanba was completely skinny.

Who are you trying to scare with two fake giant hammers?

"Yes, Your Majesty," General Chen stood up directly.

"Let's go outside the palace. I want to see it for myself," King Qi said with a smile.

Following King Qi's order, everyone began to go out.

Outside the main hall, Li Yuanba stood on the left and General Chen stood on the right.

Chapter 1246 Vulnerable Qiankun Black Iron Ax

I saw that Li Yuanba was broad in front, thick in back and tall in stature.

Wearing this bronze helmet, the bottom is black, with a gold unicorn lying on it, a gold forehead, and two dragons fighting treasures inlaid on the eaves in front.

The surrounding pom-poms are black pom-poms with white dots, white pom-poms with red dots, and a big red pom-pom on the top door, which exudes power. The kelp is four fingers wide, and the silver nails on it are tight. Wearing a lotus leaf armor made of bronze with large turtle back leaves stacked in chains.

Lined with a tight black satin gown. The precious mirrors protecting the front and back are as bright as autumn water, dazzling. The armor sash with purple silk rope, the palm-wide lion belt that stretches the waist, a sword under the waist, a green shark skin scabbard, a gold mouthpiece, silver accessories, apricot yellow arms, the sword handle is sprinkled with red lantern tassels, The crotch is protected by the tail of a fish, three stacks of heaven-swallowing beasts are hung upside down, and a gold ring is held in the mouth, placed horizontally behind the iron lintel. The skirt is tied to the left and right, with gold edges and silver thread; the bright red middle coat is embroidered with white cranes.

Wearing a pair of colorful high-top boots with white thick soles and purple gold stirrups. Under the body is a black horse, which is four feet long from head to tail, nine feet seven from hoof to back, and seven inches thin. It has big hooves, a praying mantis neck, a hanging belly, a saddle and a hoe for chewing, and a new chop. The horse is hung with a mighty bell, which matches a pair of purple and gold stirrups. The man is energetic and the horse is majestic.

This BMW is like a cloud of smoke. Looking behind him, we can see that the four back-protecting flags have similar faces. The heart is inlaid with green silk, embroidered with gold unicorns and white flames, matched with four white silk ribbons, embroidered with green cloud dragons, silver gourds cover the top, and orchid ears hang low.

Looking further at the face, you can see a long round face, a wide forehead, and two troweled eyebrows. If you look closely, there are seven whorls inside, which are called seven-turn eyebrows. The eyes are round and open, similar to iron bells, with more black eyes and fewer white eyes. The head is straight. , big ears to match, four-character wide mouth, no beard under his chin, he is a handsome young man.

General Chen, who is on the other side, wears a frost-covered sun-dazzling helmet with a handful of green tassel on his head; he wears a pair of fishing armor inlaid with plum blossoms and elm leaves, tied with a red velvet belt, with animal faces on the front and back. Covering his heart, he wears a white flowered robe with a purple velvet flying belt hanging from it. On his feet are yellow leather-soled boots, a leather target bow, and several chisel arrows.

In General Chen's hand, he held a long Fangtian painted halberd, which looked very powerful.

Surrounded by red walls and green tiles, the walls are high and block out the sky and the sun.

Incomparably majestic and magnificent, the majestic palaces have splendid golden roofs, standing next to each other, staggered in height and row upon row. Looking from a distance, they attract people to worship. The golden glazed tile double-eaves roofs shine dazzlingly in the sun. The light makes people confused and cannot distinguish the direction from east to west.

It is Qi Wang Palace.

Li Yuanba looked at General Chen in front of him with a look of disdain on his face.

"Go to hell." Li Yuanba struck the drum, urn, and golden hammer directly at General Chen.

General Chen's expression couldn't help but change, because he discovered a fact that was difficult for him to accept.

The double hammers in Li Yuanba's hands turned out not to be fake, but actually real.

General Chen was immediately shocked.

General Chen stretched out his hand and used all his strength to block the attack.

"Bang", there was a loud noise, and General Chen flew out directly, and then fell unconscious.

"Hmph, vulnerable." Li Yuanba snorted coldly.

"Bang", at this moment, Li Yuanba released a drum, urn and golden hammer in his hand.

Then I saw that the floor on the ground was completely broken.

"Oh my God", everyone was shocked and dumbfounded.

The way everyone looked at Li Yuanba suddenly changed.

"Gudong", everyone couldn't help but swallow their saliva, they seemed unable to accept this fact.

"If you want to challenge me, you must be able to pick up my giant hammer. Otherwise, don't die in vain." Li Yuanba snorted and said very proudly.

Everyone's faces were very ugly.

"My dear friends, which one of you is willing to come?" King Qi couldn't help but asked with a confused look on his face.

But unfortunately, everyone was a little cowed.

At this moment, a minister came out and said to King Qi.

"Your Majesty, there is a man under my command named Nangong Li. He has the courage that no man can match, and he is also born with divine power. He should be able to do it."

"Oh, please come quickly." King Qi's eyes couldn't help but light up.

"Yes", the general went straight down.

After about a stick of incense, the general returned, with a strong man beside him.

He is indeed a strong man, even stronger than Wushuang Ghost.

Able to carry a cauldron, he is born with divine power.

"Meet the King of Qi", Nangong Wan saluted to the King of Qi.

"Yes." King Qi looked at Nangong Wan and couldn't help but nodded.

"Nangong Aiqing, if you defeat this little brother, I will be rewarded heavily," King Qi said to Nangong Wan.

"Yes, Your Majesty", Nangong Wan stood up directly.

"Nangong Aiqing, what weapons do you need?" King Qi asked.

Of course he hopes Nangong Wan wins.

"Your Majesty, I am good at using a big axe," Nangong Wan answered truthfully.

"Oh, bring out the Qiankun Black Iron Ax that I have collected," King Qi said to the soldiers.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

After a while, six people came out carrying a huge long ax!

Chapter 1247: Brave and unparalleled

Six people were carrying a huge axe, which seemed to be very strenuous.

"Humph", when Nangong Wan saw this, there was a look of disdain in his eyes.

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