The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 907: Summoning the Strong Generals in the War of All Realms

Zhong Limei is a great archer, Fusu is not bad either, veteran Huang Zhong? White-robed Divine Arrow King Bodang? Xiao Li Guanghua Rong? Or is it the real owner Li Guang?

Long Qi is the head of the Five Tigers, but what if his opponent becomes Guan Yu and Guan Yunchang? Changshan Zhao Zilong? Need I say more?

Yu Ziqi is also a master, but what if he is allowed to fight against Silver Hammer Taibao Pei Yuanqing, Ancient Evil Lai Dian Wei, and Tiger Fool Xu Chu?

Of course, this is the worst case scenario.

Fusu did not prepare for the worst.

He also plans to poach someone!

At least Zhong Limei is one of them. If he is lucky, he might be able to poach Yu Ziqi and his sister Yu Ji, who are also Shi Lan's followers.

It's not impossible!

As for Fan Kuai, Zhou Bo, Guan Ying and others, Fusu hasn't given much thought yet.

After all, he has many generals under his command, including Shan Xiongxin, Wu Song, Yang Yanzhao and Yang Yanping, as well as the newly summoned Eight Hammers.

Fusu looked at Liu Ji's summoning card in his hand, with a happy look on his face.

Liu Ji, courtesy name Bowen, was born in Nantian Township, Qingtian County, so he was called Liu Qingtian. He was a strategist, statesman, and writer in the late Yuan and early Ming Dynasties. He was the founding father of the Ming Dynasty. He was granted the title of Uncle Chengyi in the third year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty, so he was also called Liu Chengyi. .

In the ninth year of Zhengde reign of Emperor Wuzong, he posthumously awarded him the posthumous title of Grand Master, Wencheng. Later generations called him Liu Wencheng and Wencheng Gong.

Liu Jitong is a master of classics and history, astronomy, and military art. Together with Song Lian, Ye Chen, and Zhang Yi, he is known as the four famous scholars in eastern Zhejiang. He assisted Zhu Yuanzhang in completing his imperial career, creating the Ming Dynasty and trying his best to maintain the stability of the country. Therefore, he became famous all over the world and was compared to Zhuge Wuhou by later generations.

Zhu Yuanzhang repeatedly called Liu Ji: "My son's wife."

In the history of literature, Liu Ji, Song Lian and Gao Qi are known as the "Three Masters of Poetry and Prose in the Early Ming Dynasty".

There is a widely circulated saying among Chinese people that "Zhuge Liang divided the world into three parts, and Liu Bowen unified the country; Zhuge Liang, the military advisor of the former dynasty, and Liu Bowen, the military advisor of the later dynasty".

He is famous for his uncanny calculations and strategizing.

When Fusu was in his previous life, he was playing Hero Kill.

Liu Bowen's famous saying impressed Fusu deeply - half like the sun and half like the moon, once bitten by a golden dragon!

It is said that there is also a story about Liu Bowen and Zhu Yuanzhang.

According to rumors, one morning, Ming Taizu ate sesame seed cakes in the inner hall and took only one bite. He even heard that the Internal Supervisory Committee reported that Liu Ji and Liu Bowen had come to see him.

Taizu wanted to test Liu Ji, so he covered the sesame cake with only one bite in a bowl and called Liu Ji into the palace to see him.

After Liu Ji entered the palace, Taizu asked: "Sir, you know a lot about mathematics. Can you tell what is in the bowl?" Ji Nai took out his fingers and counted, and said to him: "Half like the sun and half like the moon, one part was bitten by a golden dragon." .”

At this point, I believe everyone can get the answer based on Liu Bowen’s words, and Ming Taizu also had to admire it!

This is not only a small allusion, but also a masterpiece that has been circulated in China for hundreds of years - "The Song of Shaobing".

Zhu Yuanzhang learned about Liu Ji's abilities through the "shaobing" incident, so he began to ask the world about future generations.

Liu Ji returned and said: "There are countless days, but my lord has thousands of descendants. Why bother asking."

Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to know: "Although the rise and fall have been certain since ancient times, the world is not owned by one person. Only the virtuous can enjoy it. Why not say it? Let's try to briefly describe it."

Liu Ji said: "I am guilty of a serious crime for leaking secrets! Your Majesty forgives me for dying before I dare to risk it."

Zhu Yuanzhang immediately awarded him a gold medal to avoid death.

Liu Ji then said: "My dynasty, the Ming Dynasty, unified the world. The south will eventually be destroyed and the north will be destroyed. The prince who is his direct descendant is his direct descendant. The literary star is high and the sun is guarding the west."

Zhu Yuanzhang said: "My capital city is now tightly guarded by bamboos. How can we defend against it?"

Ji said: "I see that although the capital is fortified and well-defended, it seems that there is no danger, but I am afraid that swallows will fly in."

Three random songs:

“This city is conquered by the royal guards, and the mountains and rivers in one courtyard are peaceful forever;

Bald men come to Wenmoyuan, and half of the heroes return home.

The barbarians in the north lost their lives, but the emperor personally conquered peace;

The heroes who miscalculated did not dare to remonstrate, and the old spirit covered the master's frightened mind.

The country has been oppressed by auspicious clouds for seven years, and the barbarians dare not harm the virtuous;

Send the golden dragon back to its old days, and the bright sun and moon will vibrate the frontier. "

Chapter 1252: Dragon-Slaying Technique, Heaven-Breaking Staircase, "Liujia Heavenly Book"

"Shaobing Song" predicts hundreds of years of history after the Ming Dynasty.

Liu Bowen's "Shaobing Song" is a very accurate prediction. This prophecy can be found in the traditional Chinese almanac "Tongsheng".

As for why it is called "Shaobing Song".

Of course it has something to do with Zhu Yuanzhang’s sesame cakes.

"Song of Shaobing" and "Tui Bei Tu" from the Tang Dynasty both predicted events in later generations very well.

Very powerful.

(In relation to the work, Lao Wu will upload the full version of "Shaobing Song")

Known as a rare classic.

Moreover, according to folklore, Liu Ji can also "slay the dragon" to cut off the Chinese dragon veins.

According to some legends, Liu Bowen cut off the ladder that ascended to the heaven. From then on, China's aura began to dissipate.

Mortals cannot ascend, and gods cannot descend.

Liu Ji was different from others when he was a child. Liu Ji was talented but easy to learn. He was extremely intelligent. He was enlightened in literacy by his father and was very studious. The reading speed is extremely fast, and it is said that all seven elements can be read.

He passed the examination as a scholar at the age of twelve and was called a "child prodigy" by the elders in the countryside.

Fourteen-year-old Liu Ji entered the government to study. He studied the Spring and Autumn Classics under his tutelage. This is a Confucian classic that is obscure, concise and profound, and difficult to understand, especially for beginners, who usually just hold the book and recite it without understanding its meaning. Liu Ji was different. Not only could he recite it fluently after reading it silently twice, but he could also elaborate on the meaning of the text and express it in a way that no one before him had said. The teacher was greatly surprised when he saw this, thinking that he had read it before, so he tried several other passages, and Liu Ji could recognize the gist of it at a glance.

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