The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 913: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

Following Fusu's order, a summoning card appeared in front of Fusu.

It was the famous fierce general Meng Zhang Fei during the Three Kingdoms period.

During the battle at Chang Banqiao, Zhang Fei shouted loudly, scaring Wei general "Xia Houjie" to death.

Zhang Fei, a native of Zhuojun, Youzhou, was a famous general of the Shu Han Dynasty during the Three Kingdoms period.

Liu Bei retreated at Changbanpo. Zhang Fei only led 20 cavalry to cut off the rear and cut off the bridge by the water. No one from Cao's army dared to approach. When he swept Xichuan with Zhuge Liang and Zhao Yun, he released Yan Yan in Jiangzhou. During the Battle of Hanzhong, he defeated Zhang He in Danqu. , made great contributions to the Shu Han Dynasty. He was promoted to general of chariots and cavalry, captain of Sili school, and Marquis of Xixiang. He was later assassinated by Fan Qiang and Zhang Da. In the later lord era, he was posthumously named "Huanhou".

In the traditional culture of Kyushu, Zhang Fei is known for his bravery, recklessness, and hatred of evil. Although this image mainly comes from folk arts such as novels and dramas, it has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Zhang Fei was a brave man and once led 20 cavalry to scare off Cao's army at Changbanpo. He also had good calligraphy and was good at painting beauties. His calligraphy and portraits are still preserved today. Zhang Fei was very polite to knowledgeable people. For example, when Liu Ba first surrendered, Zhang Fei immediately visited his home, but Liu Ba did not say a word to him. Although Zhang Fei was angry, he did not complain.

Zhang Fei also valued heroes, but Zhang Fei had a bad temper and was very harsh on his soldiers.

Liu Bei often advised Zhang Fei: "You have done too much in punishing and killing, and you are also whipping healthy children every day, and you have orders on your left and right. This is the way to bring disaster."

But Zhang Fei didn't listen. Sure enough, Zhang Fei died at the hands of his subordinates.

In terms of personal bravery, Zhang Fei single-handedly challenged Cao Cao's army at the Changban Bridge. No one dared to approach him. He was famous as the "enemy of ten thousand people"!

In terms of military offensive, Zhang Fei led his troops to quickly capture Xichuan, creating a situation in which the Three Kingdoms stood in opposition to each other, and his offensive capabilities were very strong.

In terms of strategic defense, Zhang Fei defeated the invading Cao Wei general Zhang He and wiped out his entire army. The defense was very good.

In terms of personal charisma, Zhang Fei loves to respect gentlemen and interprets his strict appearance. He is known as a scholar of the country and has great charm.

In terms of loyalty, righteousness and courage, Zhang Fei broke off the throne alone and clung to the long board, saving Liu Bei from danger. Moreover, his brother Guan Yu was loyal and righteous enough.

In terms of reputation among the people, Zhang Fei governed central Sichuan and was loved by everyone. After his death, the people immediately built a temple for him, and his reputation was very good.

In terms of literary accomplishment, Zhang Fei is excellent in calligraphy and painting, and he likes to recite poetry. He is an elegant scholar.

In terms of internal affairs talents, Zhang Fei governed Bashu, the people lived and worked in peace and contentment, the country was prosperous and stable, and the internal affairs were good.

In terms of personal achievements, Zhang Fei captured Bachuan in the west, fought against Cao Cao in the north, and conquered Bashu in the south. His achievements are shining.

In terms of historical status, Zhang Fei was the founding general of the Shu Han Dynasty, the "Tiger Minister of the World", and had a great influence in the Three Kingdoms period.

Regarding personal shortcomings, Zhang Fei is "violent and ungrateful" to villains, and he also manipulates them. His character is too straightforward and lacks sophistication.

Chapter 1259 The Myth of the Zhangba Snake Spear, the Combination of the Five Tiger Generals

The Zhang Fei in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is a fierce Zhang Fei, while the Zhang Fei in history is both civil and military.

Fusu was very curious as to whether the one summoned was the historical Zhang Fei or the Zhang Fei from "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

Chen Shou commented in "Three Kingdoms": "Both Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are known as enemies of ten thousand people, and they are tiger ministers in the world. Yu serves Duke Cao, flies righteousness to explain Yan Yan, and has the style of a national scholar. However, Yu is strong and reserved. , being violent and merciless, defeating by shortcomings, this is the normal course of reasoning."

Guo Jia once praised highly: "They have great talents and win the hearts of the people. Zhang Fei and Guan Yu are both enemies of ten thousand people."

In the third year of Jianzhong's reign, Yan Zhenqing, the etiquette envoy, suggested to Tang Dezong that 64 famous ancient generals should be honored and temples should be built to commemorate them, including "Sichuan Chariot and Cavalry General Xixiang Hou Zhang Fei".

At the same time, only Guan Yu, Zhang Liao, Zhou Yu, Lu Meng, Lu Xun, Deng Ai and Lu Kang were included in the list of temple privileges.

In the fifth year of Xuanhe, the Song Dynasty followed the practice of the Tang Dynasty and established temples for famous ancient generals. Among the seventy-two famous generals, Zhang Fei was also included.

In the "Seventeen Histories and One Hundred Generals" written during the Northern Song Dynasty, Zhang Fei was also among them.

There are many controversies about Zhang Fei. Similarly, Zhang Fei also has many interesting stories.

The rumored Xintinghou Sword is one of the top ten famous swords in ancient times. When Zhang Fei first worshiped as Xintinghou, he ordered a blacksmith to smelt Chizhu Mountain Iron and forge a famous sword. The sword is inscribed "Xintinghou" and is worn everywhere. .

After Guan Yu died in battle, Zhang Fei went to Soochow to avenge his brother. Before going out, he beat the soldiers after drinking. The general couldn't bear it. He sneaked into Zhang Fei's camp at night, beheaded Zhang Fei with the Xintinghou knife, and defected to Dongwu overnight. Wu.

Because of Guan Yu's relationship, Zhang Fei's story was also described as "amazing", especially Zhang Fei's weapons.

It is even more deified.

Legend has it that Zhang Fei was a pig butcher and used a pair of pig butcher knives all day long, so in the early stage, Zhang Fei used a pig butcher knife to fight.

But as a war general and a fierce general, it is always uncomfortable to use a butcher's knife as a weapon. Moreover, if you go to the battlefield with a butcher's knife, you will undoubtedly be laughed at by the enemy generals.

This is something that the face-conscious Zhang Fei would never allow.

Therefore, Zhang Fei was very distressed and urgently wanted a magic weapon that was dedicated to making a name for himself.

One day, Zhang Fei had a sudden impulse, as if something big was about to happen. He was walking by the river alone, thinking about how to get a decent weapon.

At this moment, Zhang Fei suddenly saw the river churning violently.

It was as if something was turning the river and the sea, causing layers of water waves.

So, Zhang Fei opened his eyes and looked carefully, but he saw a huge black snake wandering in the river. It was this snake that caused such a movement.

Zhang Fei thought that the snake was so big and would be a disaster if left here, so he wanted to kill the snake.

Of course this black snake would not be afraid when he saw Zhang Fei.

Directly launched an attack on Zhang Fei.

But unfortunately, the black snake found that he was no match for Zhang Fei.

Helpless, Black Snake planned to sneak away secretly.

When Zhang Fei saw this, how could he allow it? So Zhang Fei chased him hard until he reached the foot of the bridge. Seeing that he had no way to go, the snake turned around and attacked Zhang Fei.

At this time, Zhang Fei jumped up with all his strength, grabbed the snake's tail, threw it several times in the air, and hit the bridge with all his strength. However, at this moment, there was a loud "bang" from the bridge, and the bridge collapsed, but he saw that the snake was already in his hand. Instead of a giant snake, there was a spear. The spear was one foot long and eight feet long. The spear tip was forked and curved like a python. Zhang Fei held the spear in his hand and suddenly felt that the spear seemed to have something. It was as if it had lost its life. When I played with it, I saw dots of stars, which were very powerful. I thought this weapon was suitable for me, Zhang Yide, so I used this weapon from then on and named it "Zhangba Snake Spear".

At this time, the Zhangba Snake Spear happened to be in Fusu's hand.

Moreover, in Fusu's hands, there is also Zhang Fei's mount, Black Wuzui.

Fusu thought of this, crushed the summoning card in his hand, and then summoned "Meng Zhang Fei".

Following Fusu's movements, a beam of light emerged.

Then, a figure emerged.

It was Meng Zhangfei on the summoning card.

I saw Zhang Feiyan with a tiger's chin and beard, a leopard's head and eyes, his voice was like a huge thunder, his power was like a fierce horse, and his whole body was full of brave aura.

It is the fierce Zhang Fei in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

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