The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 911: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

It didn't seem crowded at all.

Fusu looked at the opportunity to summon another dimension.

"System, are there any restrictions on summoning opportunities from different dimensions?" Fusu couldn't help but ask.

"As long as they are not at the level of gods or gods, they can be summoned as long as they are in a different dimension," the system voice thought.

"Oh", Fusu couldn't help but nodded.

In this case, he must think about it carefully.

Fusu, the pervert, once again shifted his target to the beautiful woman.

The little dragon girl in the martial arts world? Huang Rong? Invite the moon? Shi Guanyin?

Terumi Mei in the anime world? Empress? Hinata?

Sister Tongtong in the real world? Uh-huh? Xuanxuan? Buns?

Meixi from the historical world? Concubine? Da Yuer? Xiao Yuer?

Mi Yue from the film and television world? Zhen Huan? Ruoxi? Princess Nihuang?

Characters kept popping up in Fusu's mind.

"What to do? Which one to choose?" Fusu couldn't help but think to himself.

First of all, it is not used in the historical world. He can be selected with a designated character summoning card. In other worlds, only combination rewards can be used.

Fusu frowned.

Different dimension, different dimension, finally got such an opportunity, of course I have to summon the most difficult one.

Fusu thought for a while and fell into deep thought.

"System, can I summon Chang'e?" Fusu couldn't help but ask, he was very curious.

"Ding dong, there are two types of Chang'e, one is the historical Chang'e, and the other is the legendary Chang'e. Which one will the host choose?" the system voice thought.

Fusu's eyes couldn't help but light up.

"It's really possible. Of course I will choose the legendary Chang'e." No need to ask.

Of course it’s the legendary Chang’e.

The legendary Chang'e is as beautiful as a fairy, no, she is a fairy-like existence.

Following Fusu's voice, a summoning card appeared in front of Fusu.

It is Chang'e's summoning card.

No one knows whether Chang'e exists or not. No one knows whether the story of Chang'e flying to the moon is true or false.

Fusu initially had the attitude of giving it a try to see if he could summon this legendary character, but he didn't expect that he could!

Chang'e, the daughter of Emperor Ku, one of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors in ancient times, and the wife of Hou Yi, had extraordinary beauty. Her original name was Chang'e. In the Western Han Dynasty, she was renamed Chang'e to avoid the taboo of Liu Heng, Emperor Wen of Han Dynasty. She was also called Chang'e.

Chang'e and Hou Yi pioneered monogamy. In order to commemorate them, later generations performed the story of Chang'e flying to the moon. There are many legends and poems about it among the people.

In myths and legends, Chang'e flew to the moon and became an immortal because she stole the elixir that Hou Yi obtained from the Queen Mother of the West. She lived in the Guanghan Palace on the moon.

Before the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was no information showing that Chang'e and Hou Yi were husband and wife. It was not until Gao You's annotation "Huainanzi" that Chang'e was Hou Yi's wife.

Later, Taoism combined Chang'e and the Moon Goddess Taiyin Xingjun into one person in its mythology. Taoism regards the moon as the essence of yin, and is respectfully called the Moon Palace Huang Hua Su Yao Yuan Jing Holy Queen Taiyin Yuanjun, or the Moon Palace Taiyin Emperor Xiaodao Ming Wang. Statue of goddess.

There are many stories and legends about Chang'e. According to rumors, Chang'e was the wife of Emperor Ku.

Chang Yi was the fourth concubine of Emperor Ku, one of the Five Emperors. According to legend, Chang'e and Chang Yi are the same person. Chang Yi is also called Chang Xi. Chang'e and Chang Xi were originally the same name. The two characters "E" and "Xi" have the same shape and sound in ancient Chinese characters, so they are actually one character. Yan.

Of course, this is just a legend. No one knows whether it is true or not, and no one knows it clearly.

Regarding Chang'e, the most famous story is undoubtedly the story of "Chang'e flying to the moon".

But even if Chang'e flies to the moon, there are many different versions.

The first version is the "forced and helpless" version.

According to rumors, Hou Yi was sent by the Emperor of Heaven to shoot down the nine suns. He was respected and loved by the people, and many people with lofty ideals came here to learn from him.

The treacherous and evil-minded Peng Meng also sneaked in.

And he also became Hou Yi's disciple.

Pengmeng was Hou Yi's disciple.

Later, Hou Yi inquired about the whereabouts of the "Elixir of Life" and asked the Queen Mother of the West for a package of elixir, which he gave to Chang'e for safekeeping.

Peng Meng took advantage of Hou Yi's absence and forced Chang'e to hand over the elixir. Chang'e swallowed the elixir when she was in danger. After a while, she floated off the ground, landed on the moon and became an immortal.

Hou Yi returned home and was unable to find a wife. He beat his chest and stamped his feet, looked up at the moon and called Chang'e's name thousands of times. His call alarmed the sky, and sure enough, Chang'e's figure appeared on the bright moon.

Hou Yi hurriedly set up the incense table, put on her favorite sweetmeats and fresh fruits, and offered sacrifices to Chang'e in the moon palace.

After the people heard the news that Chang'e flew to the moon and became an immortal, they also set up incense tables under the moon to pay homage to Chang'e from afar.

Later, the Moon Mother was moved by Yi's true love and allowed Chang'e to meet Yi under the laurel tree on the day of the full moon.

From then on, the custom of worshiping the moon during the Mid-Autumn Festival spread among the people, and this version of the legend has been passed down to this day.

Chapter 1257: Beautiful as a fairy, secretly taking the elixir

Fusu also knew something about this version, and it was recorded in ancient books.

"Huainanzi·Eight Outer Chapters" writes:

In the past, Yi was hunting in the mountains and met Chang'e under the laurel tree. Then the laurel was used as a proof, and it was a perfect match made in heaven.

When Yao was captured, he went out together in ten days. The crops are burned, vegetation is killed, and the people have nothing to eat. The 猰貐, Chisel Teeth, Jiu Ying, Dafeng, Feng Xi and Xiu Snake are all harmful to the people. Yao then ordered Yi to cut his teeth in the fields of Chouhua, kill nine infants on the ferocious water, beat the strong wind in the swamp of Qingqiu, shoot upwards for ten days, and then go down to kill the dogfish, cut off the snakes and cultivate them in the Dongting, capture and seal the cockroaches in the cave. Mulberry forest. All the people were happy and made Yao the emperor.

Yi asked the Queen Mother of the West for the elixir of immortality and entrusted it to Da'e. He stole it when he was in trouble, but failed to steal it, and wanted to harm Da'e. E had no idea and swallowed the elixir to ascend to heaven. However, he couldn't bear to leave Yi and stayed in the Moon Palace. Guanghan was lonely and desolate, and there was no way to continue, so he urged Wu Gang to cut down Gui, and the Jade Rabbit pounded the medicine, hoping to prepare the medicine for ascension and return to the world.

When Yi heard that E was flying towards the moon, he was so sad that he wished he could live. In gratitude for his sincerity, the Moon Mother allowed E to meet Yi under the laurel on the day of the full moon.

There are many people among the people who hear his whispers.

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